
System's Edge

In the harsh slums of a world where power rules, young Aiden fights solely for his survival. Orphaned and alone, his life changes when he discovers a mysterious system within himself, granting him extraordinary abilities. Initially driven by a desire to rise above his humble beginnings, Aiden’s path takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon a sinister conspiracy threatening society. Faced with a choice, he decides to use his powers not just for himself, but to fight against the looming darkness. "System's Edge" follows Aiden's journey from a self-centered fighter to a reluctant hero, battling both external enemies and the inner demons that challenge his resolve.

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8 Chs

First day in the academy part 1

The children who did not manifest a Visage were quietly led away by the officials, their heads hung low with disappointment. They would be enrolled in regular schools, their dreams of joining the academy dashed for now. Meanwhile, the children who had successfully manifested their Visages were guided towards the dorms of Elordia Academy. Among them were Eric, Fiona, Danny, Mia, and Aiden. Each was handed a badge and a uniform identical to the one worn by their instructor, Selene. The group shared brief, excited glances before being directed to separate dorms—girls to one side and boys to the other.

Aiden, clutching his new uniform and badge, looked at the card he had been given. It contained detailed instructions and a map leading him to his assigned dormitory. The excitement from earlier in the day still buzzed through him, filling his mind with ideas about what school life might be like. The corridors of the academy were grand and labyrinthine, with walls adorned with tapestries depicting legendary Visage wielders and their epic battles. The air smelled faintly of old parchment and polished wood, a comforting reminder of the academy's long history.

As dusk gave way to night, Aiden finally found his dorm. He pushed the door open, stepping into a room with three beds. To his dismay, one of his roommates was the same big city kid who had mocked him earlier. He was slender and tall with sharp, angular features, pale skin, and neatly styled black hair. His cold blue eyes and impeccably worn uniform exuded an air of refinement and arrogance typical of a noble upbringing. A sneer of superiority played on his lips as he glanced up but didn't say anything.

The other boy was tall and broad-shouldered with tanned skin, curly brown hair, and bright green eyes. His muscular build and calloused hands reflected his rural upbringing and hard work. He greeted Aiden warmly and extended his hand with a friendly smile. "Hi, I'm John," he said. "I awakened a Terra Visage, earth-based."

Aiden shook his hand, feeling a bit more at ease. "I'm Aiden, not sure what my Visage is exactly. Nice to meet you, John."

John then turned towards the big city kid, trying to introduce him. "And this is—"

But before he could finish, the big city kid shot him a hard look, effectively silencing him. With a haughty expression, the big city kid stood up and left the room without a word, leaving John and Aiden alone.

John sighed and shrugged, taking the opportunity to fill the silence. "His name is Clyde. He has a Sonus Visage, sound-based, which is quite rare. The noble kids can be a bit haughty, but I think we're all equals here at the academy."

Aiden couldn't help but think John was a bit naive. "That's nice of you to say, John, but backgrounds do give some of them a boost, not only in knowledge but also in resources."

John nodded, but his eyes remained hopeful. "Maybe, but I still believe that what we do here and how hard we work can level the playing field."

Aiden appreciated John's optimism, even if he wasn't entirely convinced. "Yeah, maybe you're right. It's okay to let him be idealistic," he thought. "After all, everyone could use a bit of hope in a place like this."

The two boys continued to talk as they unpacked and settled into their new room, the excitement of the day slowly giving way to the anticipation of what tomorrow would bring.

The next morning, Clyde was already gone by the time John and Aiden woke up. The two of them got ready and headed to their first class together. As they entered the classroom, Aiden noticed a diverse mix of students: nobles, commoners, and slum kids. Aiden scanned the room but didn't see any of his friends like Eric or Danny; they must have been assigned to another class. However, he did recognize a few faces from the test the day before.

Their teacher arrived shortly after. He was a young man with tousled hair, dark circles under his eyes, and a perpetual slouch that made him look almost sleepy. His clothes were slightly rumpled, and he had an air of disinterest about him as if he would rather be anywhere else.

"Morning, class," he said in a monotone voice, barely suppressing a yawn. "I'm Professor Ryn. For the first year, we'll be focusing on understanding Visages and how to cultivate them to become stronger."

He leaned against his desk, clearly bored. "Visages are a bit tricky. There are ways to strengthen them in terms of raw power, but some aspects require talent, inspiration, and personal development."

Professor Ryn began to explain the ranks of Visage manifestation. "There are several ranks you will progress through as your Visage develops. For now, we'll focus on the first three: Initiate, Adept, and Exemplar. Each rank is further divided into four sub-ranks, with the fourth being the 'Perfected' level. So, for Initiates, the highest you can be is a Perfected Initiate."

He paused, glancing around the room with half-lidded eyes. "As an Initiate, your Visage is still quite basic. It's an abstract aura. When you reach Adept, your Visage begins to take on more defined features. As an Exemplar, it becomes a more distinct, humanoid form."

Professor Ryn continued, his tone remaining indifferent as he leaned against his desk. "Currently, all of you should be at the Basic level within the Initiate rank. The next sub-rank is Proficient, followed by Advanced. At the Advanced level, you have the option to attempt a breakthrough to the next main rank, which is Adept."

He glanced around the room, his eyes lingering on each student for a moment before moving on. "However, you can also aim for the Perfected stage before advancing. Achieving the Perfected stage is incredibly challenging because the conditions to reach it are complex and stringent. Even though many of these conditions have been discovered over time, there are still many unknown factors involved. But that's a discussion for another time."

One of the students raised a hand, curiosity evident on their face. "Professor, what kind of conditions are we talking about?"

Ryn's eyes half-closed, as if contemplating whether to answer. "The conditions vary depending on your Visage and personal growth. They can include mastering certain skills, experiencing significant life events, or achieving particular milestones in your training. It's a holistic process that demands both physical and mental fortitude. But again, we'll delve deeper into that topic later in the course."

The class absorbed the information, a mix of determination and apprehension on their faces. Aiden took notes diligently. The students listened intently, some scribbling notes, others simply absorbing the information. Aiden felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. This was the beginning of a long journey, and he was eager to learn more about his own Visage and how to strengthen it.

Professor Ryn continued, "Your growth depends on many factors—training, personal experiences, significant life events. It's not just about brute strength but also about how you grow as a person. Remember that as you start your journey here."

With that, he dismissed the class, urging them to think about their Visages and what they wanted to achieve. Aiden and John exchanged looks, both feeling the weight of the journey ahead but also the excitement of the possibilities that lay before them.

The next class was a fighting class, designed to help students familiarize themselves with their passive abilities and try out their first real powers. The professor in charge was an old man with a sturdy frame, his face a fascinating mix of age and strength. Deep wrinkles etched his weathered skin, but his eyes shone with undiminished vigor. His name was Professor Garrick, and his presence alone commanded respect and curiosity.

As Professor Garrick addressed the class, Aiden couldn't help but wonder about the ranks of the professors. Were they all Exemplars like Master Thalor? He watched the old man with a mix of awe and curiosity, trying to gauge the depth of his power.

"Today, we'll separate you into groups based on the family of your Visage," Professor Garrick announced. He began calling out names and directing students to different sections of the training area.

Out of the thirty kids in the class, the distribution of Visage families created a diverse tapestry of potential. In the Elemental family, which allows for the manipulation of natural elements, there were several students representing various elements. Alaric, a noble boy with an air of confidence, stood among the Fire Visages along with two commoner kids. A rural girl named Lila manifested a Water Visage. John, with his earth-based Visage, represented the rural students, while a noble girl named Clarissa shared his affinity for Earth. The Air Visages included a noble boy named Cedric, whose demeanor suggested he was used to command, alongside two commoner kids.

The Mystic family, filled with arcane potential such as magic, shadow control, and light manipulation, had two noble kids and one commoner manifesting Arcanum Visages. Among the shadows, one commoner and two slum kids had Noctis Visages, while the light was represented by two commoner kids with Lumina Visages.

In the Physical family, which enhances bodily attributes like strength, speed, or shape-shifting, the Titan Visages were embodied by Vim, a slum kid known for his strength, a noble boy named Gareth, and one commoner. Fleche Visages were manifested by Martin, a rural boy, and one slum girl. The formidable Colossus Visages included one noble and one commoner, and the shape-shifting Shifter Visages were seen in two commoner kids and one rural student.

The Psychic family showcased diverse mental powers like telepathy, telekinesis, and precognition. Psyche Visages were held by one noble and one rural student. The Kinesis Visages included Cyd, a calm noble boy, and one commoner. Empath Visages were manifested by two commoner kids, and Oracle Visages were represented by one noble and one rural student.

Finally, the Specialized family brought unique abilities such as necromancy, life energy manipulation, and spectral manipulation. Necros Visages appeared in one noble and one slum kid, suggesting a dark potential. Vivus Visages, linked to life energy, were represented by one commoner and one rural student. The spectral Specter Visages included one noble and one commoner, while the enigmatic Sonus Visages, allowing for sound manipulation, were seen in Clyde and one commoner kid.

Among all these diverse manifestations, Aiden stood alone. His grey aura, not neatly fitting into any category, intrigued Professor Garrick. The professor approached Aiden with curiosity and asked him to show his aura. Aiden hesitated but followed the professor's instructions, closing his eyes and reaching within himself. Quickly, he felt a presence and visualized himself in a vast, empty white space. There, he saw a grey aura and, reaching out to it, felt a connection.

In the real world, the grey aura materialized around Aiden, visible to everyone. The class fell silent as all eyes turned towards him. Professor Garrick, eyebrows raised in surprise, nodded approvingly. "Impressive, Aiden. For a slum kid to manifest by himself that fast is indeed impressive."

The class buzzed with murmurs, the other students clearly impressed by Aiden's rapid manifestation. Clyde and John were stunned, their previous assumptions challenged by Aiden's performance.

Aiden found himself standing alone, his grey aura too undefined to fit neatly into any category. Professor Garrick noticed this and approached him with a look of curiosity. "Aiden, it seems your aura doesn't belong to any specific family. Grey auras usually indicate status-enhancing Visages, not tied to particular elements or defined powers like telekinesis."

The professor's eyes narrowed with intrigue. "Show us your aura, Aiden."

Aiden nodded hesitantly. "How do I do that, Professor?"

"You need to close your eyes and reach within yourself," Professor Garrick explained. "Feel for another presence close to your own, but not exactly the same."

Clyde, standing nearby, smirked disdainfully. "It's not easy to show the Visage outside of the Manifest Circle. I doubt a slum kid like you can do it."

Professor Garrick seemed to agree to some extent. "It's challenging, but not impossible. Just focus, Aiden. If you need more tips, just ask."

Aiden took a deep breath and closed his eyes, following the professor's instructions. Very quickly, he felt a presence. He visualized himself in a vast, empty white space, understanding it to be a kind of mind space. Not far from him in this mind space, he saw a grey aura. Reaching out to it, he felt a connection.

In the real world, a grey aura began to materialize around Aiden, visible to everyone in the class. The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards him. The professor's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and even Clyde and John were stunned.

Professor Garrick nodded approvingly. "Impressive, Aiden. For a slum kid to manifest by himself that fast is indeed impressive."

The class buzzed with murmurs, the other students clearly impressed by Aiden's rapid manifestation. Aiden opened his eyes, feeling the grey aura pulsating around him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, even if his Visage wasn't as flashy or defined as the others.