
Chapter 5 The war begins

Governors office:

(What the hell is going on in my slums!? Maybe sending that idiot butch to deal with it, perhaps I underestimated the situation with now both the north and eastern slums have gone dark and no matter who I send to find out what the fuck is going on down their. it has to be the actions of this Night Haunter sense the last rumors I received from both sections is a madman is on some crusade against crime. Whoever this is, they are conquering my slums and I can't have the peons fall under someone else's control. After all, they are my slaves to use, not theirs. But the question is, how do I upgrade the remaing slums without showing some weakness? Possibly, a bounty on this man's head will solve this. hmmmm I need to think of a solution soon before they can spread maybe I should hire out more guards, yes that will do and the payment to the gangs could be equipment likely to put this man down but not put myself in danger.)

"Servant, contact the Armsman and the radio jockey. I have a contract they will want to sign and put a bounty contract on this night haunter." the man demands, but the servant remains waiting for another command.

" Well..... GET TO IT YOU PEON BEFORE I HAVE YOU KILLED. " the governor screamed

3rd Person POV 1 day later:

The whole underground of nostramo quintis was practically buzzing with activity for the news brought down from on high. The night haunters head is being called for, and the reward is to be allowed control of both the northern and Eastern slums. Of course, the underground has heard that this madman seems to be a nightmare incarnate, but the rewards are well worth the chance of death in this mission,

(after all what's the worst that could happen when a whole city is hunting one man) thought most of the mercs and gang member believing they have found their golden ticket to go to the top of the hierarchy.

With the borders of the land of fear being tested in force for the first was quite a curve ball, but unlike the original timeline, konrad is not alone and all these greedy criminal are doing is providing free test subjects for the judges to learn everything from how to tail them, how to interrogate them, how to properly investigate their crimes and to deal out punishments worthy of those said crimes creating a new legend added to the night haunter and that is the dread the grim shadow that follows the night haunter sweeping the shadows and bringing fear to all who know that justice is coming and it will hold no mercy for those undeserving. And some may question what about the Night haunter himself, well he is able to bounce back to the slums to help when the going is tough but when that isn't the case he continues his crusade on the criminals in the north. It wasn't a cake walk due to konrads refusals to needlessly kill the innocent and thos struggle has stimulated a new psyker power he now puts to great use being able to now gaze into the very soul of those experiencing a certain amount of sure terror show konrad what crimes have been committed and how these people even truly feel of the crimes soldifing his belief that not everyone on this planet is unable to walk the path of redemption. Using this brand new skill has made finding the criminals and picking them out from those forced into being these criminals slaves. With the northern gangs slowly being destroyed and displayed in the streets as a warning for the rest, but the hard part is just beginning with konrad trying to find a way to remove the more dangerous weapons from the innocent so they may never fill the gap of the recently removed gangs. This has forced konrad into something he's never dealt with before now, and that problem is to deal with protests without crossing the line.

Konrad POV:

( I swear these people have more firepower than texans, but I'm rather suprises they are now rising up when I'm taking most of the guns from them but they did nothing about the gangs with said guns. It all seems a bit fishy to me...) konrad standing in front of an angry crowd of these civilians when he's hit by a rather important vision of a man firing a pistol in the crowd at him and the vision splits at this at this point into two different decisions he could take. The first vision find konrad flying into a rage that something he set up to try and subdue the innocent that he hold no ill will for them only to be destroyed by the protest becoming a riot leading to a massacre by konrads hands ending with konrad in the middle of an ocean of blood of the innocent sheep led to their doom by on criminal with a agenda. The second vision shows konrad with an outburst of his aura shuts up the crowd, even stunning the first shooter, allowing him to call on this challenger to his beliefs allowing the people to hear his beliefs leading to greater public support especially after revealing a few powers of mine but there is danger in this as, if I lose the debate I could be facing a homegrown insurgency no doubt supported by the criminals trying to preserve their power. Now, after the vision ends with the sound of a gunshot and a bullet harmlessly whizzing past me, I make my choice and unleash my aura, enveloping the whole crowd, shutting down any thought of a riot as they all feel their very souls be judged and a few are found wanting with the new found silence being broken by konrad himself.

" You, Boy, come up here. You obviously disagree with my views even though I have yet to even speak of them. "

"Well, boy, come up here and speak your peace and put away the weapon it would do you no good when that pea shooter can barely scratch my skin," Konrad spoke in a demanding voice as a young man no older than 19 steps forward towards where I stand, parting the crowd like a heard of sheep moving away from a beast. Once the boy for that is all I can bring myself to call him, he begins to spout his beliefs before I even have a chance to ask him to do so.

"Who are you to change our lives? No one asked you to do so. Even looking at you and what you are capable of , it's obvious that you're not human for what human can create such fear on demand, what human could stand against hundreds of gangster and kill them all with only a bladed gauntlet?"

"You're right I'm not completely human, I'm a pramarch a genetically engineered superhuman made by the longest living human alive and he along with my brothers are out there to slowly bring humanity into a golden age." I replied while pointing a single finger towards the dark sky

"So you admit to not being human and are nothing but a monster to take away our freedom to do what we want. With the gangs gone, it should be us in control, not you. For the longest time, it's those with the strength and manpower that control everything and now that you have killed them we should be allowed to do whatever we want!" the boy declares

"You only want anarchy and chaos, you think with the gangs from others slums won't take their place at the drop of a hat, but I can promise you they would take that chance at anytime. Without order, without obedience, there can never be justice to those who were wronged. You speak as if you were leading a resistance before I even stepped foot in this slum but do you want to know how I know you all did nothing with your so called power? I can devour the flesh of my enemies to gain their memories I can even read your soul to see your true interests, and I can see yours clearly and thay is you wish to take the place of the criminal to live at the top of the food chain but to not put any work into it by simply waiting to fan the flames to depose me. You boy are no better then the criminals I have slaughtered on this planet and no matter how much of a monster I must become for these criminals I will bring order and security to this planet and make it thrive just like any of my brother will no doubt do(except mortarion thay broody lil bitch). You say me being a non human is a problem then look at what the regular humans have done to you and you will find your leaders wanting in comparison to me. Each of my brothers has a role in this universe and to help bring it all under my father's banner"

"So your here to conquer us? And what purpose would your father make a monster like you?" questioned the boy hoping to distract the audience from his intention beging revealed, but what he doesn't know is he has already lost any chance of lead this crowd after the shock of the news that there are more people like Konrad out there and for some truly are beginning to support konrad's cause.

"Yes I'm here to conquer for that is one of the purposes I was made. My other purpose has been clear to me sense my first glimpses into the future and that is to be the monster in the dark. The thing that terrorizes the enemies of man and all who stands in its way, I'm made to bring order to those who would have anarchy, I am to be the judge jury and executioner to those who would prey on the innocent in the shadows. And I promise you there are far worse creatures out there that either despise us or find us weak, both wishing for humanity's future to forever cast into the fires of CHAOS! (sadly they don't even know half of what truly wants us dead) So you decry me non human when my goal is more human than any goal you could ever have, order will be established (time to use that primarch charisma) and there will always be men like him hoping to discredit and abuse others to gain power over the innocent!

With that statement I could practically feel the anger pointed towards the sky and at the young man across from me, so I walk forward towards the boy and pick him up by the back of his neck and give his future a closer look and all I can see is resent and a hunger for power quite unhealthy, so condemning him to a fate most would find unfair but I think it right for the crowd he tried to control to be the end of him.

"NOSTRAMANS I have looked into this man soul and future and all I see sickens me for he still wishes to control you" After realizing he's in danger the boy begins to thrash out at me screaming

"How dare you do this to me you monster, why couldn't you have been some dumb brute, I could have controlled everything and owned everything" the boy screams as tears fall from his black eyes.

"See his true intentions bare when death and torture looms over these people. You shall see the true face of any man under the knife, but I shall not decide his fate for he has not wronged me personally( but he has in another time where I was forced over a line I refuse to cross) This man's fate is yours and what verdict will you the people give this man Incapable of redemption for his heart and very soul is consumed in greed. At the end on my declaration I snap the boys legs like a toothpick so he won't be able to run away and simply drop him infront of the crowd as I watch their reactions. At first none move and all are silent to a lone person in the back of the crowd shouts he deserves death and like a domino effect each person draws a blade for it has been now custom to always carry a weapon, and they slowly approach the now crawling man who is trying to escape their wrath. While they are stabbing the man to death I try to find those with criminal souls but it appears they have fled long ago.(Oh well they can't hide forever from their judgment)

Sadly unknown to me one of my little judges was there recording it and broadcasted it to every single audio device on nostramo causing two things to begin to form. A large support base of people preparing for a war not just with the gangs but the enemies of mankind. The other unseen consequence is a new cult is now created centered around me being a demigod sent here by his father to deliver them to a new golden age.


Author here

just again want to thank you readers for reading this project of mine and I hope yall continue to read and see this version of konrad grow

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