

Hansel paced around the room constantly, he was confused and worried at the same time.

"What does this mean?! Did I just become a god due an error or something? It can't be right? Right?" He murmured to himself looking at the screen of the system.

"I have to check it out at least." He quickly searched the house for some proper clothes and found some. He wore a simple black T-shirt and pants he found in a closet then left the building.

He memorized his way out of the street to not get lost and learned the way back, he stared at every little thing for some time while walking, he even took his time with the architecture.

He stopped in front of a store that had some books and entered, the 1st thing he noticed was the scent of old books and dust.

"Hello there, what can I do for you?" asked a simple old man that wore glasses.

He paused for a moment, formulating a way to ask what he wanted, in the end, he decided to go just talk and figure things along the way.

He took out some paper money he had found in the house under the bed while searching for clothes and put them in front of the old man.

He could somehow understand what was written on the money, which meant he could read at least. He had put a few thousand Jewels which was equivalent to a few dozen dollars.

"I want a book with magic spells, the simpler the better. In fact, I rather it be a holder magic or something..."

The old man nodded with a smile and took out a book, he handed it to him, he looked at it, 'Magic for beginners? Good.'

Hansel took the book, the old man handed him back some of the money, "Here, youngster, Good luck."

He took it and quickly left the store, he didn't return to the house instead he directly walked along the main street of the town and eventually found himself in the outskirts of Magnolia.

He stopped when he reached a secluded spot in the eastern forest, the trees felt different, there was something in the air that he could feel but he didn't want to deal with those things at the moment.

He took a deep breath and opened the book and began reading as he sat under the shade of a tree.

An hour passed in no time.

He closed the book with anticipation in his eyes, "This is easier than I imagined."

He brought his hand in front of his face and focused on the middle of the palm, he focused deep within himself and before he could even focus, some sort of energy endlessly flowed out of his mind and body.

He stopped with a frown, 'At this rate, I might just summon a tornado by accident instead of a gust of wind...'

He stood up, 'I need to at least practice near the sea, there won't be any destruction that way...'

He returned to the town quickly and after asking around reached the beach and got away from the town till it was noon, his stomach began protesting but he ignored it.

He had to test it for himself.

He closed his eyes and focused as he faced the sea, his hand stretched toward the body of water.

A magic circle slowly took form in front of his hand and began expanding, he focused completely on the process and tried to use the smallest amount of magic power he could.

The clear sky suddenly darkened as clouds appeared out of nowhere, the wind picked up around as if a storm was coming, the people in the town walked out to see what was going on as the sunny weather had changed to a rainy one in a manner of seconds.

Hansel wasn't aware but magic power had begun to leak out of him in tremendous amounts, the world around him began shaking slightly as a terrible pressure descended that could be felt even dozens of miles away.

His hair started fluttering due to the wind as his body began glowing in a yellowish-golden color, from afar he looked like a star.

Hansel felt the wind and he could even sense that gravity was weakening as his feet slowly separated from the ground. He began floating.

Surprisingly he didn't feel happy, he was frustrated instead, 'I can't summon less that this! Why?!'

It was not easy at all, he felt like trying to catch as little water as possible in a tiny bucket while standing under a waterfall that seemed like Niagara falls, no matter what he did, the bucket would be filled in an instant, and be overflowed. The only solution seemed to carry a bigger bucket the size of a car or something but he didn't want to cause a natural disaster, he wanted a little magic...

And what was more, he was trying to hold back as much as possible to the limit and the waterfall of magic was like that, he didn't dare to imagine what would happen if he let infinite magic power loose...

'It doesn't matter I have to do it, I want to test magic! Nothing bad can happen anyway...'

As Hansel was trying to do magic for the 1st time, he did not realize the terror his magic power was causing.

Within the magic guild of Fairy Tail, everything was going as usual when suddenly everyone stood up with widened eyes, especially the master, he looked extremely serious, "What is this feeling?"

The wizards seemed to have lost their tales as chaos descended, they quickly left the building and saw the changing weather, Makarov frowned as he started turning bigger, "Erza, go investigate the source, I will protect the town in case a destructive attack comes."

A red-haired girl in armor nodded and quickly ran towards the source of magic. "Wait for me!" The local fire dragon slayer quickly followed only to be hit in the head by the girl, "Stay."

Meanwhile, Hansel finally got hold of the magic power, it was very difficult for him. First, because the flow was too strong and too much even with him limiting it as much as possible and on the other hand, it was an infinitely small amount for him so he felt like he was trying to catch a drop of water.

In a strange way, it was both too much and too little. Almost like trying to catch a bullet, it moved too fast and was too small, there was too much force.

He didn't falter though, the magic circle in front of him had already become bigger than a house in size and was not going to stop growing. As he finally managed to complete the 1st step and hardest step, the magic circle was so big that Makarov could see it from Magnolia. It was a few hundred feet tall...

Makarov felt despair the moment he laid eyes on it, "How can this be?! Is it one of the gods of Ishgar?!!" He exclaimed in horror. The guild members flinched when they heard his voice, they were all uneasy.

Hansel finally sighed in relief, 'Now all that remains is to release it as the book states and a gust of wind will appear...'

He opened his eyes and was very surprised, he already knew he was floating and some commotion was going to happen but he did not expect so much chaos when he looked around, the size of the magic circle worried him greatly but he did not hesitate, 'I need to end this and run away fast...'

"Wait!" He heard a loud shout and turned to see Erza Scarlet barely managing to walk toward him due to the intense wind, the howling of the air was loud but it didn't stop her voice from reaching him.

Her long hair whipped around like there was no tomorrow and she was wearing a type of very heavy armor to be able to barely remain on the ground yet her eyes were determined as she looked at him. She couldn't walk anymore due to the magic pressure, she could only kneel and look up...

'Fuck...' He thought, 'Now there won't be any end to the trouble... I shouldn't have tried to do magic...' He felt regret.

"Why?! Why are you doing this?! Why do you want to destroy Magnolia?!" Erza asked quickly.

Hansel answered, "Who said I want to destroy Magnolia?! I am just experimenting!"

Erza seemed shocked and looked at him with disbelief.

He didn't wait for a response and released the magic in the opposite direction of Magnolia.

A horrible sound echoed in the world as if a dragon was howling loudly, the water on the sea took a tsunami shape and began rising till the seafloor was visible and even then, rocks and such began breaking off from the seafloor and joined the tsunami. All the water disappeared for hundreds of meters along with most of the seafloor, creating a chasm and a gigantic tsunami that stood nearly a mile tall. The wind blew all things away to Hansel's front.

Trees and rocks were blown around in the sides even though they were not in the range of the magic. The tsunami began moving at a fast speed and even became faster due to the wind.

Erza looked at everything with a pale face, her pupils turning into small dots. Especially because the tsunami was moving in all directions, including Magnolia, the edges that moved there were smaller than the main part but it was still not to be looked down on.

Makarov yelled loudly as he saw the coming tsunami, "Use all the magic you have! We have to stop it!" He grew as tall as the coming wave and ran towards it.

Lucy summoned Aquarius and the spirit summoned a smaller tsunami towards the coming one after berating her.

All Fairy Tail wizards did what they could.

The two sides hit each other, the impact was loud enough to be heard in all of Magnolia. Chaos consumed the sea as water raged in all directions. Makarov who had run into the wave was constantly pushed around without control over his body.

Thankfully, the side of the wave was not as horrible as the main body of the tsunami going in another direction. They managed to stop it but despite that, some structures near the shore were destroyed.

Hansel slowly floated down from his position in the air with an awed expression, he looked at his hands, 'I might just destroy the world if I am not careful... I better stop doing magic and pursue something else... I think I am going to open a magic shop since there was a bag full of money in the house...'

He realized then and there that he was not going to be able to master his magic power at this rate, it was infinite, even the smallest part of infinity had the potential to do horrible destruction.

'I better read many books and find a way...'

He turned to look at Erza and found her stunned, looking at the going wave, he quickly ran towards her and arrived in an instant. He was not surprised, he knew using magic power would enhance his physical power to an extent.

Before the girl could react, he picked her in a princess carry and ran as fast as he could towards the land because the water was coming back and the area was going to be destroyed due to the backlash of the force and sea filling the formed chasm, if he left the girl there, who knew, she might not make it.

He knew she was one of the heroes of this world, her death would not be good...

Erza blinked and she realized she was a hundred meters away and blinked again and realized she was halfway to Magnolia based on the blurring surroundings, "Wha..."

She stopped talking when she saw the one who was carrying her looked at her, she was immediately absorbed in the glowing green eyes.

She was quick to gather her bearing and realize her situation, her face turned a little red as she tried to push him off only to realize his strength was far too much above her.

"Put me down this instant." She said trying to sound calm and serious.

Hansel looked back and nodded, "We are far enough, sure. Don't come looking for me, bye." He dropped her uncaringly.

Before Erza could respond, she felt his hands disappear and gravity took hold of her, she fell on the ground in her armor. Anger quickly filled her mind as she turned to give the man a piece of her mind but did not find him...

She had seen his face and she was not going to listen at all, she was going to find him.

Hansel deactivated his magic power and completely made it stop giving any sort of aura as he entered the city, 'I have to avoid Erza and lay low...' He decided as he collapsed on the bed.

He wanted to start a mundane life in this world, he had already decided since the alternative was possible world destruction. Only a small slip up in his magic output and boom, the planet would be gone and he would die.

He was not willing but it appeared to be the logical choice to him at the moment.