
Starting Anew

Rachael rummaged through the mail that rested in front of her on the table looking for the ones that she had not opened as yet.

Finding two unopened, she quickly got the letter opener and quickly opened the two from San Francis Memorial Hospital. After quickly skimming through the articles she rested the letters down and let out a sigh.

Then Rachael turned to Derrick with a concerned look on her face. She had just opened the mail, revealing the upcoming increases in medicine. The very medicine that Amelia would need for her Autism Spectrum Disorder.

"My mom is always saying that medicine in Europe is cheaper than in the US. Maybe it is time that we move, urged Rachael"

Derrick pondered for a bit, then looked at the window where Amelia sat staring out into the nothingness.

I can't tell if she is still grieving for your sister. All she does is stare at the television or stare outside. It has been a little over three years and she still resides in that state. I can't even tell if the medication is actually working, Rachael continued.

Ok, Derrick agreed. We will move to your parents, hopefully my niece will get proper help or better treatment there. Let us start packing, he said as they turned and headed to the bedroom.

Amelia felt the warm sunlight as it came through the window and touched her skin. She first stared at the clouds as they passed by and then at the street.

Soon the supply truck will arrive at the shop below, as it always does on a Wednesday afternoon. It's yellow and black number plate with the initials of FYD - 447098 always look slanted as if placed on unevenly. Maybe it would be someone she had never seen before, driving the truck this time. Their faces always seem to remain in her mind.

At the end of the week, they were on a flight to London, to the family of his wife, their new future home.

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