

"Anna, before you will go to bed, try to think a bit more about what mana is...There might not be a definite answer. For every witch, that energy can represent something else. All I can advise right now is for you to try to think of mana as very small particles floating all around us in the air, not visible to a naked eye." Roland said, getting ready to get back to his room.

"Small particles, not visible to a naked eye? I understand, Your Highness. I will try my best!" Anna said with a determined expression.

Seeing her determination, Roland slightly regretted his words.

"Just make sure to get enough sleep. Good night, Anna!" Roland said with a faint smile, waving back at her while walking away.

"G-Good night, Your Highness!" Anna smiled and quickly responded just enough for Roland to catch her words.



'Your Highness...my ass' When Roland arrived at his room, he immediately fell on his bed with his back first while covering his tired face with his hand.

'Well, let's stop being so negative for once, and let's take a look at that so-called shop' Roland thought and a black screen appeared in front of him with his status, he swiped it to the side a few times before he got to the page with the new feature called Shop.



[Knowledge section] --->

[Item section]

[Resource section]

[Current money: 600 Gold Coins]


Roland chose the knowledge section as it caught his attention the most. What he saw on another page surprised him but it was definitely a pleasant surprise for him.

[Basics of Science (not enough INT)] - 100 Gold Coins

[Basics of Civil Engineering (not enough INT)] - 100 Gold Coins

[Fundamental Laws Of Physics (not enough INT)] - 100 Gold Coins

[Basics of Marketing (not enough INT/CHA)] - 100 Gold Coins


There were simply too many things with icons of books to buy, Roland could scroll for several minutes yet he still couldn't find the end of the list. When he finally found the end, there was one book that wasn't restricted by his stats and its name caught his attention.

[Basic Functions of the System] - 100 Gold Coins

'I have to pay even for a tutorial? Damn, with the money I have, I can only buy 6 books but without even knowing how to make money or how this thing works, forget about buying 6 books instead of 5, I might also never buy anything else ever again. The worst thing is that I have no idea what type of knowledge holds for example book Basics of Algebra. I already know the basics of the basics so it would be a waste of money but I will have to buy at least one book from the Basic category to recognize the level of knowledge it contains. That way I will be capable of estimating the knowledge hidden inside that Basic category.'

'There is also one more problem I just discovered...Even if I know a lot of modern things and from what they are made of...I don't know the exact composition and numbers. It's the same as knowing that the water can become solid or gaseous at a certain temperature without knowing the exact temperature numbers. I can just hope that this thing will help me in this department.' Roland thought before buying the tutorial for 100 gold coins.

[- 100 Gold Coins]

[Current money: 500 Gold Coins]

[+ 1 Basic Functions of the System]

[Basic Functions of the System cannot be summoned as a book, therefore the knowledge within will be automatically transported into your mind]

"Ugh!" Roland felt a sharp pain in his head for a split second before he recovered and started staring at the window.

'This thing even has an inventory where I can store some small items but the inventory itself can grow bigger. With higher INT, STA, and END, I can store more items as it relies a lot on concentration and memory because there is no item list. There are also hidden stats such as Perception which can grow higher by naturally upgrading INT, STA, and AGI. As for money...they can be practically obtained by almost every action. From hunting animals, successfully training your body up to gaining someone's recognition. The reason why I haven't earned any money today was that one needs to purchase this book first for this system to work properly...Quite annoying, knowing that I could have wasted all my money on the other books, thus resulting in a dysfunctional system.'

"*sigh* Alright, let's stop thinking about the system for a while..." Roland muttered as he was growing crazy from all those thoughts, he wanted to speak his mind out loud but he couldn't risk someone hearing him.

Roland started thinking about who could be the possible assassin and he immediately started from his most trusted people and personal closest to him after that, he focused his sight on people working in the kitchen.

'I don't remember anyone significant from the kitchen and someone would have noticed if somebody is adding something into the food. Not to mention, they aren't making food only for me which means that it would kill even other people, however, nothing of sort happened. This can only mean that the one who killed the prince is someone very close to him, possibly someone *yawn* who brings the food to him.' Roland finally started feeling his eyelids getting heavy so he decided to continue tomorrow.

For the last time, he looked towards the doors at his "masterpiece" and a sly smile formed on his face. With the dagger under his pillow, he was fully ready to go to sleep. Roland fell asleep with one hand under the pillow and another at top of his belly.




*Creak* *Bam!* The following morning when someone opened doors to Roland's room, a stack of books fell down from his nightstand, slightly surprising a maid who just walked inside with his breakfast.

"Um..." Roland obviously woke up due to the loud sound but he wasn't making any sudden movements since he already noticed the sunlight, instead, he was just observing the maid with a sleepy look on his face.

"Good morning, Your Highness" The maid did the basic courtesy before focusing on her job.

"Good morning...Tyre" Roland awkwardly replied but it just sounded as if he was still sleepy.

Roland got up from his bed and threw some clothes on just to quickly cover his sleepwear.

"I am finished here. If you excuse me now, Your Highness." Tyre said with a faint blush before trying to leave his room but Roland stopped her quickly enough.


"? Yes, Your Highness? Do you require anything else from me?" Tyre turned at Roland with a confused expression as she saw him nonchalantly playing with the cup of hot tea, smelling its fragrance but never tasting it.

Roland took his eyes from the swirl he created in the cup of tea and looked at Tyre with a faint smile on his face.

"I am still feeling slightly drowsy. I was hoping if you could remind me if you are always the one bringing the food to me." Roland asked with a calm tone.

"Yes, ever since you named me your Head maid, you wanted the food to be delivered by me, Your Highness. Is there perhaps any problem with it?" Tyre asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable inside. She couldn't put her finger on it but she felt that Roland Wimbledon in front of her wasn't the same person. He never tried to get handsy yesterday and neither did he try it now.

"No problem here. You may take your leave, thank you for the hard work." Roland took a few steps towards Tyre and put his hand on her shoulder before speaking with a kind smile on his face.

Tyre nodded her head and bowed to him before taking her to leave. Roland watched the doors close and the moment she disappeared, his kind smile changed to a slightly shrewd smile while narrowing his cold grey eyes.

"Found you."

'I will investigate a bit more just to make sure but I am already more than 80 % sure that it is Tyre. Well, for now, I will be getting food straight from the kitchen or send Anna to get us some food since it would look suspicious for a prince to go to the kitchen. I also don't want to arose Tyre's suspicion. It was already visible that she found my behaviour strange since our Fourth Prince used to get handsy with her at every moment he could get. To be honest, Tyre was in the perfect position to assassinate him, both high position and seduction, this prince never had any chance.'

I am aware that it is extremely slow-paced but I am taking my time. What do you think about Shop? Feel free to write suggestions on what to add or maybe change. I am not saying that I will do so but I might take some inspiration.

aadwcreators' thoughts
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