
System Of The Fallen

Please support, WPC entry. Kael Ravenwood, your ordinary teenage boy's life was cut short by a rare and incurable illness. He expected death as the only option to rid himself of the suffering. Finally, it came but not in the way he expected. At the point of death, he regretted living a plain life, but things didn't end there for him. Instead, he had been transmigrated into a fantasy world where the impossibility was just an illusion. In this new world, Kael discovered he had inherited the body of a Fallen, a body with mysterious origins, cursed yet powerful, granting him extraordinary powers. Kael found himself in a realm where legends and myths from his former world had become reality. With his newfound abilities and discoveries, he sets out to defy the odds and become the strongest! Dragon, demons, gods, angels, all shall bow before his might! ---- 100 Power stones= 1 extra chapter 200 Power stones= 2 extra chapters 400 Power stones= 4 extra chapters 10 golden tickets= 1 extra chapter 20 golden tickets= 2 extra chapters

Toppy_GF · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Meeting The Queen

Kael followed the guards as they passed through a series of passages before arriving at a large hall. The walls were covered in pictures of various figures dressed in armour and riding atop a horse.

"Now I see, to think it took me this long just before I realised," he thought with a smile. The warriors following him couldn't help but look at him strangely, sensing a sudden shift in his aura. He now appeared calm as if not bothered about what was going to happen to him.

Arriving at a huge door, two warriors stepped forward and pushed both sides of the door, causing it to slowly open, revealing a wide room with a large throne placed at the centre. Walking into the room, kael slowly stared around.

The walls were designed with more pictures, and at the forefront was a male figure cladded in armour and a helmet with various weapons strapped across his back and waist.

Looking ahead, he noticed the group of people in the room, all staring at him with a curious look. The guards, after making sure their job was done, bowed before the figure sitting at the throne before leaving the room.

Kael stared at the lady sitting at the throne, casually sipping a glass of wine. "Come forward," she ordered, staring at him. Her gaze seemed to peer through his body as if he were naked.

"That's true!" He thought, staring at his body. "Oh, it appeared they were kind enough to dress me." He muttered with a frown. "But this?" He shook his head before staring back at the lady.

"Bow before the Queen!" One of the daughters ordered, about stepping forward.

The Queen raised her hands, causing her to stop in her tracks. She slowly rose from her throne as she walked towards the confused Kael.

Kael didn't notice the ladies behind the queen before and was quite shocked seeing them. "They are the queen's daughters!"

"Hmmm, such a good physique and a nice face." She muttered, circling around him. "I wonder how you ended up here." She leaned closer, her eyes staring deep into his with her breath, fanning his face. "Those eyes, hmmm."

Kael stared at her with a confused expression. She had reeled back after a few seconds staring into his eyes with a strange and perplexed expression appearing on her face before quickly fading away.

"Is this the queen?" Kael thought, scratching his head. He stared back at the daughters and her then slowly shook his head.

"Yes, I look so young, right?" She said with a chuckle. "Take him to the vault and prepare him. He's going to participate in the event." She said while staring at her girls, who stared back at her, quite shocked by what they heard.

"Uhmm, Queen Otrera. Kael called out, causing the Queen to stare at him with a smile. "My guess was right," Kael thought. "This is the kingdom of the amazons!"

"Aretha, why don't you lead him to the vault and see he's well prepared for the event. Let him have whatever he wants and tell the maids to get him a good set of clothes."

"You can go," she said, settling on her throne once more.

"But, mother! He's an outsider. We don't even know anything about him. How did he even get here? Isn't it dangerous?!!" Aretha said in fury.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I think it's alright." Queen Otrera said with that same smile on her face.

Aretha quickly walked out of the room in anger, muttering a few words. "You can keep standing there like a moron, I won't wait behind." She mumbled walking past him.

Kael looked at the queen and then at the leaving figure of the princess before hurriedly following behind. "Hold on!" He yelled, quickening his strides. Minutes later, kael finally cut up with her walking beside her. "You don't have to be so grumpy, y'know" he muttered with a frown.

"And who are you to tell me how to act?" She shot a fierce gaze at him before continuing onwards.

"You've got some temper there," Kael muttered, following closely. 'I don't know why on earth I ended up in this place.'

After several turns, they finally arrived outside the grand palace and continued towards another eye-catching building with the entrance being guarded by female warriors.

The guards bowed before pushing the door open for them. Aretha walked through, merely nodding at the guards, her strides increasing as they ventured deeper into the building. She finally stopped before a door and took a bunch of keys from her pocket. Quickly opening the door, she gave way while staring at Kael.

"Are you going to stand there all day or walk inside?" She said, causing Kael to slowly walk into the room. The room was quite large with a moderate bed at the corner, a chair and table at the centre, and then a door at the far corner leading to the bathroom, he guessed.

"Freshen up, I'll send a maid to take care of your needs." Kael nodded, staring at her. "Such fierce beauty," he muttered, causing her to stare right at him with a frown.

Taking a step closer, her mouth closed in on his ears as she muttered a few words. "If I ever catch you staring at me, I'll rip out your eyeballs and feed it to the pigs. She whispered fiercely, biting his ears hard and swiftly delivering a kick to his groin.

"Urghhh," Kaek groaned, collapsing on his feet. "That hurts," he muttered, staring at the fading figure. "I'll repay you, know that now," he muttered with a smile amidst his pained expression.

A few minutes later, kael had showered and was left naked. He wasn't going to wear that rag, he thought. If they didn't get him a dress, then he would better travel the city this way. Settling on the bed, his stomach rumbled loudly.


"Are they going to keep me like this?" He muttered, lying on the bed. "I guess I should take this time to rest." He said with a yawn.

Knock~ knock~

The door was slowly pushed open after a few knocks jolting Kael up. He rubbed his sleepy eyes, glancing right at the door. A figure soon walked in. A young lady with long brown hair fluttering behind. Her emerald eyes stared at the figure standing before the bed in shock.

She let out a smile as she walked forward, causing Kael to stare at the stuff she carried in a large tray. "I've been ordered by the young princess to attend to the esteemed guest." Princess Aretha had ordered her to attend to all his needs, making sure he was treated well.

Kael stared weirdly at her face as she walked towards him. She dropped the tray on the table and then carried another tray beside the bed and opened it, revealing bottles filled with liquid of different colours.

"What's this for?" Kael asked a bit suspiciously. He couldn't help but sense a strange feeling coming from the girl.

"It's a ritual which must be carried out," she said carefully, arranging the stuff. It's done to every male figure who enters the kingdom." She said, going close to him and then placing her hands on his chest pushing him softly on the bed.

Kael was a bit lost of words as he felt himself giving in to her request. He lay quietly on the bed. He made sure to lie on his stomach as he watched the lady pour just one of the liquids, rubbing it on her palms before applying it on his bare back.

"I never read anything about a ritual for male visitors in the history of amazon," he thought.

Kael felt all his fatigue fading away as she focused on her task. Soon, she rubbed his neck and slowly headed down to his legs.

"Turn over," she said, pulling him. Kael was about listening to her when his eyes suddenly snapped open. A frown spread across his face as he pushed the lady's hand away. "That damn b!tch!" He cursed weakly, rising from the bed.

[Host have been poisoned]

[Host stats have been halved till effects wear off]

[Host abilities had also been affected, reducing its potency to 30%]

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