
Chapter 3: Qing Tan

Lin Feng gazed at Lin Shan's fully powered fist, the corners of his mouth turning upwards into a cold smile. Yet he did not duck nor dodge, instead his Palm reached out and grabbed his fist, causing the crowd's gazes to turn to that of astonishement.

The crowd standed amazed that the handsome boy grabbed Lin Shan fist like it's nothing, that means his cultivation was a level higer than Lin Shan.

'I'll just just adjust my strength to be equal to Tempered Body 5th Layer to defeat him to not cause suspicions'Thought Lin Feng.

"Falling Rock Fist!"

Lin Shan withdrew his fist and suddnely let out a shout. On his arm, blue veins started to pop out, quickly extending all over his arm. Soon after, multiple images of fists appeared, like rocks, they smashed ferociously towards Lin Feng's head. That kind of power was afin to rocks flying out from an explosion.

"Lower Category Level 1 Martial Arts, Falling Rock Fist? Let me show you what's a martial art!" Said Lin Feng at Lin Shan in a relaxed tone.

"Dragon-Elphant Pranja!"

Lin Shan fist collided against Lin Feng fist, causing a loud and cracking sound out. when the smoke cleared you can Lin Shan touching his broken arm and screaming loud because of the pain.

"Ahhhh!, bastard!" Yelled Lin Shan.

Lin Feng turned around and see Lin Dong looking at him amazed, as he can see that Lin Feng is younger than him but much he's much stronger, he was wondering where this person cam from.

Lin Dong POV*


I was at the rock pool, celebrating that I Advanced to Tempered Body 4th Layer, when Lin Changquiang figure rushed over from the a distance away while shouting: " Lin Dong, bad news!"

I asked him what happened and he said that Qing Tan was in trouble, so the first person I though was Lin Shan so I rushed towards the woods with Lin Changquing.

When arrived at Woods the first choose I saw was a handsome boy with a silver hair, black clothes with a design of golden dragon and a black and red sword with glowings runes alongside Qing Tan, I didn't know him so I assumed that he was the one protecting Qing tan, when I approached them I heard Lin Shan screaming "Falling Rock Fist" and the other boy also responded by screaming "Dragon-Elphant Pranja", from my observation that is at least higher tha level 4 martial art.

When the smoke cleared, I saw Lin Shan screaming and touching his broken arm, when I saw the the handsome boy using a he martial art, I saw that he used yuan power he should be at least between the Temepered Body 5th or 6th Layer, what's such person doing in the woods.*

When Lin Feng send Lin Shan flying, he saw Lin Hong but he decided to ignore him, he went to Qing Tan who was fascinated by his demonstration of power, then he heard a metalic cold voice.


Quest completed - Save Qing Tan from Lin Shan.

Redwards obtained - Sharingan, Extreme Ying Dragon Saliva, 100,000 SP.


Lin Feng just ignored the notifications, and said,"Beautiful sister, here's the Scarlet Sun Grass you don't have to worry about it, everything is alright" When Lin Feng said that, suddnely Qing Tan hugged him, he was surprised but choose to enjoy the moment but it didn't lasted a long time when he heard a "cough" turning around he saw it was Lin Dong with the looking furious chubby Lin changquing.

"Thank you so much for saving my sister, can I know your name?"Asked Lin Dong, ignoring the furious Lin Changquing.

Qing Tan that was hugging Lin Feng, realizing what she just was doing, she turned red from embarassment but she didn't stoped hugging me as she also wanted to know his name.

"Lin Feng, you call me brother Feng."Said with a smile, as he was pondering if he can buy a Mental Energy Cultivation Technique in the system store.

Lin Dong and Lin Changqiang, who saw Lin Feng smile thought it was beautiful, but blacked out that idea quickly when they heard Qing Tan introducing herself embarrassed as they thought'That was close I almost went on a path of with no return such a dangerous smile.'

"My name is Qing Tan, and Thank for saving me."Said Qing Tan exictedly, with a beautiful smile that that matches her beauty.

"My name is Lin Dong, you can also call me brother Dong, and The one with you is my little sister, Qing Tan as she already introduced herself."Said Lin Dong, not minding to much that Qing Tan was hugging him.

"My name is Lin Changquiang, and stay away from my girlfriend."Said Lin Chanquiang, as his eyes are burning with envy.

Lin Feng decided to ignore the comment of this chubby and looked towards Lin Hong who was furious that that everyone was ignoring, Lin Feng already noticed him but decided to ignore him.

Lin Hong POV*


I was going to the forest in search of my younger brother, I saw him struggling with a handsome boy with silver hair, that I never saw so, I though he could manage but when I saw the pretty boy use Yuan Power, I ran to stop my brother but it was already too late, his arm was breaked, I was already furious and I saw the handsome boy was being hugged by Qing Tan, I became more furious as Qing Tan was already my fiance, and they started to talk with Lin Dong and Lin Changqiang as they ignored us, I was so mad that blue veins already started to pop.

"Bastard, how dare you hug my soon to be fiance!" Shouted Lin Hong, he was already super furious, but when he though about Lin Feng being hugged by his selfproclamed fiance Qing Tan, he became more furious.

Gazing at the figure behind Lin Shan, Qing Tan, Lin Changquiang and Lin Dong's changed as a look of worry surfaces in their eyes.

Lin Feng's face was neutral, as he cast his gaze behind Lin Shan. A youngster clothed in blue was holding onto Lin Shan's shoulder, steadying him and preventing him for falling to the ground. The boy looked to be around 15 or 16 years old and he had rather handsome facial features. A furious smile could be see in his rather handsome face, yet in Lin Feng's eyes it was just to funny.

Lin Hong, Lin Shan's elder brother and a fairly outstanding member of the Lin Family. He was only 15 years old, yet he had long ago reached Tempered Body 5th Layer. At this stage, he needed only one more step before he will be able to cultivate a Yuan Power Seed. After which, he would definitely be ranked top three among all of the younger generation in the Lin Family.

"Brother!" Although Lin Shan was extremely arrogant towards others, he became meek as a sheep in front of the seemingly gentle-natured Lin Hong.

"And you just with this level of skill, why do you go out and embarrass yourself, instead of practising properly?" Lin Hong said in cold tone.

"I-It was only because I was careless… I didn't know that he was at Tempered Body 6th Layer." Lin Shan's face flushed red with embarrassment at Lin Hong's words, as he miscalculated in measuring the true level of Lin Feng, if he knew it that Lin Feng was at Tempered Body 8th Layer he would propabably vomiting blood.

"Heh heh, Qing Tan, it's been so long since we've met." Lin Hong chuckled as he turned his gaze to Qing Tan with a strange lustre in his eyes. Although Qing Tan was young, she was a blooming beauty. Among the younger generation in Qingyang Town, many secretly admired her and naturally, he was no exception.

Qing Tan stealthily tugged Lin Feng's sleeve. Though she was extremely surprised that Lin Feng had managed to defeat Lin Shan, Lin Hong stood heads and shoulders above Lin Shan in regards to both martials arts and wit. He was definitely not someone to mess with, She was afraid the Lin Feng was going to be hurt trying to protect her.

"Lin Shan has always been such an impulsive brat. However, if you need any elixirs, you just need to approach me. A grade one elixir like the Scarlet Sun Grass is after all a little lacking in quality." Hearing Lin Hong talk to her as if they were on familiar terms, Qing Tan's crescent shaped eyebrows tightly knitted together. Although she was not too pleased about it, however due to the other party's strength, she chose not to talk back.

"Dammit, this guy is so repulsive, I will definitely beat him to death in the future." Lin Changqiang muttered behind Lin Dong's back as he was also extremely disgusted by Lin Hong's words.

Lin Feng looked at Qing who was disgusted by Lin Hong's words, then he looked towards Lin Hong and said not minding if he became more furious than he already was, "Just go back with your trash brother, Qing Tan didn't ask you for anything."

Qing Tan who heard Iin Feng words, was extremely happy as a warmth rushed towards her heart, she didn't know why but she was happy that Lin Feng was protecting her.

"Who are you? For telling me what to do?." Said Lin Hong furiously gazing at Lin Feng.

"You don't have the right to know who I am." Said Lin Feng arrogantly, as he ignored Lin Hong furious gaze.'This guy dared to propose my Qing Tan unforgivable, I'll just trash him so that even his father doesn't recognize him'Though Lin Feng.

Lin Hong heard what Lin Feng said, his anger reached the peak, as his face turned red and blue veins poped out of his face, Lin Hong suddenly took a step forward as his palm flew towards Lin Feng's face. The gust that followed was Mach stronger than before when Lin Shan attacked.

Seeing as Lin Hong launched his attack as soon as he spoke, Lin Feng's facial expression looked bored as he swiftly raised one of his arms in front of his face and grabbed Lin Hong's punch.


Lin Hong seeing his punch get caught easily, he withdrew immediately as they exchanged blows, Lin Hong immediately felt a vigorous force and sharp pain ricocheting through his arm, forcing him to move ten steps back. Thankfully his foundations were solid, thus he did not end up convulsing on the ground

'Yuan Power? at Tempered Body 6th Layer why he dares to be so arrogant? people that don't know the imensity of heaven and earth.' Thought Lin Feng as he didn't really understand.

Steadying his body, Lin Feng Thought as he stared at Lin Hong. He had clearly seen an extremely weak light engulfing the latter's fist. That was obviously the effects of Yuan Power.

This means that Lin Hong had actually entered the realm of Tempered Body 6th Layer and a Yuan Power Seed had been born in his body!

Lin Hong shot a glance at Lin Feng, his brows knitting together. The fact that he had unexpectedly failed to defeat the latter and that he was stronger than him, Yet he remained confident but it's was clear as the sky that Lin Feng was stronger than a Tempered Body 6th Layer, so a mere Tempered body 6th Layer was clear not his oponent, so Lin Hong decided to have his revengeance later, but remembering him being hugged by Qing Tan, his rage increased as he no longer cared about his cultivation being lower than Lin Feng.

The dangerous glint in his eyes hinted that Lin Hong did not plan to let Lin Feng off so easily for being hugged by Qing Tan. With a quick sinister laugh, he once again rushed towards the latter. This time however, many in the crowd gasped in response as they could clearly see that on his body was shrouded in an extremely weak light.

As he stared at that formidable Lin Feng , the rage in Lin Hong's eyes intensified. He gritted his teeth as he prepared to launch an all-out counter with his fist. Yet before they clashed again, an angry voice suddenly shouted out.

"Both of you stop right now!"

Lin Hong's footsteps immediately halted as the voice filled his ears. As he turned to look, he saw a young lady walking out from the crowd, red hot anger on her beautiful face.

The young lady was clothed in pink, and she looked approximately seventeen to eighteen years old. She was slightly older and bigger than the rest, and her facial features could be considered beautiful. As her brown ponytail hung down to her slim waist, her slightly vertical eye brows gave her a heroic spirit that would not lose out to any man.

"It's Lin Xia-jie!"

Upon witnessing the said lady, the surrounding crowd erupted.

"Oh, looks like its Lin Xia-jie." Lin Hong smiled at the lady clothed in red.

"Lin Hong, since we are all from the Lin Family, do you really need to use Yuan Power during a duel?" Lin Xia replied, frowning as she surveyed at the crowd, she didn't know what Lin Feng was capable, as she though that Lin Hong was bullying his clan members.

"We were just playing. Since Lin Xiao-jie has spoken, we are naturally all good now." Lin Hong casually muttered.

At this instance, Lin Feng also withdrew his fists, as Lin Dong, Qing Tan and the Chubby politely greeted Lin Xia-jie. This lady was the daughter of their first uncle, and even though she was female, she was the most outstanding individual among the younger generation in the Lin Family. In fact, it was rumoured that she had already advanced to Tempered Body 6th Layer half a year ago, and right now no one knew just how far she had grown since.

Lin Xia's reputation could be considered pretty good, even among the younger generation in Qingyang Town. Hence, in the Lin Family, she held quite a high status, and even Lin Hong did not dare to offend her.

"What is the point of fighting against your own brothers from the same family? If you are really capable, when the Qingyang Town Hunt begins, you ought to compete with the younger generation in other families. Only if you win, then can you be considered as skilled." Lin Xia retorted. Like a female gang leader, as her words carried some weight.

"Lin Xia-jie you are wrong, the one who was fighting Ling Hong was Brother Feng" Said Lin Dong, as he looked towards the latter.

Lin Xia turned to look where Lin Dong was looking and to see the most handsome boy that she has seen in her entire life, silver hair, clear blue eyes and very handsome face, he was perfect in her eyes, she was a bit starled but she recomposed herself and asked with star in her eyes:"Who are you? Have you a girfriend...who she is? Please tell me!!"

Lin Feng knew clear that this was going to happen sooner or later, he looked at Qin Tan who was at his side, Qin Tan also looked at him, Lin Feng decided to use this in his favor, looking at Qin Tan he said, "Here, she is my girlfriend, isn't that right Qing Tan?"

Qing Tan was so red that steam came out of her head, she subconsciously nodded her head.

Seing Qing Tan nodding Lin xia was surprised she didn't expect her cousin to have such handsome boyfriend on other hand Lin Dong, the chubby are surprised that Qing Tan admited that he was his boyfriend, Lin Dong was happy to have such powerfull brother in law but also furious when the thought of that Qing Tan leaving his family, the chubby was depressed as his chance are slim and Lin Hong was furious that pretty boy was Qing Tan boyfriend the girl that he was planning to marry.

"When are you planning to give the Scarlet Sun Grass my girfriend is waiting" Said Lin Feng at Lin Hong with smug smile on his face.

Seeing that smug smile, Lin Hong wanted to rip it, but he composed himself because Lin Feng was stronger than him that's at the Tempered Body 6th Layer, it's impossible to defeat him, the diference is like heaven and earth, he calmed himself and said: "Here."

Lin Hong furiously replied. He approached Lin Feng with the Scarlet Sun Grass in hand and threw the elixir towards the latter. Promptly using a cold and furious tone that could only be heard between two, he lightly muttered: "Just wait i'll have my revenge."

As he finished, he patted Lin Feng's shoulder and left with Lin Shan. Lin Feng stared at Lin Hong's back, he slowly tightened his fists into balls as an icy look flashed across his eyes, as he thought that he will definitely stop this bastard from marrying Qing.'Want marry my Qing Tan, dream on!

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