
System Memories

Stare into the Abyss and the Abyss will stare back at you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The family of Anker was a noble family with prominently Water affinity users, alas not all who hailed from this family had a Water affinity. Those who did not were often ostracized from the family and are usually kicked out once they come of age or are killed. August Anker was one example of the latter, at first his family planned to kick him out. However, after finding out about his close friendship with his sister, the family heir, they decided he was better off dead. Thankfully their attempts to kill him, which usually involved throwing him into a deep pit and hoping he died of starvation, failed. Being fed up with the boy the family head decides to kill the boy himself, only to find his room empty with the window open. The boy had run away. He ran through the forest in desperation trying to increase the distance between his old home and him. Tonight was a gloomy night, the only thing keeping it from being worst was the lack of rain. after running until his legs gave out the boy lost consciousness, or at least he thought he did. A strange holographic square appeared before him. [ Congratulations you have qualified to receive the quest: Prove Yourself ] [ All memories will be sealed until the completion of the quest ] [ Due to your lacking strength you will be sent into the [Abyssal World] to gather strength, afterword you will be given another quest ] [ Forcefully activating [Abyssal World] in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1 ] [ Good Luck ]

MythicaI · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Knock Knock

"Did I do good?"

Outis questioned the man and women, both remained unresponsive. It was as if they had just witnessed a miracle or an act of an omnipotent god.

"Ummm… hello?"

Outis waved his hand infront of the man's face in attempt to brake him out of his supor. Thankfully his attempt worked as the man blinked a bit and shook his head as he stared at Outis like he was staring at a monster.

"So… did I do good?"


The man blinked again as he opened his mouth to respond.

"Good? The exam was for you to obtain the necklace from the goblin leader, but you killed all the goblins… you didn't just do 'good' you broke the exam."

The man responded a little in daze as his eyes wandered to the dead goblins, more specifically he looked towards one of the bulkier goblins who had a necklace around his neck.

Outis on the other hand felt a little embarrassed after finding out what he had done.

"Do I… pass?"

He asked a little afraid he had messed his up the exam and would be denied entry to the academy.

"Pass? You passed alright!"

This time the women responded as she broke out of her own stupor.

"Follow us please"

The man and the women turned around and began walking in another direction, they both seemed a little out of it as they walked.

Outis seemingly not noticing the oddity followed them without question. He had a small smile spread across his face and his eyes reflected the relief he felt upon mowing he passed.

After some walking they came upon the door back to the lobby, the man opened the door and walked through, the women and Outis following him.

The man went to the same clerk that had helped Outis and spoke to him for a bit. The clerk upon hearing the man went wide-eyed, he stared at Outis for a bit before shaking his head and nodding.

Seeing this the man went back to Outis.

"Give me your ID"

Outis complied as he handed over his bear blank card.

"What is your full name?"

"Outis Nova"

The man nodded as he poured some energy into the card, red letters began to show as the card was inprinted with Outis's name. It was also inprinted with other things like his rank, age, and student number.

The man handed the card back to Outis as he smiled.

"The ID will ask you to set up your classes in a bit, you start next week, the ID will inform you of your dorm room number by tomorrow you are expected to move in within a day, and the ID will also tell you the rules."

The man said almost in a robotic voice.

After which he turned and began walking back to do his job, the women however turned to Outis with a smile.

"Congratulations you are now a student of North Wind Academy, good luck!"

She said showing a thumbs up before she turned to leave.

Outis nodded as he himself turned and left, he had much to do before moving into his new dorm.


For the rest of the day Outis we from merchant stall to merchant stall, buying things occasionally.

After it got dark he found a hotel to sleep through the night.

The next day early morning just as Outis woke up he felt a small amount of heat coming from his pocket.

Digging into it he pulled out his students ID, it was shaking and heating up a bit.

"What's this?"

Out of nowhere a hologram appeared.

| | Dorm building: 04 | |

| | Dorm Room Number: 42 | |

Two holograms appeared before Outis as they informed him of his new "home".

After a bit the holograms disappeared instead replaced by another hologram.

| | Rules | |

| | All students must be present for at least 2 of their core classes daily, the only exception is for those on missions | |

| | All students must take and complete at least one mission every month | |

| | Fighting between students is not allowed unless in a controlled event and during a duel | |

| | Duals between students must be supervised by at least one staff member, NO EXCEPTIONS | |

| | All students will receive a weekly allowance | |

| | Allowence amount is dependent on student behavior | |

| | Students may NOT fight a staff member unless under suporvision of higher ranked staff member | |

| | Further PERSONAL student rules may be added if deemed necessary by staff | |

After reading the academy rules the holograms disappeared leaving no trace of it's existence behind.

"Not bad, at least there isn't s curfew hehe."

After reading the rules, Outis put the ID back into his pocket and left the room. He returned his room key and checked out.

Instead of loitering around however he started walking in one direction with a purpose. He was headed for the academy and it's dorms.

The academy itself was located right in the center of Borealis, the hotel Outis had stayed at was in the outer edges of the city. This meant the walk to the academy was a long one, but Outis didn't seem to care, the distance was short for him.

Sure enough after no less than 20 minutes of walking he arrived at a large metal gate with 2 guards infront of. The academy itself was fenced off to provide it's students with a safe learning environment.

Outis walked up to the guards and showed them his ID, they looked at it for a second before nodding and slightly opening the gate. Outis walked through the small gap and continued on his way, the guards had given him a map so he didn't get lost.

The academy grounds were feather vast and full with all sorts of stores, it was fenced off but everything a student would ever need was inside. Outis however wasted no time looking around, he looked at his map and made his way towards the academy dorms.

Due to the sheer size of the academy it took Out is 8 more minutes to find his dorm.

Opening the door with his ID he expected to have to share his room, so the surprise was rather evident on his face when he realized he did not have to.

His room was rather big, especially since it was all for him. It had a living room, with a nice couch and big TV, a kitchen, with all appliances he would need, and 2 more rooms, one his room to sleep in. As for the other room, well it was empty.

Perhaps Outis was meant to make the room into whatever he pleased?

'oh well, not like I mind having an extra room, guess I'll make it into my workshop for the meantime'

Just as Outis was beginning to familiarize himself with his new room.

*Knock* *Knock*

A knock came from the door.

'who could it be?'