
Imperial Infiltration

Somewhere in the lands of the Veldarun Empire, suddenly a bright light appears for a split second in the sky in the middle of the dark clouds, as the light vanishes, a few large objects fly out of the cloud revealing a group of Hovercrafts.

Inside each of the Hovercrafts, over 10 Androids known as the Mobile Task Forces, both of them stood at each side facing each other.

While this is happening, two Androids similar to Michael and Johnathan but were otherwise Elite Androids besides them, both Elite Guards with the strength of a Sainthood Demigod were observing an advance monitor in front of them, seeing the MTF Droids perspective in each Hovercrafts somewhere in two countries. After a moment, one of them announced placidly.

"Strike Force are undetected."

After that the other one continued.

"Affirmative, there are no reactions from the ground base and there are no enemy ships in the system."

Behind them, Caitlyn arbored a smug smile after hearing the two Droid's words.

"Good, the technology that is able to surpass {Perfect Unknowable} onto the ship's cloaking systems is definitely a success and we managed to outpace the establishment of advanced magic surveillance equipment. Bring them down ladies."

"Copy that, Madam Caitlyn" responded the pair of Elite Drones in perfect sync.

Getting up from her seat, Caitlyn made sure her expensive military outfit was perfect before she went to make the last briefing to the team she assembled for the mission. 



When she pressed the watch on her wrist, a holographic image of the MTF Droids revealed in front of her, as it happens, all eyes in there gazed at her and the galactic level beauty smirk.

Caitlyn and other talented tacticians created a perfect plan which the first step is sending out dozens of Infiltration team all around the Empire and the Republic important and secret bases, one of the Infiltration teams was led by Valentine with greater gear than her squad, while she has the exact same rank as her squad, she is still not naturally strong as the MTF, being Drones are naturally stronger than humans, but she is still without a doubt the best overall operator of the Machine Empire. 

She was accompanied by 10 MTF Droids for an important mission she had to get into for the sake of her empire. If things don't go well in the end, things will be hard for their planning of the upcoming invasion.

Aside from that, what the leaders of the Machine Empire were planning is that the Infiltration teams need to be composed so they were able to efficiently and silently perform a wide variety of tasks, from surveillance and espionage, to target manipulation and elimination.

"But with the first step complete, 

The first phase of the operation is a success, we are concealed and are free to proceed further." Began Caitlyn, as she continues to observe the Infiltration Team's view. "Now remember, the whole Imperial and the Republican's bases have to be under control before we are free to use our latest teleportation tech for our upcoming invasion. Anyone in the base has to be incapacited one way or another and their memories of the operation has to be wiped out, we are to leave no trace or hint of our presence here. Once they are overpowered, we will make sure that no proof remains in their security system and move on."

Caitlyn paused for a second, before pulling a tiny disk like device, about 1/8 the size of a penny from beneath her suit and showcasing it. 

"More importantly, as explained before, Striker-01's mission might be different, destroying a magic Reactor Core can be a little tricky and I doubt even using our weapons could destroy them when I've heard reports the core is not physical material, that is why all of you have been given one of these prototypes. This whole operation from now on to our final success."

"Landing in ten minutes Madam Caitlyn" said one of the Elite Androids, "There are still no indications that we have been spotted".


As time passes, one of the Hovercraft, where Valentine was located, hovered at low altitude above one of the Empire's largest fortresses and where the most important thing they had to do in their mission, while the Aircraft is in cloaking mode and its sounds are extremely quiet, with the help of a tech built to be silent as possible 

Valentine, alongside the MTF Droids with her, jumped out of the Aircraft and landed safely to the ground silently. 

"Snipers. Take to the rooftop. Don't fire any civilians and enemy soldiers. Report us if you see one coming to the Base"


Two MTF snipers head to the rooftop while Valentine and the other Androids went to the large base

Two guards are staying outside at night to see anyone that is not going in the base, their strength is no doubt at the B-rank range. They keep their eyes open, while their security looks lax, their guards are strong and their senses are sharp that could see an ant doing activities even it is dozens of meters away.

While strong, they aren't fast enough when they're necks just got snapped by the MTF Droids from behind and then they burned the bodies to ashes without making a noise.

Stepping in front of one of the entrances of the Base, Valentine nodded at the Androids and they nodded back at her, looking at the 5 meter size door, the two androids immediately kicked it.


Kicking the door, the door fell, and as soon as the door fell, the Infiltration team immediately moved.

"What the-?!"

A Guard at the strength of a C-rank asked surprised. But before he could understand, a bullet at the speed of Mach 20 shot him in the head, bypassing the magic defenses and his flesh, killing him instantly.

*Pew!* *Pew!* *Pew!* *Pew!* *Pew!*

Like unstoppable forces, the whole Infiltration Team shoots more than 15 men with silent guns with insane speed and precision, killing most of them in less than two seconds.

"Intruders! Call reinforceme— GAH!"

Before the guard could call for help, a dagger emerged from the shadows and stabbed his throat. It was Valentine.


One Imperial Soldier tries to run but before he could, he sees one Android rushing towards him then suddenly his chest bursts open, the kinetic force pushes him a few feet back.

The fate of the remaining C-ranks was similar. Valentine beheaded one with her blades then killed the other.

"Okay, I think this area is clear, let's go," Valentine said. Did not bother to confirm the kills and searched for the entrance. Quickly, she found a door leading underground in the distance.

The Door however, is made out of reinforced Adamantite enhanced with Unbreaking magic.

"There are people below. They probably heard the commotion we did so they are waiting to ambush us."

[Four B-ranks, seven C-ranks, and a few dozens of D-ranks and E-ranks. Probably there is an A-rank too.]

"That is a lot."

Looking at the Android in front of her, she then nodded to it. Understanding her intention, the Android pulls out a shotgun.

*Shotgun cucking*

Without hesitation, the Android aimed the door with a Shotgun and pressed the trigger. 

A loud roar sounded, and multiple bullets hit the door at once.


Dozens of bullets created a bowl-sized hole in the reinforced Adamantite magical door, slightly surprising the enemies. Valentine could see the stunned faces of the people underground through the hole.

Unfortunately, they were not going to be surprised for long as the Android had thrown the grenade.

"What the? What is that?" Says one of the guards through the door curiously.

Most people in this world had never seen a grenade before. Therefore, they were slow to react when they saw small metallic ball falling through the hole in the door.

By the time they realized something was wrong...


...The grenade had already exploded, it is no regular modern flag grenades, they are Plasma Grenades, weaponize balls of death that contains a heavily condensed and heated unit of super-compressed plasma that exploded violently on collision into a vaporizing blast

The underground passage turned into a fiery hell. Many of the practitioners waiting to ambush the intruders were killed by the extreme heat caused by super-compressed argent energy, while another part of them was killed by the shockwave and shrapnel of the explosion.

Despite this, none of the Striker team did not lower their guard. Valentine put strength on her legs, kicking the semi-destroyed door open and charging into the underground structure.

Pulling out her weapons, Valentine rushed at them at fast speed, went on a rampage inside the underground structure and killed everything inside, alive or dead.

Attacking by a powerful A-rank was more than enough to kill most of the enemies still alive after the explosion.

When everyone reached the ground, only a few enemy practitioners were still alive.

And for them...

"Suppressing Fire!" Valentine shouted.


Just like before, the bullets were already waiting.

"Dammit! What the hell!"

"W-What is happening!?"


Many of the Imperial Soldiers screamed in panic and confusion in front of the sudden wave of attacks, unable to react properly. Only a few B-ranks realized the gravity of the situation and tried to organize the remaining Soldiers to perform a better defense.

"Get a grip of yourself!"

"Mages, put a stop to the fire!"

"Don't panic!"

Unfortunately for them, they took too long.

Suddenly, a powerful blue magic energy emitted around the still-alive enemies. The next second, a pair of blue magical daggers appeared out of nowhere, she then began to stab neck after neck at an astonishing speed.

It was Valentine.

Like a god of slaughter, her movements left behind a path of blood, death, and destruction.

"Let's go!"

She shouted, pointing in another direction. The group nodded and followed her.

At that moment, the group realized this underground structure was much more vast than they expected. It was filled with complicated passages that interconnected together to form a giant underground maze.

The passages were dark, moist, and cold. no one really used any light sources as they could see through the dark anyways.

"Damn, as expected of one of the largest bases of the Empire," Valentine said.

What she had said, the entire Base was so vast and complicated that you would get lost if you didn't know the way. Fortunately for the Infiltration Team, the reason why they knew it was the right direction?

Simple, they continued encountering enemies in the way.

"Stop them!"

"Don't let them continue!"

Waves after waves of enemies attacked the group nonstops.

After running for another minute, they arrived in front of what seemed like an entrance.

"We have arrived," Valentine said.

As they were about to move, but then, they realized something strange.

The entrance... it was opened.

"10 life signals have been detected, waiting for your command," One of the MTF Drones said.

Valentine nodded. She could feel the obvious energy fluctuations coming from inside.

Pulling out a grenade on her own.


Pressing the button that activates the grenade, she then immediately threw the object inside.

But before the grenade passed through the entrance, there was a flash of light.

Then, the grenade was cut into two.

"That looks dangerous." A voice suddenly came from the entrance.

Valentine groaned. It seemed like the same trick was not going to work twice.

"So you've finally made a move on us, and I never knew you were still alive after the Fall of the Theocracy, Valentine," 

Then, the Infiltration Team spotted 10 figures came out of the entrance of the Reactor room, they appeared to be Imperial Knights with more fancy and expensive armors, both of their expressions were stoic, one of them, appears to be a young man in his young 30s, has golden colored hair and golden colored eyes, he has an aura of both of a Gentleman of Nobility and a Warrior of War.


"I guess you're Kyle Holland? Captain of the Imperial Veteral Knights, one of the Empire's strongest Elite Forces?" Valentine said as she already recognized the person in front of her.

"I am honored to be recognized by the former Captain of the Papal Scriptures of the Theocracy, but I never expect you will join hands with the enemy that destroyed your home, betraying your own nation," Kyle stated.

"I never want with the Theocracy and become their dogs who cares about their typical power with their corrupted leaders," Spatting a harsh tone at Kyle, Valentine replied.

"Sigh… I guess I have no choice but to fight you, even you were one of my once favorite individual, we still have to defend the Empire from you lots,"

"Yeah, enough talks," Saying this, Valentine then pulls out her Magical Katana from her Dimensional Storage, emitting its strong powerful mana flow at the group of Knights. "Face me in combat and show me your resolve to stop us,"

"Hm, as you wish" Closing his eyes for a moment, he opened them revealing his gorgeous golden eyes that glowed as a Star.

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