

"Sigh!.. This world is really unfair, some people were born to be kings while some were born worse than dogs'' Sighed Hu Xian, who was currently sitting on the roof of a twenty-floor building in a messy and sorry state, his long black hair which would have been the dream of countless girls was now in disarray, with tufts sticking out in different directions. His face was full of traces of tears being streaked down his cheeks, leaving trails of dampness on his skin. His eyes, which would have attracted the gazes of countless beauties, were now red and swollen from too much sadness and anger. His clothes, though not in disrepair, seemed slightly disheveled and in disorder, especially his long shirt's sleeves which were now dancing in the wind because of his missing arms. Yes, that's right,

''Why is it like this? Just because some were born rich, they could do whatever they want? While the poor are being treated like dogs that no one cares about? Aren't they also humans?'' feeling a mix of sadness and anger, He looked at the sky raising a bunch of questions like he was asking someone.

''just because he was born into a rich and powerful family he can do whatever he wanted? If I were born rich would my situation be different? If I were powerful would I have been reduced to my current state?'' suddenly, his expression which originally displayed a mix of sadness and anger, completely turned into that of complete anger.

''If I were also rich and powerful, my family would not have been... damn it! damn it! non of this would have happened if I had power!! Yes, that's it! power! it's all about power, whether it's money or influence, I have none of them. I am just a piece of shit that's worse than dogs '' Hu Xian kept yelling at the sky with all his might. tears coming out of his eyes and anger all over his face, he was so angry that he was about to explode.

Suddenly he stopped yelling abruptly and stood up and came to the tip of the roof. He stood there looking down at the bustling street down below, with the wind blowing his tears that were still flowing down his checks Even though he stopped yelling, his sad and angry expression was still there and has not decreased even a bit, hell, it has even increased, but what can he do? He was just a young man born into a normal family and didn't know the immensity of heaven and earth and offended someone whom he shouldn't have, which led to his entire family being wiped out, while he was left alive with both his arms being cut off just to make him suffer even more. And now he is standing on the very tip of the roof of a twenty-floor building, looking down below. So, you could imagine what he is thinking and wants to do right now.

You might say 'Isn't there low in this world? ' well there is indeed low, but low can only bind a wolf at most not Tigers and lions, after all, this world is just another slightly developed jungle.

As for Revenge? Hell, he couldn't even protect himself in his strongest condition, as for now? Let's just say it this way: can an ant destroy an elephant? Not to mention a disabled one at that.

''Fuck this damn world! Fuck you, Rothschild Ron, you damn beast! Fuck your Rothschild family! Fuck you all! ''Hu Xian cursed out loud with anger and hatred All over his face especially when he mentioned the name 'Rotchild Ron', his hatred for this person was obvious just from the way he said this name, that's because it was this man who caused his current state.

this tragedy happened two weeks ago.


That was on a regular day,

On this particular day, Hu Xian, though his facial features were quite ordinary, can still be considered quite handsome, with his long black hair that was neatly tied up in a horse tail-like position, and clear eyes with night-like dark pupils that held a certain depth and intensity. he wore a plain, casual outfit_a basic black t-shirt with comfortable blue jeans. All in all, except for his hair and eyes, which made him look a bit handsome, his overall appearance looked quite ordinary.

Even though, his looks don't draw much of attention, the one beside him does, making too many gazes focused on them

On his side was his sister Luna, who was exceptionally beautiful and can even be described as a 'country toppling beauty', especially with her golden-like hair that was flowing down her back, and her clear, bright blue eyes that were shining with a sense of innocence and charm made her captivating facial features looked even more otherwordly, added to this captivating beauty was her attire, she was wearing a white drop shoulder trumpet sleeve, loose and light modern Hanfu dress, even though it was clear that the Hanfu was not made of high-level material, so it's quite obvious that it was cheap, but it still looked comfortable to wear.

The contrast between the two draw even more attention from Paserbays as they walked along the busy streets of new york city as they headed back home. While Hu xian's appearance may have been quite ordinary, luna's extraodinary beauty seemed to radiate like a beacon, capturing the attention of those around them.

their family, which was a four-member family, the father Hu Bao, who is a Chinese man, the mother Emma Smith who is from New York, his sister Hu Luna who was given the name Luna which is an American name by her American mother, and lastly he who was given the Chinese name 'Xian' by his Chinese father. lives in new york city's Chinatown street.

''Hey, brother have you found a girlfriend yet? I saw you the other day talking and laughing with Uncle Chen's daughter. tell me, what's the relationship between you two?'' His sister Hu Luna asked while looking at him with a mischievous glint in her clear, bright blue eyes.

Hu Xian, momentarily taken aback, looked at her speechlessly and said '' what? Hell No, we are just friends''.

''Hehe just friends, you say!'' Luna teased with a smile, while playfully nudging him

''And why do you always curse using that 'hell no' word ? haven't mom already told you to watch your language?'' she continued with a scold, the teasing smile still on her face.

''Ahem,'' he coughed, a little embarrassed.

Seeing the embarrassed look on his face, Luna knew that she had successfully teased her brother. '' You are already twenty-three years old, do you want to stay single forever?'' she said, teasing him even further while raising an eyebrow playfully.

" Alright! Alright! Stop joking around, the light is green, let's cross the road '' Hu Xian said, raising his hands in mock surrender.

As they continued walking together, Luna couldn't help but add one more playful remark, '' Come on, big brother, don't be shy. Maybe you should consider giving it a try. Who knows, she might give you a chance''.

Hearing her, Hu Xian couldn't help but chuckle. Though he knew that she was only teasing him, he was still grateful for his sister's lightheartedness and support.

''Ok, that's enough, let's go'' he replied with a smile, trying to end this conversation.

Just as they reached the edge of the sidewalk, ready to cross the road, a sudden rush of speed caught them off guard. A black Lamborghini approached at high speed, seemingly uninterested in stopping for anyone. But just as it reached the crossing line, to their astonishment, the luxurious car magically came to a halt, its powerful engine purring softly.

Seeing this, The two exchanged surprised glances, momentarily taken aback by the dramatic halt of the extravagant vehicle. However, they quickly shrugged it off, not giving it much thought. In their minds, such high-end cars were far beyond their reach, and there was no reason to pay too much attention to it.

With a nonchalant demeanor, they continued on their way, crossing the road without sparing another glance at the flashy car.

As they crossed in front of the luxurious Lamborghini, Hu Xian and his sister Luna were unaware of the intense gaze fixed on them from inside the car. Not knowing that a pair of eyes filled with lust and arrogance was observing and scanning them like a hunter sizing up its prey.

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