
System Alden - harry potter ~

Died but got a second chance to live , yes it's about my reincarnation , a story of my own that is ... .. . . yes with my system I'll live in this world and discover new things and live my life to the fullest ... .. . only thing on my mind is to enjoy ~ Disclaimer : I don't own harry potter you know who does ~ Ps : I also don't own the cover Only this fanfiction is mine ~

AshxTan · Others
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23 Chs

[ Sum up ]

Mc : Noah Taylor

Class: wizard

status : Pureblood

Title: Holy soul, Host, Reincarnated, Ability user,

' lord of west '

Wand : None

familiar : None

Grimoire : voila

Attributes: Metamorphmagus

Natural beasts amor

[ amor = love

Beast will Naturally be attracted to you, almost none will be hostile towards you ]

Natural beasts speech

[ You will Naturally be able to talk to any beast in their tongue ( in their language ) ]

[ Parents by Blood ]

Mother : Isabella Jade Avery

Father : Regulus Arcturus Black

[ Adopted family ]

Mother : Zora Bell Taylor

Father : Richard Ace Taylor

Grandma: Erica Taylor

Grandpa : Terry Taylor

Uncle ( Godfather ) : Jack Taylor

Aunt : Rose Malfoy

[ Wizard line ]











< Family Tree >

JADE Family:

Fane jade -------- Ada Jade ( nee Lovelace )

| Oliver Jade ------- Ava Jade ( nee Avery ) [ Squib ]

| Isabella Jade [ squib ] -------- Regulus Black

AVERY Family:

Badrick Avery ------- Amber Avery ( nee Matthiola )

| Ava jade ( nee Avery ) | Brone Avery ( Avery sr. 1920s ) [ disowned ]