
Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age(Alternative)

Disclaimer: Most of the contents in this book doesn't belong to me but from the original author name NaranNarman, the author of the original Synthetic Survivor. The reason I made this book was create a better version of it, because some part of the story isn't good and doesn't make any sense, so I'll rewrite it then. While the original author seems retires and didn't complete the whole story, I might just gonna complete it for him. And also, in this book, the characters and the outcome of the story is similar, I added an extra twist to make the story very thrill. And I change the names from the orginal book cause I felt like it. References: Out of Space, Science/Magic, Doom Eternal, Overlord, Gate, Minecraft, Monster Hunter, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man woke with amnesia underneath the shattered remains of a once powerful human civilization. He remembered nothing, his past or the events that happened that caused the world to become as it was. He was no longer purely human, he woke to find himself as a nearly destroyed Android. But amid the radioactive dunes and lifeless expanse of the Earth, a lone machine network survived the disaster. After discovering that he controlled them, he set out on one goal: Rebuild. But how can he fully rebuild? For the Earth once had life but now was barren, not even bacteria survived. But he was not alone, when he awoke, a voice rang in his head, who was it? It was his long friend, a friend from the past with unknown relationship. Although he does not remember her name, he still felt how important she was before even if he has lost all his humanity and memories, her name was Caitlyn. Follow her as she guides him for centuries after he awakes, the both of them will form the most powerful machine leaders who will ever walk in the face of the world. Their story will start 1000 years into his rebuilding, he now controlled a vast network of machines around the planet Earth, all focused in the effort of rebuilding the world towards its former glory, there was only one thing missing, an essential attribute which differentiated Earth from all other known planets: Life. But everything changed when a wormhole opened, a breach within the fabric of space and time, opening a pathway between Earth and a world of fantasy! Follow him as he and his Empire explores this new mystical world full of elves, goblins, orcs, dwarves, ogres, humans, kingdoms, Empires and magic! His goal of restoring life may be within his grasps. But that does not mean there won’t be opposition. There will be battles, wars and calamities, millions will perish in the onslaught that will soon follow. Especially, when he discovers that the new world held the secrets of the past. He will face Deities and powerful foes, will he prevail? New weapons he will smith and countries he shall wipe out. Note: I'm fine with the Critism comments you will sent, because it helps me with my mistake on the story, and don't do it TOO much because I'm a bit emotional.

Artemis099 · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs


As the previous chapter continues, both sides took their stance and ready themselves for battle, their numbers were equal but the battle depended on their physical and magical abilities.

"Fire everything!"

The MTF Droids all then started firing at their enemies using their Battle Rifles. Some of the Knights couldn't react in time, resulting in them getting killed, Kyle and his most strongest Knight members however simply teleported away, avoiding the attacks.

Aside from firearms, some of the MTF Droids pulled out melee weapons and rushed towards the Knight Order.

"{Mass Holding effect}"

One of the armored Knights cast its spell, several large magic circles then appear below most of the Androids. However, with their strength alone, they easily break free from it, one Android is the first to break free and immediately punches the Knight with its metallic fist coating with energy.

Then, a huge fight started to lose.

Kyle cast himself with {Zephyr's Flight}, a 6th tier spell that was improved like most Demigods' flight. This enabled the caster to fly twice as fast in the air as it would with the {Fly} Spell, but not fast as a normal Demigod. But it was still a valuable spell for those wishing to fight in the air like Demigods did. Most people didn't do so of course due to fear of being sniped at by enemies so it was rarely used.

Back to the scene, Kyle flies in the air then both he and his Knight order fires dozens of Magic spells shot at Mach 7 at the group.

All of the Androids quickly dodges the attack with relative ease, Valentine fired a massive icicle from her hands at the Knight Captain who was still in the air but the icicle shatters before it could hit him when it made impact on the Magic Immunity Barrier he cast that is immune to magic attack below 10th tier.

"Damn it"

Valentine clicks her tongue, she knew this mission will be a tough one, of course she's a former member of the Papal Scriptures and has enough strength to defeat the entire Veteral Knight Order alone, but what it made things difficult for her is the Captain himself, Kyle Holland who has the strength and power rivaling hers and most of the Papal Scriptures, he is considered as the most talented and strongest warrior of the Veldarun Empire.

But it's not just Kyle who is a large threat for her, it's that he has few or more Time-based Magic, making him a formidable foe for Valentine.

While both of their mens fought each other around them, in the next instant, jumps towards the former Papal Scripture captain, Kyle does a downward slash with his duel blades but the Assassin-mage quickly back steps before the attack could hit her. 

One MTF Droid rushes towards Kyle at full speed but he summons dozens glowing yellow spears behind him and sends them flying at the Android.

But the Android sends out many small drones from its back, they all shoot laser beams, destroying the attacks before it quickly flies at the Knight Captain and punches his face and then the guts.


In pain, the Knight Captain was sent flying towards a wall but he stabbed one of his swords into the ground and anchored himself, preventing him from flying any further. 

"I'm a little bit impressed by your abilities. But it won't stop me."

Then he removes his sword from the ground and sends multiple horizontal and vertical beam slashes at them but they quickly dodge all the beam attacks and rushed towards him but then his body started glowing gold and then he raised sword in the air and once again stabs the ground, creating a massive electrical shockwave, throws everyone, including his own men a few feet away. 

Everyone quickly got up but Kyle ran towards Valentine and did a fast horizontal slash with his sword but Valentine bends over the attack dodging it and then jumps back from Kyle to gain some distance before placing her sword back to her sheathe.

Sharply staring at Valentine's hand, just when she was about to channel her mana onto her sword, Kyle, noticing this, quickly made his move.

His toes gently pressed onto the ground as his body shot forward like a lightning bolt.


A subtle clicking sound rang out.


Then a sound of metal clashing rang out. Separating from each other, Valentine frowned whilst Kyle smiled.

"I've heard rumors about your little trick, not bad, but in my research, it's too strong that even if it caught someone who is ranked higher than you off-guard, there is a flaw on {Everlasting Strike}."

{Everlasting Strike}, a very powerful skill that could dethrone every skill similar to it like {Instantaneous Strike}. It isn't very famous but it was still a powerful skill before the Forgotten Era. It is extremely valuable and only one person in Fordalt possesses this skill, like Valentine Requiema. While it isn't famous, you can still find its description in libraries, and the reason why Kyle knows it as he  researched it long ago.

{Everlasting Strike} is a skill that could outspeed individuals who are 2 ranks above the user, very powerful enough to kill many enemies in an instant. However, there was one little flaw, it was that there was a time when the practitioner needed time to accumulate mana.

With this, as long as Kyle attacked before Valentine could activate it, the only thing Kyle had to deal with is to use his fast attacks.

Although tricky, they weren't impossible to defend and counterattack against.

"Bloody hell…" Valentine silently cursed, now her enemy knew her weakness.

At a speed 10 times faster than sound, Valentine slashes at Kyle but he simply dodges it and catches her leg and throws her at a pillar, crashing into it. 

Standing up with the help of his spell, Kyle looks at the Android who is fighting his men. He started firing his Spells at the Androids but they quickly scrambled left and right dodging the shots. 

Valentine, immediately recovers from the blow, she then jumps into a shadow and comes out of the shadow of Kyle behind him. Noticing her presence, Kyle quickly did a downward swing with his sword while Valentine did an upward swing with hers, with their weapons clashing with each other.

But then Kyle gets drop kicked in the face by two Androids, making him take a few steps back before Valentine channels her mana onto her leg then jumps towards him and spin kicks the bastard, sending him flying into a wall and crashing into it. 

Within an instant, the cloud of dust was dispersed by Kyle who wiped blood from his face, he looked around and noticed his men were starting to lose, he looked at the ground before chuckling.

"That's pretty good there, but… Ms, Requiema, even you and your Metal Men allies are superior when it comes to technology, natural abilities to any races in the world and have destroyed the Toppest superpower who has lived for a thousand years. At the end of the day, your little puppets still have something lacking, Magic. So it means in this battle, I have the hax." As his words faded, he casted {Time Labyrinth}.

Suddenly, everything around them began to shift, turning into a deep void filled with floating colorful crystals around them. Many of the Androids tried to move a muscle but couldn't as magical chains restrained them, including Valentine.

"Damn it, I've heard about this, this is a spell {Time Labyrinth}."

Like what Valentine just said, {Time Labyrinth} is a spell used by Kyle, entering a dimension where time didn't exist, it is a spell to enter another dimension but only be in there for 10 seconds, whenever the Driods try to move, magical chains appeared and restrain their movements by Kyle.

"I think we should end this now." Holding one of his swords with both of his hands, Kyle inhales and exhales himself before his eyes glew brighter than before, he looks at the Androids and Valentine who are all sitting ducks.

He focused on the 11 people before he cast one of the strongest attacks.

{Hundredfold Slash of Light}

In a flash of hundreds of lights, Kyle at unimaginable speed struck the Androids in front of him.

It is so fast that even Valentine and the Androids have a hard time catching the speed with their advanced eyes.

With hundreds of slashes, it is enough to literally send them flying in the air, even throw them back to the real world.

Fortunately, the Android's metal skins and Valentine's S-rank armor alone could still withstand Kyle's attacks.

Before any of them could fall on the ground, Kyle returns from the real world and points his left arm on them, then use some sort of telekinesis type ability before slams them back on the ground and then slams into a wall and then slams them into the ceiling over and over again as if he was freaking sans from Undertale. 

"You all are asking for a really bad time aren't you?" Kyle said.

While being slammed left and right, Valentine, in all her might threw something at him.


Confused, he looks at the object which appears to be a metal ball item, but then suddenly it splits dozens of small metal objects on the ground which confuse him.

Until he remembers something, a feeling of danger engulfing his mind and soul, he turn his legs in a different direction and tries to escape, however, the bombs already explode on his face, leaving him stunned for several seconds, which results the Striker group falling back on the ground after almost getting Sans to death. 

[Oh shit, I didn't ask for Megalovania.]

Caitlyn, who watches by the monitor watching the battle, says that.

In an instant, one Android Soldier rushed towards the Captain Knight Order, shooting both of its Pistol shots, the bullets were shot at Mach 20 and enough to blow Kyle's head to a pulp, however, he evades all of them using his buffing skills to increase his speed and reaction more.

With guns out of the way, the Android starts striking its Energy Sword left and right trying to hit him but he keeps on back stepping from the attacks. 

Kyle then swings his Divine-class sword vertically with all his might and hits the Android's legs, tripping it. He then extended his hand and cast.

"{Triple Maximize Magic} {Hellfire}"

Then, he shoots three {Hellfires} at the Android but it instantly teleports away, only for the three {Hellfires} disintegrated one stone Pillar to ashes instead. Then looks to his left and saw him appear beside the team. 

"Sigh, why can't you all go down,"

But then, the Knight Captain spotted thousands of bullets flying at Hypersonic speeds which was no doubt done by several Android Soldiers who were shooting their battle rifles at him.

Unfortunately, he stops the bullets in mid air with his telekinesis ability and throws the bullets back at the team. 

In response, they also teleported away.

But then, Valentine karate kicks the sword out of Kyle's hand and it falls on the ground a few feet away. Valentine runs around him but then he summons dozens of swords in the air and used his telekinesis ability to launch them towards Valentine in an effort to stab her but she quickly unsheathed the her sword and simply deflects them all, evading the attacks, and then the sword that Valentine kicked came back on the hands of the Knight Captain. 

"Do not underestimate me." Kyle said as he pulled out his second sword.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought…" Valentine muttered underneath her breath.

Extending her hand, it reveals a detonator in her hand.

This whole time, by the time he deflects the sword, she secretly placed a sticky bomb on it so she can blow her enemy's handsome face off.

And her plan worked as the bomb exploded on Kyle's face creating a cloud of smoke in the process. 

But then she saw Kyle coming out of the smoke unscathed. 

"That takes millions of tries to take me dow—"


Before he could finish his sentence, he got punched in the face by one Android soldier before getting an uppercut.

Stepping back in anger, Kyle used his telekinesis and pushed the Android away and crashed into a wall. Then he pulled out something that surprised Valentine.

It is the same Pistol belonging to the Machine Empire.

"My theory is correct, they do have some of our weapons, can't we ever take a brea—"

Cutting Valentine's words off, Kyle yelled out on top of his lungs, casting his Trump Card.

"{Chrono Control!}

Then from his perspective, time has stopped.

While it seems not different to the 10th tier spell {Time Stop}, {Chrono Control} is a super tier spell more superior than {Time Stop}, it is a spell that controls the flow of time whatever you want for just a minute and a second layer of the Time Manipulation spell that could also affect Time Manipulation Users.

At blazing speed, Kyle then rushed behind the Androids leaving afterimages of himself, he instantly shot everybody with the gun and the Argent Energy fueled bullets pierced right through back of their Primelium chests at a trillionth of a second.


He then halts his steps and purposely resumes the flow of time once again.

Within an instant, everybody who got hit collapsed on the ground on all fours. 

Then he looks at Valentine who is on the side watching her men getting shot in an instant and says. 

"Now you're gonna be next."

"Well... you made a mistake."


Noticing something, Kyle felt something in his back, he turned to look at it and noticed an object sticking on his back.

"What the—"




Before Kyle could comprehend what the object was, he suddenly felt a huge volt of electricity damaging not only his body but his nervous system, the volts of electricity was so strong to the point that it bypassed his immunity towards Elemental attacks.

"You're still as naive as the time we last met, Master Holland."

When Valentine said that, Kyle felt a cold chill wash over his body. The hair at the back of his head raised, as he abruptly turned his head.

Raising his left foot, Valentine stomped heavily on the ground and an explosive sound was created. Her body turned into a black-colored shadow and like a ghost, she disappeared from where she was standing, and within an instant, she reappeared behind Kyle.

"Haaa!" Roaring, Valentine punched out.

Borrowing the force from her half-rotated body, her fist viciously smashed towards Kyle's back with a terrifying force. An ear-piercing energy explosion rang inside of the entire room as the color yellow flashed across the room.

The reason why Valentine's fist was coated in yellow was because at the moment it was currently coated with wind vectors. Using the same principle as {Everlasting Strike}, borrowing the speed that he got from the wind vectors, Valentine released a devastating attack that was almost as fast as her regular sword attack.

This was a principle she had developed after contemplating on the skill for a long time and combining it with her martial art skill. If it worked on the sword, could it work on his fist?

The result? A terrifying attack that left Kyle breathless.

This was Valentine's finisher.

Staring at the incoming fist that was slowly enlarging in his vision, Kyle could only open his mouth absentmindedly. It was already too late. He knew it.


With her fist contacted on Kyle's body, it created a powerful shockwave that creates many cracks on the walls and the ceilings even though they have magic enhancement to withstand Magnitude 10 Earthquakes.


At the same time, the fist directly smashed into Kyle's stomach. Like a broken kite, his body flew all the way towards the other side of the room smashing against the wall.

A majestic yellow hue enveloped the whole room, and alongside it was a terrifying pressure. Valentine's clothes and enchanted Silver Star armor fluttered wildly as the pressure enveloping the room intensified. Coldly looking at Kyle opposite to her, Valentine's left foot pushed back.

"Huuuu, it's time to end this man's whole career."


Lifting his head and staring at the blonde maiden who was seriously looking back at him. Kyle was indignant. Most of his ribs were broken, his head was dizzy, and he could barely lift his body. Even though his remaining mana heals his body both external and internal at a fast rate, he has no time to reach the strength to defend himself from Valentine.

So leaving with no choice, he gives up.

"Fine, you win, you can kill me."

Gritting his teeth, Kyle glared at Valentine and surrendered himself to her.

However, her response made Kyle frown.

"No... but you can be a perfect person worthy enough to be part of the new Empire."