
Chapter 64: The Champion.


Under everyone's shocked eyes the whole stadium was engulfed in the explosion. The explosion sent many debris towards the people sitting in the spectator seats.

This caused a panic among the viewers as they moved backwards to avoid being hit by the pieces of stones.

Many people were injured and some were even killed. 

Sitting in the Private room, Arion ordered the guards.

"Get some medics, treat the injured."

Accepting the task the guard bowed and left the room. Arion looked at the corner of the room and added.

"Take some of the shadow guards and be prepared to surround the man."

Keiran looked at the Stage ignoring the talk. His eyes were cold as he looked at the smoke that covered the entire ground.

'The aura,'

He heard Luna's voice in his mind causing him to nod while adding,

'Yeah, it did not vanish.'

As he spoke those words in a grim tone, the dust started to settle revealing a silhouette.

By the time the dust cleared everyone was shocked to see Victor barely standing on his feet.

A huge chunk of his left side was blown off, the rest of his body was covered in ashes making him look even more menacing.

Blood was dripping from his left body but what caught everyone's attention was something else.

In the middle of his chest a dark heart like structure was pulsating at an extremely fast pace. 

Victor fell on his knees and gasped for breath. 

"Fucking brat wanted to take me down with him. Haaah, because of him i had to sacrifice my left arm just to survive."

He yelled in frustration while clenching his hands into a fist. He slammed his fist into the ground and tried to stand up.

With staggering feets he stood up and saw that he was surrounded by many people covered in black clothing.

His eyes landed on the compartment form where Arion was watching standing behind the glass.

"Tch, I need to escape." He mumbled under his breath and looked for an opportunity to make a move.

"What is the meaning of this?" he asked, trying to buy some time for himself.

"The king has asked for your presence. Please follow us quietly." one of the men stepped forward and replied in a cold tone.

"There is still a match left."

Before he could speak any further his expression changed and he looked downwards, the heart pulsating in his chest with fear and shock.

The speed at which the heart was pulsating kept on increasing by each passing second.

His face paled in horror and he exclaimed in a horror filled voice.

"Wait, you can not do this to me!!! We had a deal!!" Seeing his words did not have any effect, the man continued.

"If that's what you want I will expose your name as well." He had a look of madness in his eyes.

"I will wait for you in hell, E.." He laughed like a lunatic and exclaimed out loud causing the people in black to take a step back.

They went on guard and waited for the man to continue but before he could complete his sentence his body exploded sending pieces of his flesh across the stage.

Blood splattered in the air like it was raining blood. The guard bits and pieces of his body rolled on the ground.

In his personal compartment, Ethan looked at the bloodied stage with cold eyes and dispersed the ether glowing on his hands.

"What an idiot, does he think I will leave loose ends! At Least he took the boy down, If he was given time he might be hard to deal with."

Ethan mumbled as he walked back towards his seat. Taking a seat he looked at Arion's ugly face through the glass with a smirk.

'The countdown begins.'

Arion looked at the splattered pieces of flesh on the ground and slammed his fist on the glass causing cracks to appear on it.

'Once more, I could not get anything once more. First it was the assassin, now this guy. Something is brewing in the shadows.'

"Come back" with a single command he called the guards back to their position.

"Keep an eye on this type of fluctuation throughout the kingdom. I want anyone who uses this kind of energy detained alive and brought to me."

Arion ordered the shadow guards in a cold voice as he took his seat on a luxurious sofa.

Keiran silently watched everything unfold, he was trying his best to find the nature of the other energy he just saw.

Aiden sighed as he looked at the bloody sight and closed his eyes. Although he got accustomed to deaths of people, the gore filled scene still troubles him.

The people in the arena started to settle down, even though many of their known or friends died, they did not show that much of a response in return.

The commentators also got their bearing back as they announced,

"Wow! That was a tragic end. Ladies and gentleman With this the semi-finale of the championship concludes."

The crowd roared in excitement as the Commentator continued.

"Now I would like to call the next challenger on the stage. Give a good cheer for our next challenger because he is none other than Mr. Daiki Kurosaki!!."

The crowd got even more rowdy hearing the name.

Keiran looked towards Seraphina and asked.

"Wasn't he present in the meeting? How can he compete in between?" confusion was evident in his voice.

Seraphina understood what he was implementing and replied.

"He had participated in the match since the beginning, unlike the common people the noble families have the freedom to walk around freely when they do not have any match going on or if they have a meeting to attend."

Understanding dawned on his mind as Keiran nodded, he looked towards the stage and he saw the old man walking towards the center with his eyes closed and a katana tied on his waist.

"Since Mr. Kurosaki is the sole challenger left, he will be crowned the champion of this season. How would you like to proceed Mr. Kurosaki?"

The old man smiled warmly and replied with his voice echoing in the whole arena causing everyone to turn silent in shock.

"I would like to challenge his Majesty the King."

Sorry it is a short chapter cuz i suddenly got fever and could not focus properly.

Odayakacreators' thoughts
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