

"Im sorry kiddo, but he didn't make it. Your Daddy is gone. He's dead." I felt like million of knives stabbed my chest when I heard what the doctor says. I shout, cried loudly, and freaked out there, and the last thing I knew, I was being dragged by the nurses and they injected something on me.

When I  woke up I was  lying on a hospital bed and I saw my bestfriends sleeping like a mountain of fishes in the small couch. They were on top of each other. What happened? I heard the cracking sound of the door so I looked to check who it was.

A nurse entered and immediately smiled when she saw me awake. "How are you li'l  kid?" she asked still smilin'. I just mouthed 'good' to her and she started checking me. "Where is my Dad?" I saw how her smile vanished as she heard my question. She look at me, worry is all over her face. I know. I know he's gone. The doctor made it clear to me before I passed out. I just want to confirm if I'm just dreaming or not. I hope it's the first one.

"Kid, I'm sorry. But----" she stopped and looked at the doctor who came in. "How are you feeling kiddo?" he asked and I just nod. "Did you check her vital signs already?" he turned to the nurse, and she just nod to him before leaving.

"My Dad is gone right?" I asked again. I'm still hoping it isn't true. He patted my shoulder and I saw sympathy in his greyish eyes.  He gave me a warm smile as if telling that 'Everything's gonna be alright'

How am I gonna survive this life. I don't have family anymore. I lost my Mom already because of that fuckin' cancer and now I lost my Dad too. I'm all left alone in this cruel world.

"I am Doc Terrence Mitchell, what is your name kiddo?" I sat on the bed and stared at the basket of fruits in the table. Im starving. Doc Terrence grab an apple and handed it  to me. I said 'thanks' and get it. " I'm Isabella by the way," I said while still chewing the bite of an apple. He chuckled and walk towards my bestfriend who's still asleep.

He shaked their shoulder slightly trying to wake them up and they did. "Aaaaahh," they all said in unison as they streches their arms that's in pain right now. Probably because of their position. They looked at me with wided eyes and immediately jumped at me causing me to lay back in the bed. "You're awake!! How are you?!  Are  you okay?! Omyyghaaddd!! Jess call the Doctors now!!!" Shirley, one of my bestfriends shouted to Jess who immediately ran towards   the door.  "No need for that little miss, I'm already here." Doc Terrence said to stop Jess who's about to close the door, she looked at Doc probably  realizing that she looked stupid. He just chuckled by the girls reactions, they doesn't really noticed him earlier.

Doc Terrence left after awhile saying he'll just gonna check his other patients and will be back here later leaving me and my bestfriends alone.

"Are you okay, Belle?" Airene spoke first. Why do people keep on asking me that question? Do I look okay? How am I going to be okay if just lost my Dad? I sighed heavily not answering her.

They hugged me tight and comforted me. I felt my tears streaming down again. Why does it have to be me? What did I do wrong for Him to take my family and leaving me alone here?.

"Ssshh, don't worry. We're always here for you." Jess.

"We're sisters right?" Airene.

"Don't ever think that you are alone 'cause we're here. We are family right? Ssshh." Shirley.

Right. I am not alone. They are here for me. I still have a family to lean on.

And I am still thankful for that.

That night, my bestfriends left to have a rest as I told them. Gladly they agreed. I want to think for now. I don't know how will I continue this life of mine without having a parent's love, care and guidance . I'm just a fucking  13 year-old girl. I don't even know how to work to support my needs. Sighed.

I heard the door opened and Doc Terrence come in. He smiled at me. "You good?" he asked while checking some sign-stuffs I actually don't know. "I'm not." I said, telling him the truth. "You're Dad is going to be burry the day after tomorrow. You want to see him? I arranged a funeral for him because no one of your relatives showed up to claim his body and burry it."

I stared at him for a sec. "I dont--I don't have any relatives anymore." He looked at me with pity in his eyes. I looked away. I am not comfortable to talk to anyone about my family matters. He cleared his throat, "Well, rest for now. You need to gain your strenght." he smiled again and patted my head before leaving.

Today is the last day of Dad's funeral. Doc Terrence accompanied me to make sure that when I pass out  again, I have someone to take care of me. I don't know why he's nice to me this much. He even conducted a funeral for my  Dad. I should thank him for this. I don't know what will I do if it wasn't for him.

Goodbye Dad. I always love you. I hope your happy with Mom wherever you are. Please, guide me. I don't really  know how will I survive this  life without you here  by my side. Please  kiss Mommy for me. Tell her I miss her badly. I'll see you both someday again. Goodbye for now, I love you Dad, I love you Mom. I'll  miss you both.

I looked up and see how calm the sky is. The weather is nice.

They held a short  ceremony and after that they had truly buried Dad's peaceful body.


Hi guys, if you are reading this, I want you to know that I really appreciate you for reading my work. Thank you SO MUCH.

If you like this story don't forget to VOTE, and if you have opinions, or anything, just COMMENT it, if you want to correct my spellings, grammars, etc., feel free to comment, i'll consider it.

I hope you could support this story of mine. Please  bare with my typos and  grammatical errors. I'm not that good in english, hehe.

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT your opinions, guyzzz. Thank you so much💋💋

*This story is purely fictional and was only  a product of my clumsy little brain so any resemblance to any actual happenings, names, places, persons, living or dead, is  purely coincidental.

*Remember, PLAGIARISM is not totally a crime but it is a SIN! So, hope you won't do such things.

Love you guyss. ENJOY READING!

-RAIN LYRRA  (rainyx)