
Tale's of Yonus- The Chaos Chronicles

This is my First Novel, so if you see any mistakes please point them out. Notice: This Novel is currently in the process of being rewritten, I ask for your patience until the rerelease. You may still read the current version at your own discretion. It will remain until I'm read to release the remade chapters. Every Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 A.M EDT --------- In the ever-shifting realm of Yonus, the fabric of reality is constantly under siege, twisted and contorted by those wielding unimaginable power. Over time, the populace has grown accustomed to this unsettling state of flux, adapting to the unpredictable nature of their world. However, the arrival of a new era shatters the fragile peace they've come to accept. From the depths of the cosmos, unfathomable horrors descend upon Yonus, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. These otherworldly abominations, once beyond the realm of mortal comprehension, now roam freely, spreading chaos and despair across the land. In the face of such overwhelming threats, the denizens of Yonus are forced to retreat to fortified enclaves, clinging to the hope of survival. Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of defiance ignites in the hearts of the brave few who dare to challenge the encroaching darkness. As the battle for the fate of their world rages on, alliances are forged, secrets unearthed, and heroes rise from the ashes of destruction. With every passing moment, the stakes grow higher, and the line between salvation and annihilation blurs. In this gripping tale of courage and resilience, the destiny of Yonus hangs in the balance, teetering on the brink of oblivion. Will the inhabitants muster the strength to reclaim their homeland and banish the encroaching terrors, or will they be consumed by the relentless tide of chaos? --- Before you decide you don't like the story or it's not to your taste please try and read to chapter 12, so you could get a taste of how I write action scenes as well. Book cover image is made by AI for now

TrueVoid45 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 20 Understanding the next Stage

Behind the Orpheus family's City of Hope estate lay an expansive open field, lush with greenery and vibrant with life. Jaylen strolled through the field, his eyes scanning for a tranquil spot where he could meditate. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds filled the air, creating a serene backdrop. Relying on his heightened senses, he hoped to find a place where he could immerse himself in nature and find the peace he sought.

After a few moments, he found the perfect location: a secluded area where a small, clear stream wound its way through the field. The soft gurgle of the water flowing over smooth stones added a soothing rhythm to the surroundings. Jaylen felt a sense of calm wash over him, as if the spot itself was inviting him to stay. He sat down and crossed his legs into a lotus position, taking a deep breath. His exhalation was long and measured, his breathing gradually becoming more rhythmic and controlled as he focused inward.

Within the depths of Jaylen's sea of consciousness, a remarkable sight awaited him. At the very center, a small sapling pulsed with vibrant energy. Its crystalline structure shimmered, flashing a myriad of colors that seemed to dance in a mesmerizing display. This sapling, his elemental core, was the source of his power. A projection of Jaylen appeared beside it, a spectral version of himself that existed within this inner realm. The projection's eyes opened, taking in the sight of the radiant sapling.

"So this is what my sapling looks like right now," the projection's thoughts echoed in the vast, ethereal space, as if spoken aloud. "I heard if you stare at it, you can see it grow a centimeter every minute."

The temptation to watch the sapling's growth was strong. Jaylen felt a deep curiosity to witness its gradual expansion, but he knew that there were more pressing matters to attend to. He could always observe it later, in future meditations. For now, he needed to focus on understanding his sapling and what he needed to do to advance to the next stage.

Drawing his attention back to the sapling, Jaylen concentrated deeply, reaching out with his mind. He sought to communicate with the core of his being, to uncover the secrets that would enable him to harness Chaos energy and move beyond his current limitations. The crystalline sapling responded to his intent, its colors shifting in response to his focus. Jaylen felt a connection forming, a subtle link between his consciousness and the sapling's pulsating energy.

As he delved deeper into this connection, the world around him faded away. The sound of the stream, the rustling leaves, the chirping birds—all were replaced by the steady rhythm of the sapling's pulse. Jaylen's emotions, a turbulent storm just moments ago, began to settle.

And though it felt like mere minutes had passed as Jaylen communicated with his sapling, in reality, only a second had slipped by in the outside world. Within the depths of his sea of consciousness, Jaylen's projection opened its eyes with newfound clarity. "I've got it," he thought, his excitement palpable. 

"To advance to the next stage, I need a deeper understanding of one of my techniques. After using 'Limit Break,' I was already close to a breakthrough. Mastering another technique might push me not just to the next stage, but perhaps even beyond."

The thrill of this revelation coursed through Jaylen, electrifying his every nerve. He finally had a direction to guide his training. Now, the challenge lay in choosing the right technique to focus on. Immediately, he dismissed 'Lightning Blitz.' Though powerful, it was primarily a sword technique aligned closely with the lightning element. He needed something more intrinsic to his bloodline, something that harmonized with the Chaos energy he sought to wield.

Jaylen sifted through his repertoire, methodically ruling out each sword technique. He had already devoted substantial time to mastering 'Dragon's Road,' achieving near perfection in its execution. Introducing another Dragon sword technique right now would dilute his efforts. Instead, he turned his attention to his close combat skills—an area that had revealed its shortcomings during his recent bout with Miss Xirenia. Despite 'Limit Break' enhancing his abilities, he had scarcely landed any hits.

Determined, Jaylen decided to hone his hand-to-hand combat skills. There were numerous techniques he needed to perfect, but his priority was clear: to find a close combat technique that could synergize with Chaos energy. Immersing himself deeper into his consciousness, he sought to access the knowledge embedded within his bloodline. Though he could only glimpse a fraction of this ancient wisdom, it was enough to guide him.

As he delved through the archives of his lineage, one technique stood out—'Dragon Fist.' The name alone resonated with a primal power, evoking the might and ferocity of his bloodline. Jaylen focused on this technique, his mind unraveling its secrets.

Taking one last glance at his crystal sapling, Jaylen left his sea of consciousness. Returning to the physical world, he opened his eyes, determination burning within them like a newly ignited flame. The clarity he had sought was now his, illuminating the path forward. His emotions, once a tempest of frustration and doubt, had transformed into a steady resolve. The peaceful setting, with the stream flowing serenely beside him, felt like a silent witness to his newfound purpose.

Jaylen stood up, stretching his limbs as he adjusted to the physical realm once more. He knew he needed a different place to practice 'Dragon Fist,' not wanting to disrupt the tranquility of this secluded area. This spot, he decided, would be his sanctuary for meditation and introspection, a place he would return to when he needed clarity.

As he walked away, the serene sounds of the stream and the rustling leaves gradually faded, replaced by the determined rhythm of his footsteps. Each step carried him closer to a more suitable training ground—a clearing he knew would be ideal for practicing the dynamic and forceful movements of 'Dragon Fist.'

Arriving at a spacious clearing, Jaylen paused to center himself. The area was perfect: open and flat, with enough space for the intense movements he would be performing. He closed his eyes briefly, repeating the motions of 'Dragon Fist' in his mind thousands of times. Each strike, each block, each fluid motion was imprinted in his memory, a dance of power and precision.

Opening his eyes, Jaylen began to mimic the movements with his own body. His fists moved through the air with deliberate speed and strength, each motion fueled by the raw energy of his bloodline. 

He repeated the movements continuously, hours blending into each other as he lost himself in the rhythm of his training. His body glistened with sweat, muscles straining as he pushed himself to perfect each motion. With every strike, he felt closer to understanding the essence of 'Dragon Fist.' The air around him seemed to crackle with energy, responding to his efforts.

After feeling he was comfortable enough, Jaylen changed into the basic stance for the True Dragon Combat style. He took a deep breath, centering himself, and then closed his eyes, envisioning an opponent. In his mind, he conjured a shadowy figure, a perfect adversary to test his skills against.

He launched a punch toward his opponent's head, his physical body moving in perfect sync with his mental image. The shadowy figure anticipated the attack, skillfully redirecting Jaylen's fist away with a fluid motion. It then countered with a swift kick aimed at Jaylen's stomach. Already off-balance from the redirected punch, Jaylen channeled his strength into his legs and executed a quick leap over the shadow.

Landing in a crouch, Jaylen immediately swept his legs under the shadow, aiming to knock it off balance. The shadow, displaying remarkable agility, jumped over his sweeping legs and swung its own leg toward Jaylen's head. In a split second, Jaylen lifted his arms to block the attack, feeling the impact reverberate through his forearms. The shadow then switched tactics, using its other leg to strike at Jaylen's unprotected side.

Reacting instinctively, Jaylen activated his blink spell successfully, teleporting a short distance away. He felt the rush of displacement and reappeared just in time to see the shadow regrouping. Wasting no time, Jaylen sprinted forward, channeling his chaotic energy into his fist. As he executed the Dragon Fist technique, a phantom dragon materialized, coiling around his arm and roaring silently in unison with his strike.

The energy from his punch surged forward, but just as his fist was about to make contact, the shadow vanished. Jaylen's concentration shattered as a voice called out, disrupting his focus. "Jaylen, Aunt Mell said it's time for dinner."

Panting slightly, Jaylen looked toward the source of the voice and saw Lilith waving from a distance. "Alright, I'll be right there!" he shouted back, his voice carrying over the open field. He turned back to where the shadow had been, bowing slightly in respect to his imagined opponent.

Taking a moment to center himself, Jaylen walked over to Lilith, his mind still buzzing with the energy of the fight. Despite the interruption, he felt a deep sense of accomplishment. He had made progress, and the next steps on his journey were clearer than ever.

A few days later, Jaylen and Brandon were walking together, making their way out of the school to start their weekend. Brandon had insisted on walking with Jaylen because he had something important to discuss. Sarah had other commitments at school, so she wouldn't be joining them. Jaylen had a suspicion about what Brandon wanted to talk about.

Stopping in a more secluded spot, Brandon initiated the conversation. "Jaylen, I wanted to let you know something. I don't think you've noticed, but Yuki has been missing more days of school lately. I'd keep my eyes open if I were you. She might challenge you to a fight any day now."

"Really? I hadn't noticed," Jaylen replied, his tone dismissive. "I've been more focused on things that matter to me, not on someone still stuck in the past." Despite his words, Jaylen knew he was being hypocritical. He too was haunted by the past, bound by its chains tighter than he cared to admit.

Brandon let out a sigh and shook his head. "How confident are you that you could beat her in a fight?"

Jaylen chuckled. "One hundred percent. I don't think she can beat me at all. She never won against me when we were younger, and no matter how strong she's gotten, I've been getting stronger too."

"If you say so," Brandon replied, placing a hand on Jaylen's shoulder. "Let's get out of here. You still have training to do, right?" 

As they walked away, they didn't notice the figure cloaked in darkness standing nearby, holding a notebook. The figure's voice echoed softly in the silence, "This is going to be a great scoop."


Chapter End

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

My worries were unfound, my Brain was just short Circuiting after i manged to focus i managed to write a decent number of words for the chapter so enjoy it still shorter but not by much.

TrueVoid45creators' thoughts