22 Book one: Earth. Ch.22

Edited by: ShinBowlNoodles

-Xiao Feng Pov-

He couldn't do much more than dodge, it's not because General Fong is faster than me, he can somehow predict my movements.

While dodging a pillar created by Fong, a kind of knife came out of the side of the pillar, almost slicing my neck.

With a jump back, I managed to have a few seconds of peace to think about how to win.

'This boy has an extraordinary ability in the ravages, and in the way of observing the enemy. If he is reading and predicting where I am going to move, it means that I am giving clues incoherently. I need to confuse him ... '

Normally I would ask the system for help and then somehow I would get a new technique to defend myself with, but if I am very dependent on the system, I will end up forgetting my roots.

In the beginning, having a system was a great thing, he could think and process information faster than a human person and help you with all kinds of problems, if he did not use it he would be classified as a fool, it is equivalent to having a calculator and continuing to do addition and subtraction with your fingers.

But after thinking about it for a while, you realize that the more you use the calculator, the more you forget how to do the math, the same applies here, if I become dependent on the system, then I will be abandoning my first life, which although it was not pretty, was the one that taught me everything I know now.

'Well, I think I have a plan. Based on the fact that the Hung-gar fighting style is the basis for the Earth-bending style, I can make different moves to appear to be a completely different attack. This plan wouldn't work unless I could use Earthbending without moving, so I'm seriously grateful for spending a whole month with King Bumi. ' I thought as I got ready to make my plan.

I got into base position to fight and stomped on the ground, indicating that I would throw a rock.

But instead, two giant rocks came out of Fong's sides ready to crush him, of course, General Fong jumped back and dodged the blow.

Just as he hit the ground, I punched the air, and beneath his feet, the ground split open.

Somehow I propel myself with my hands to get out of the hole before falling.

It seems that he noticed what I was doing and that he could no longer guess as it was impossible to predict my attacks correctly.

He stomped on the ground and raised his hands. "This is my invention," Fong said as two large rocks levitated out of the ground, in no time they were quite high on the ground, "METEORITE!" Fong exclaimed throwing the two rocks at me.

I knew if that thing hit me I was going to have a serious problem, so I took a deep breath, placed my hands on the ground, and then quickly raised them.


A wall the same size and thickness as Ba Sing Se appeared out of nowhere to cover me.

The impact of the "meteorite" sent debris flying everywhere and shook the entire base.


- Third Person Pov -

Xiao Feng had a slightly worried expression, in front of him, General Fong was visibly very tired.

All his clothes were worn out and he was sweating from exhaustion and the sun.

He was panting and the fight had been going on for a long time therefore Fong's Chi reserves were dwindling, while Feng had no unnecessary Chi attrition.

Besides that Fong was using all his power to attack Feng and achieve victory.

But for a while now, Feng had noticed that Fong was looking at him differently, somewhat more condescending.

Fong announced that the fight was over, which made Feng who was already tired of fighting sigh.

Fong approached Feng only to pat his shoulder, eyes filled with pity

"An inhabitant of the nation, and not only that but also of a high status such as the Xiao family ... You must have passed the unspeakable," Fong said with pity in his voice.

"I can see your story, you were born with Earth-bending and were banished to the earth realm, but now you are heading home just to claim what is yours, I truly regret your fate." Fong Nine said with pity in his voice.

'Pardon?' Feng wondered while Fong would have the mouth to say other nonsense.

"If you are banished from your home again, I want you to know that in this base we will be waiting for you with open arms, what's more! You will be my successor." Fong said happily as he patted Xiao Feng's back.

It was clear that there was a misunderstanding here, but Xiao Feng wouldn't bother to explain it.


A special thanks to my first patrons:

- ᚲᚨᚾᛁᛋ ᛞᛁᚱᚢᛋ

- Cesar A. Bailon

- Darth Bane

- Dashawn White

- Brewis Lewis

- Jayden

- Tarlock

- Dawid Wolkowicz

- SCSR26071993

- Julian Rocamora

- Abdulaziz Abdela

- Zero

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