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Somewhere in the universe inside a completely white room two people started a somewhat peculiar conversation

Mc: I died (says a young man in his 20s, black hair with seemingly normal brown eyes of 1.75 tall with a thin body with almost no muscles)

? : If you died (says a clearly attractive man with white hair and golden eyes and an Olympic swimmer body)

Mc: Well ... and now what?

? : I will give you some gifts for what you did

Mc: What I did ?, just save a girl

? : For you to know that girl is my daughter, the most adorable girl in the world

Mc: Mmm ... ok, by the way who you are anyway

God: let me introduce myself, I am the one you know as god, well one of the many gods there

Mc: (Well, the guy claims to be a god, at least I hope he gives me some traps if I'm going to reborn as in those fan-fiction novels)

Mc: Ok god, what gifts are those that win me (he says it with enthusiasm)

God: well let's not extend this anymore since I do not have time and I do not want to extend this prologue (: p)

Mc: (This guy is crazy, who the hell are you talking to?)

God: well the first gift is that you will transmigrate to a world of dreams, possibly you already know that worlds like marvel, DC and others are worlds of dreams as well as animes and video games, unfortunately it will be a random world, so good luck (what he says as he smiles in the style of migth guy with his thumb up)

Mc: ......

God: well the second is that you can choose any appearance since you will start a new life from now on, I think it's good to change a little you do not believe

After thinking about them for a few minutes

Mc: A new look, Let it be the appearance of noctis lucís caelum of final fantasy XV (15)

God: well, that's easy

God raises his hand and with a snap of fingers the body of our mc is surrounded by light, when the light disappears you see a young man with black hair in tips, blue eyes and white skin of 1.75cm high, with another click of fingers makes a mirror appear

Our mc who sees his new body is surprised since his old body was not what would be called attractive but now with his new appearance he knows that battlements can get a bride to the new world to which he will go

Mc: Great now what is the last gift

God: lastly, it will be a system but as I said before, I told you about the world you will go to, the system will be random, could give you the strongest system or maybe the whole villain system will depend on your luck young, well let's start with the first

In front of another snap of god's fingers, a pretty colorful roulette appeared in front of our mc next to a red button with the word, apark me written in the

God: young ready? Let's see what gives you your new life, press the button once to start after a few seconds it will stop

At the words of our god, our mc pressed the button to start the spinner spinning a few seconds after it seemed like an eternity the roulette started to stop

Mc: Come on dad requires a new pair of shoes (he says it while crossing his fingers)

Before the roulette that stopped some words appeared leaving surprised our mc

God: oh the remnant world of RWBY a world full of dangers but a good place for those who have a system

Mc: What do you mean?

God: remember that the monsters called Grimm are monsters with no souls and that they never run out so it's a good place for someone with a system

Mc: You're right I had forgotten (spoiler alert) (I only saw RWBY until the death of pyrra so I do not know what happened after that fuck)

God: for you to see that I am not bad I will send you 2 years before the plot, and I will reduce your current appearance to a night of 15 years so that you can easily enter beacon within 2 years, and you will reach a safe area that only it will last 2 years and there will be only 100 meters around where you appear, ok.

With a snap of fingers again the new body of our mc was changed again from the young noctis of 20 years to a younger version of 15 years

With a quick glance at his new younger appearance the only change that there was was his height and his somewhat mature face became a face of a young teenager

Mc: Ok I understand (well I have two years to prepare before the plot, besides having a safe area to live, since always in these transmigration things the mc are left in a forest to survive, I hope it does not happen to me , besides that now I have the appearance of 15 years when I enter a beacon I will be 17 years old)

God: and last but not least, the system that all transmigrados want

Suddenly the roulette began to shine and the words in it changed giving rise to other completely different words

God: give him young let's see how bright is your new future

With the words of God as boot our mc pressed the button again spinning the wheel that will give you either a good future or a well fucked fate, when the roulette stopped our mc had a bewildered face

God: young man has a good luck I play you one of the 5 most powerful systems there is, the multiverse

Mc: a down? What's good about that (he says it with clear annoyance in his voice)

Sure, anyone would be angry if all their future depended on a gacha where everything depends on their luck and that completely implies our mc

God: first let me explain how this multiverse system works and then you can ask questions, understood

Our mc nodded to God and paid attention to his wise words because this implies how he would proceed in his new life

God: First of all there are the options [Status] [Inventory] [Store] [mission] and [gacha], with [state] you can see both your statistics and skills, with [inventory] you will be given a dimensional space with 10 spaces 10m x 10m, where you can save anything not live inside it, and with each level you upload you will be given 2 new spaces, with [store] you can buy anything from any universe as long as you have system points, but here is the inconvenience to which you should pay attention

Our mc was surprised that there is an inconvenience

Mc: what is that inconvenience?

God: To unlock the worlds for the store you will have to use the option [gacha] where you will use the so-called multiverse tikets that can only be obtained with the [mission] option of the system, besides the tiket multiverso is not easily obtained in all the missions only the main missions will give you tiket, as I just said the option [mission] of the system will give you a certain number of main and secondary missions where only the main missions will give you multiverse tikets

Mc: Hey that's completely unfair, that means that unless I complete a main mission and get a tiket I can not buy anything good, even if I get a tiket multiverse and use it, nothing ensures that I get a good world to buy something useful

God: you're right this system consists mainly of your own luck but there is a good thing about this

Mc: and would that be?

God: that when you complete all the main missions of the system, the system will give you the option to leave that world and travel to one of the worlds that you unlocked, allowing you to travel between different worlds

Our mc was surprised at the words of God because in the many stories I had read while I was alive, not many systems allowed the mc of the stories to travel between worlds, most of them required many system points that practically the mc had to cultivate. killing countless monsters or holding missions, to travel between worlds which could be used to buy powers to become stronger (remember: skills or objects to travel to other worlds cost points)

He knew clearly that this was an advantage since he did not have to spend points to travel between worlds, only to complete the main missions that the system sends him and he will be able to travel to the worlds he has unlocked in the [gacha], besides that he could cultivate tikets multiverso traveling to worlds of little danger like highschool of the dead, where the greatest danger that there are only zombies in history or another world of lower level, just thinking about it our mc was completely happy, the only bad thing about that idea was that those worlds there were no great powers to buy in them, the greater the danger of the world that gets better will be the powers to buy, and the more difficult it will be to get multiverse tikets in them and the less danger there is in the worlds that get more multiverse tikets you will get but less will be the powers you can get from them

Clearly the second option brings greater benefits because with more tikets, the worlds will be greater to choose powers

Mc: I already have the clear idea that this system has its pros and cons and I can see why it is one of the best systems there

God: what does it mean that you understand it then ready for your new trip?

Mc: yes I am (said disidido)

with a snap of fingers a white portal appeared in front of our mc

God: well just go through the portal and you'll be thickening your new life

without any doubt our mc crossed the portal starting his trip

Next chapter