
World Info


The setting is set on a world called Terra during the middle ages. Terra is roughly the size of Earth and magic is prevalent in the world. Like Earth most of the surface is water. There are several continents and many islands and archipelagos dot the ocean.

Ruling governments can take the form of feudal systems, theocracies, tribal, or republics. Various deities grace the land and they can range from peaceful to warlike; xenophobic to welcoming; or directly involved to hands off.

Individuals can earn XP through various actions. Everyone can grow in levels and strength. Generally the less skill your labor involves, the less XP you'll earn. Taking part in combat is a fast way to earn XP for those with the willingness to take those risks.

<Item Grades>

Items are graded from Trash -> Mythical. Aside from the start and end, the colors that represent them are in reverse rainbow color order. Characters in the world may alternately use either the color or the grade name when referring to various items.

The items become harder to find or create as they go down the list. Lowest grades will rarely provide any bonuses. While the higher tier items can sway entire wars.

A small kingdom may have 1-2 legendary items total. Mythical items are unheard of outside of stories. Most people believe they are just a myth. Individuals with these fabled items are advised to conceal them at all costs.

Trash (White)

Common (Grey)

Uncommon (Blue)

Rare (Green)

Masterwork (Yellow)

Epic (Orange)

Legendary (Red)

Mythical (Gold)


Individuals all have a basic class for their first 40 levels. Levels reset to level 1 once someone passes their 40th level. All skills, stats, abilities, XP, etc carry over. Except they'll have an Advanced class that will grant greater powers.

A similar thing happens the second time someone passes Lvl 40 again. Except this time, they'll have a Master class. Advanced & Master classes are commonly referred to tier 2 or tier 3. Rumors of a tier 4 are unsubstantiated.

Not all Advanced or Master classes are available to every individual. Some classes are only available once certain preconditions are met. Common conditions could be certain titles, reputation, alignment, or stats. Other conditions exist for rare classes.

Well known classes are commonly built towards by those with the right knowledge. Most individuals have 2-3 options when upgrading their class to the next tier. Some classes are generalist and others are specialist.

Certain prestige classes are available in certain cases. Kings or Emperors for example can grant a limited number of unique classes to their followers. Others can only be accessed through hidden and esoteric means.

Seek the Brotherhood of Knowledge for additional information. Gold bounties provided for information the Brotherhood doesn't already have.

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