
Chapter 1:"System and Reincarnation"

Accidents are something far more common than you'd think, yet I never really thought I'd be in one... Specially an airborne one.

(My POV)

As I fell down from the plane, I screamed my lungs out naturally panicked due to my certain death coming up, but then suddenly it felt as if time had slowed down.

Before my eyes a shining rectangle appeared, a message of sorts that I thought only I could read:

"You have been chosen to migrate to another universe, Dragon Ball, you will be under the laws and systems of said place, and will be given a new body you can customize one and only once, do you accept?"

I quickly hit the "accept" option and time resumed normally, and yet, I kept falling just as moments ago.

And so I somehow managed to scream louder, so much, so I thought my vocal cords were gonna tear. My only hopes faded the moment time came back to its normal speed and gravity kept working.

My agony ended when the plane we were in crashed onto the ground causing a massive explosion, of which I could only hear a faint rumbling before blacking out.

I saw nothing but a great black void, couldn't feel, couldn't see, couldn't hear, I didn't even really know if I was breathing or not, if my heart was pulsing or not...


Huh, wonder if this is what blind people see, well, not see, I mean — Look, it's not the time for this. Speaking of time, I don't really feel it, it's hard to explain, but I'm awfully calm and stationary, as if both time and space stopped working here...

After wandering in my mind for god-knows how long, I thought about that "message" I saw before dying... Perhaps this is what it feels like in the other side? Am I trapped in my imagination and none of this is real?

And then, suddenly, I saw a shining rectangle spawn in front of me just like before, except this one had a loading screen instead of a message.


[Download: 20%]

Huh? What's this? "Download"? Hold up, if this is just like the message I read before getting blown up into oblivion... Does this mean I'm reincarnating into Dragon Ball?! Does this mean I'm gonna get powers and girls and a cool system just like those light novels and weird fanfics I read?! Hahahaha!

Thrilled, I kept watching the bar go right, praying for there not to be an error like in school computers until the download finally finished. After all this time -maybe not- a beep sound rang along with a mechanical-like voice inside my mind

[Ding! Welcome, host, the download was successful]

Great! Now I have a god-damn system! Why am I excited by this now?!

[Ding! Host, that's because a skill is affecting you]

Skill? What kinda skill makes me have different emotions?!

[Ding! Host possesses a skill known as "Gamer mind", specifically it is a trait]

Yet another screen showed up in front of me.

[Gamer mind Lvl. MAX.]

[Allows the host to act calm and reasonable, he will be able to control his emotions at will and not suffer any kind of emotional trauma and mental illness, (including stress and anxiety) this is a trait It affects as a passive and active ability, you will be able to activate, deactivate or even regulate some of the effects]

This trait is awesome!

[Ding! The trait was activated when the host died, hence why the host was so relaxed and collected, when the system started downloading, the host accidentally deactivated the trait]

So I'm the ultimate life form: A gamer.

Yikes... Anyways, that explains a lot of things.

System, where am I?

[Ding! The host is not in a particular place, this is the absolute nothingness, atoms cannot exist here, neither can energy]

I'm fairly sure that's not... Doesn't matter, so what do I do now?

[Ding! The host is advised to create a new vessel, without it, he won't be able to reincarnate and will be stuck in the void forever]


What?! Is that even a choice?!

I chose to accept and guess what, another screen popped up. I began to build my new body in there.

My new body was a pale and athletic man with red eyes, white hair, 1'76 meters (5'7 feet) in height and a face many could envy: My new name would be Baël.

I obviously made my body as good as I could, everyone would like to be handsome and not built like a bus ticket am I right?

[Ding! Now that the host's new vessel has been created, the host will be reincarnated in Dragon Ball's universe. When in there, he will be able to check his condition by wishing so]

Then I felt I was moving, in the blink of an eye I left the seemingly infinite abyss behind me and started to see flashing lights. It was obvious to me that I was going much faster than the speed of light when all of a sudden, tons of data and numbers started to appear around me until said data began to take form and build the body I had made. Slowly but surely the body which was now mine became exactly like the one I had previously chosen — And then I became a baby. When the process was over, everything faded to black just like a while ago.

After an instant that felt like trillions of years, I could open my eyes. Everything was blurry and I could hardly make out anything due to the sudden change of lighting. As my eyes adapted to the light, I could see I was in a capsule with blue liquid inside, and yet I didn't feel as if I was drowning — In fact, it felt quite good...

I was a pretty big fan of Dragon Ball in my past life, so I guessed I must be a saiyan, one of the few races that has human-like appearance and also high power level, I could also feel a fifth limb which was a white monkey tail, so that confirmed my theory.

I can't wait to see my stats...

[Name: Baël

Race: Saiyan

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Power Level: 30

Exp: 0

Hp: 300 HP Regen: 45

Sp: 900 Sp Regen: 60

Ki: 400 Ki Regen: 60

Vit: 30 Str: 30

Dex: 30 Cha: 20

Luc: 1,000 Int: 20

Wis: 20

Stat Points: 0

Skills (Active):


Skills (Passive):

Ki Control Lvl. 1


Gamer Body Lvl. MAX

Gamer Mind Lvl. MAX


Saiyan Tail]

I spent a while double-checking my stats and skills and, honestly, they're pretty nice to start out with. For example, a power level of 30 is 6 times the power level Goku had At that moment, although I'm still a low class saiyan — One with insane luck — So can't really complain

An alien appeared in front of me, it wasn't a saiyan like me, so I guess it was just some subordinate of Freezer's galactic empire.

Saiyans are not the most gentle creatures on the galaxy to say the least, and they're on missions most of the time, so almost all of the administration must be done by other aliens (Yeah, makes sense)

The alien picked up the capsule I was in and then inserted it in some kind of machine, which after a few seconds emitted a beep sound. Then that alien who I'm going to call Larry for no reason in particular picked me again to get me out of the machine, and in the screen you could see a 30, which I assume meant my power level and determines which class I belonged to.

Then I heard Larry do a "Tch" kind of sound expressing fatigue, I guess he's bored of dealing with babies and saiyan and all of that stuff, I get that it's not the nicest workspace, but that's not one of my problems — So you deal with it Larry, I absolutely do not care about your sorry-ass so stop complaining, you got that Larry? Yeah, of course you did...

Larry the dumb-ass put me where I was before he picked me up, that's what I thought, and remember you work for the saiyan — Me — Are we clear on that? 'Cause I could beat you into a green bloody pulp any second now, you spacial-abort-attempt...

... I have realized that I can't speak.

So I remained in the same spot (No shit...) while Larry carried out his job, when he was gone, I tried to sense Ki for hours on end, and yet didn't feel hungry no matter how much time passed. I guess it's because of this blue liquid I'm on, maybe some kind of IV fluid that nourishes the body... Anyways, I managed to feel the Ki, it was like a small river that was flowing through every part of my body without obstructions, yet I could only feel a small part of the river at once. I tried to move it, and it did slightly what I wanted, but I couldn't practically use it for anything in this state. I didn't try to move it out of my body, for that would surely shock Larry... Bastard...

[Ding! Congratulations, host has acquired the skill "Ki Detection Lvl. 1" with his own efforts.]

Jeez thanks, that would be such a lovely phrase if you didn't have the voice of a knock-off smartphone assistant... In any case, good.

I then tried to feel and control my Ki once again, but the difference was unnoticeable, probably couldn't even count as a difference in the first place but a skill's a skill I guess...

After a while, I heard a beep.

[Ding! Host has received 10 exp for his efforts.]

Oh? So I can get exp by both training AND practicing with skills? Well that sure is nice to hear... — I mean, see -

I kept going at it for some good 8 hours of not sleep, and now that think about it... I get that I don't get tired due to [Gamer Mind], but what about sleep?

[Ding! That is because of the Host's trait: "Gamer Body"]

[Gamer Body: Allows the host to live his life as if he were in a video game, with no need of basic needs such as going to the bathroom, eating, or sleeping.

The host will still have to shower]


Even if it lacks that awesome perk, that means I can train 24/7 until I get out of here! That's fucking awesome!

And so after training for another 8 hours the system gave me a notification

[Ding! Congratulations, host has leveled up his skill "Ki Control" to level 2 thanks to his hard training!]

You mean I can level up skills without the need of exp?! This can't possibly get any better!

I spent the following six months training these two marvelous skills, I kept saving exp to spend when I have other cool skills to level up or some emergency that needs it — Not that I in a hurry to train, I have as much time as I want right now, but that doesn't mean I get to waste it.

I managed to get my [Ki Control] to level 10, but when reaching that milestone something unexpected happened.

[Ding! Host has reached a breaking point in his skill "Ki Control", to get through it and further improve the skill, the host will need to train more and achieve deeper comprehension of the skill, afterwards, he will have to spend exp points to level up]

Well, guess that exp I was saving up is gonna be useful, my [Ki Detection] level is very close to 10 too, so I'm gonna have to train harder now.

After two full years of mastering my skills and burning my brain cells thinking of future plans, my skills got to level 25, also known as second breaking point. Right now I could control the Ki better than most low class adult saiyans and I might even be superior to some mid class ones too — The saiyan and most aliens don't usually train their control over the Ki, furthermore, with [Ki detection] at level 25 I can feel people's position, it's not 100% accurate but surely accurate enough to keep me alive in future battles. Tough sadly I couldn't yet know someone's power level just by looking at them... I could only know if they were much stronger than me, much weaker, or kinda similar.

And if you're wondering, saiyans are not the best parents around the neighborhood — My parents didn't even see me the first two years after my birth — The parents that did come to see their children just looked at them with disappointment if they were of low class and an unbearable smirk when they were mid-class, nothing more than that, no love or care. And if you're wondering about high class kids, those are in specialized zones.

After all these years, Larry came to where I was and opened the capsule. It wasn't the first time I stepped outside, as they'd gotten me out a few times, so I could already walk and speak perfectly — Not that it surprised them with their alien high standards...-

Larry handed me a Ki tracker and then led me out of that building, guess there's a first time for everything, huh? And also the first time for Larry to do something nice, I was getting claustrophobic in there... Not really, but you get the point.

The aliens were gonna send me to my first mission, they'd dump me on an inferior-class planet for me to conquest, if I died while doing so was none of their business, if I was killed in there they'd just send another unlucky low class kid.

Mid class children spent two years training in planet Vegeta to then be sent to their first mission, and high classes would get all the best training and time and all the cool toys — Real talk here, high classes are nasty, they look and speak like they got a stick up their ass at any and all times, when I can, I'm gonna beat one into becoming my lackey...

We entered another building full of saiyan spaceships entering and exiting the place, some kind of air... Spaceport.

Larry and I got to a spaceship identical to the ones Vegeta and Nappa used to get to the Earth — I mean, Raditz and Goku's were also like that... — Larry gave me a look filled of contempt.

Baël: "Tsk! I almost thought you were just gonna stand there looking at me with that dumb face of yours! A low class baby with no arms and legs would've done it faster, terrible job Larry!"

~Alien~ Larry: "Shut up you low class scum! My name is not Larry, now get into the spaceship!"

Baël: "Fine! I'll do it just to get away from you, all this time together, and you still treat me that bad? I wonder if you're gonna give those ugly-ass genes of yours to your descendants! If you even manage to have kids in the first place! You're the kind of person that makes me angry enough to throw a flash bang to an orphanage full of epileptic children!"

After insulting Larry (That bastard...) I got into the spaceship and shut the door, I didn't even bother to look at him, but I could feel his judging eyes piercing through me while he made the ship start and go to the selected planet

I wonder where I'm going, I feel sorry for the poor planet I end up in, hahaha! Anyways, I won't waste this chance, I'll train and show I'm a great warrior even if I was born a low class!

2.639 words.

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