Ferguhlia Kingdom and Drakgknight Empire had always been sowrn enemy nations, the war between the two nations had been continuing since its foundation. Two individuals manage to temporarily stop the war, will it last forever? Follow the story of two Star-crossed lovers on their journey to love
"Ever since the void century ended and nations founded after our long alliance against the evil, two nations are at its fangs, always baring their teeth at each other. Countless wars have come and passed, too many people have died and almost tasted death. Rulers have come and go, soldiers are conscripted at a young age, mothers lost their sons, wives lost their husbands and children lost their fathers. Peace is a word that could never be felt, seen nor heard when these two nations clash, an endless tragic fighting." the Prime Minister narrated.
"We have seen tears, blood and sweat of the common people who did their best to help the countries prosper, intelligent minds of scholars who pursue knowledge to better the nations, strength of soldier who protect and guard us from dangers and the power, a Ruler, the King and Emperor, have to maintain the order and lives of its people." Added the Advisor.
"Now we see, hand in hand, that peace could be achieved, and hate can perish and disappear. I, King Yuri von de Ferguhlia, the 15th King of the Ferguhlia Sovereign, present to you my daughter, Estella Dorsei von de Ferguhlia" the King announced and walked hand-in-hand with his beloved daughter. Loud cheers can be heard from the people of Ferguhlia.
"As the Emperor of the current Drakgknight Empire, I have wished for the happiness and peace of my Empire. I, the 15th Emperor, Ashad Jouviari Drakgknight the first, present to you my son, the crown prince, Ahadd Elian Drakgknight!!" The Emperor, donned with his robe and crown, walked with prestige with his son. Loud cheers also spurred from the citizens of Drakgknight.
The Princess and the Prince looked at each other with loving gazes as they walk to each other towards the center and looked at the people below.
Sneakily, the Prince held the princess by her waist startling her, but nonetheless both kept their poker faces. With a smile and hand held they said in unison.
"We, as the children of the Monarchs, once was enemies now allies, have kept our feelings and now show the world what we truly are, We love each other, we pursue each other, we want to be together until our days pass and ends" The princess smiled then continue her speech.
"As we all know, battles have been the only thing connecting the two Nations but I digress!!! Love, love is also a way to be together and to achieve peace. I am not forced to do this for this man beside me, is the one my heart speaks to, the warmth I will cherish throughout of my life" the princess teared up with a sad nostalgic look on her face. the Prince hugged her and comforted her, giving her head a kiss, he made his speech.
"Do not be blinded by the past, the wars, the battles for they are the reason we never have peace. As I saw the lovely princess once, my heart was stolen, it was never returned, never thinking my beloved felt the same too. We met each other in secret ever since then, we made a pact under the moonlight promising our loves and hopes for each other. But one day we were seen and were forced to separate, another battle ensued, another lives lost." The prince was solemn when he talked, as the princess kept crying he made a determined face and continued.
"Unable to accept separation, my beloved once tried to take his life, hearing about this made me furious and frustrated for I cannot do anything about it. So I decided to confront both rulers, my father and the King, about our feelings and our will to be married. For once we become rulers, me and my beloved will prosper the nations as allies, as husband and wife and as people who wished for peace." the Prince looked at the princess and wiped her tears, knelt on the ground and said.
"My Beloved Esti, will you make me the happiest ruler alive?" the prince then looked with expectation in his eyes.
"Oh!!! Eli, I would!!! I would forsake my heritage just to be your wife!!!! Yes!" the princess replied and was suddenly kissed by the happy Prince. The people watching were skeptical and wary about the facade by the two royals but after hearing such heartfelt words and genuine affection between the two, loud applause and cheers were heard.
With a happy face the Rulers, both King and Emperor, said. " On this day, history will be changed we will pass on the crown to the both of them when they marry. After this there will be no more Ferguhlia Kingdom nor Drakgknight Empire, it will become the Allied Ferg-Knight Sovereign!!! Welcome your future King and Empress!!!!"
The people started cheering for the kingdom's new beginning and the festivities ended after a national banquet finished. In a room, there are two individuals staring- no glaring at each other as if they want to kill each other.
"Why did you kiss me? That was not what we practiced? and My beloved? Esti? Disgusting!!!!" Estelle angrily stomped her feet and went to get a basin and started scrubbing her lips and hands that the Prince touched.
"As if I liked that either... Argghh!!!! What poison did I eat to agree to this scam!!!!" The Prince lazily laid on the bed.
" Hey!!!! That' my bed, gp sleep on the couch!!!" The princess said after seeing the 'filthy' prince on the bed.
"Why don't you sleep on the couch. This is waaay more comfortable than the couch..." The Prince proceeded to sleep without a care for the rambling princess. The princess threw him the soap but he was unmovable as if he was glued to the bed.
"Argh!!!!! What bad thing did I messed with in my life to experience this horrendous nightmare!!!!" The Princess went to the couch and tried sleeping, but couldn't so she tried going to the bed.
"Oh, and what wind blew you to lay in the bed, go to the couch!!!" the prince sarcastically said.
"I am a princess, foremost a lady, a lady shouldn't be sleeping on the bed" she then gathered pillows and made a barricade between them. "If I feel you, even a hair width passed this line I'll cut your d- ahem your filthy rod" The Princess said menacingly.
"You should be the one who shouldn't pass this line or I'll kick you to the gutter, Hmph!" the Prince said then turned his back from the princess.
"Tsk, you wish!" the Princess then lay on the bed... 'Haa... how long is this farce gonna take?' She was tired on the first day, how would she be able to persevere for the rest of her life... What a shitty luck she had.