
An Upcoming Invasion

A/n: Hey guys, I have returned! I'm sorry I didn't update this story for so long but don't worry it's not a hiatus yet, I was only very busy with school and many other stories of mine in Wattpad and Webnovel. 

I also apologize that ever since I made this story, I didn't even explain how Artemis could travel at FTL speed, well thanks to my favorite reader @AC-130_hydra_slayer. 

The scientific reason is that Artemis used mass hyper drivers for not only himself, it includes his androids and guns(Forget about what's the exact number of the speed because I'm not giving that shit because people will make it a weakness.). 

Anyone who read my Banana Bus Squad fanfiction, you discovered that Demigods are faster than light, and A-ranks could react to light speed attacks. 

If I want Artemis to be at the SSS-rank, then he has to be faster than light in scientific methods. Because the bullets in this story I mentioned reach Mach 20 won't even now hit an A-rank anymore due to one single feat that they manage to react to it. 

Anyone who read the Banana Bus Squad fanfic, they will know the Fantasy World Artemis was in is becoming TOO OP at this point.

"Come on... moving in stop time?" Says AC-130_hydra_slayer.

So talking about Time manipulation hax, Artemis could possibly counter it, anyone who says 'Is there a science explanation to counter that shit!?' The answer is yes... but scientifically fictionally.

I mean, really, I need the science team have a way to counter against overpowered DnD on Tensura level nerds, if they don't have such tech, anyone could imagine one B-rank, A-rank, or even a Demigod that knows [Time Stop] would solo them, which I will not let that happen.

And please don't be mad, there are beings in the story that could destroy universes and Artemis could possibly fight beings capable of it.

And how can he do that?

Ask Mr. 130, I ain't spoiling some shit.

Sources: Halo, Mass Effect.

This is a story all about how an incredibly powerful Cultivation Universe is being conquered by an Interstellar Weapons Platform.

Now... onto the story.


Nighttime came as everyone in the City of Diacel including in the surrounding towns and villages are going back to their homes from their jobs. 

Every knight is on patrol duty at night, while some casted magic on the whole city in case any intruder enters it without any of their permission. Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious guest will arrive in the Western Region which will soon change the world forever.

Elsewhere, inside the Forest of Death, several kilometers east from the city. A hovercraft hovered above the forest, the hatch opened and five figures jumped out. They went out of the treelines in their advanced cloaking device capable of rivaling this world's high tier stealth magic.

Invisible on sight with no sound they could make, they are Mobile Task Force Gamma-14 "Ygot's Lawbringers", their objective was to retrieve Target Overlord, also known as Artemis.

They ran past the patrols without noticing them and jumped on top of the walls with ease and went to the other side. As they made it in an alleyway, they halted their steps.

One of the androids looks at the second before nodding its head.

Being as one, the second Android already knew the other was saying. 

And so, it went into a rooftop of a 5 storey tall building while the other Forces went deeper into the city.

Two patrol knights walking in the empty streets, keeping their eyes open, the leader of the group, put out its Assault Rifle with a silence system ready to fire until something orders in its mind.

[Don't terminate any entities in this city]

The voice is familiar and it is not hard that it was Artemis' voice.

The leader nodded without question, then two knights were close to their position, when one of them looked at the Androids, his eyes widened and tried to warn his partner.

But before he could do it, in a quick reflex, the Android put out its tranquilize gun and shot them and then put their unconscious body in the street, mistaking them sleeping on the job.

Not knowing how this guard could spot while their cloaking is still activated, the Android scans the guard for biological to magical information and what it got is that this guard has a talent to see through anything hidden in sight, even able to see someone at level 100 stealth without any problem.

Sounds kinda useful, but the Androids don't care as it is not really their objective.

Then they went deeper into the city to see more patrol knights doing their duty. They still hide while activating their cloaking device in case someone has a similar ability as the other guard. Moments passed, the androids passed through the dozens of knights without them noticing, except for a few that somehow felt something.

But it doesn't matter now as they were close to their destination, the Castle.

Once they reached the inner city, they spotted a figure a few meters in front of them. They immediately put out their assault rifles ready to face a threat but instantly lower it. In the next instant they fully know who it was, they put down their guns on who is the person in front.

"It seems you've finally arrived," Artemis said.

The leader nodded.

"It's nice to see my children come to find your leader... Caitlyn, I know you're on Android."

[Hehe, well we all miss you too, Artemis, it's been, what has it been, a month already?] Caitlyn said as the Android's red eyes became blue.

[Wow, is that how the other me sounds like? Reminds me of that annoying receptionist that I hated eons ago.] The other Caitlyn within Artemis said, feeling annoyed at her other self.

[What the? Artemis, who the hell is that woman?]  The Caitlyn in the MTF droid questions, suddenly began to feel angry when hearing a woman's voice.

"Well, it's actually you."

[Really?] The other Caitlyn said, feeling surprised. [Oh, I think I remember that part of my system was split which is the reason why our drones became sentient.]

[Good thing the other me isn't an idiot or a mass simp for my husband.]

[Husband!?] The other Caitlyn was shocked to hear that, she was happy to see Artemis again till another Caitlyn, or might possibly be an imposter appeared and called him her husband, which irritated her even more.

In an unknown deep space, two white figures which were the two Caitlyn themselves all look at each other intensely at the Hivemind Network.

Artemis meanwhile is in the far distance looking at the two same people arguing like two angry sisters fighting for one stuffed animal.

'Hm, when I thought about it, Caitlyn could split herself and control more of my androids and drones. If that happens, does that mean I will have a harem of my own?'

Though it kinda sounds ridiculous and great at the same time which could fulfill every man's dreams. However, Artemis isn't like those, he didn't see it exciting but more annoying dealing with thousands of Caitlyns.

As Artemis was in his own world, he suddenly spotted the two Caitlyns were indeed about to fight! They rush at each other at immeasurable speed like two Galaxies colliding.

As they made their collision, not only the Hivemind Network began to crumble, it included Artemis and all of the drones on both worlds began to freeze on the spot.

Looking at his hands that were violently glitching that seemed like he was about to be erased in no time. However, he didn't panic, his face didn't show any other expressions except of a calm Monarch. He looked back at the two Caitlyn's fighting like rays of light that were about to tear apart an entire universe.

"You know what, I got a better solution for this."

In the next moment, Artemis does something that even surprised the two Caitlyns. With just a mere thought, the two Artificial Intelligence stopped, suddenly the two Caitlyn's turned into an orb of lights before fusing together like two stars colliding beautifully.

Back to the real world, the Android that the other Caitlyn was controlling has its eyes returned to its usual red color.

Opening his eyes, Artemis looks around the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the city, as if the universal fight never happens.

But then, a ray of light came out from Artemis' eyes, revealing to be a hologram Caitlyn who gave him a confused look.

[What the hell did you do?]

Artemis simply shrugged his shoulders, "Simple, I just collided you two into one, making both of your memories and consciousness fused together into one. I thought you knew that, right?"

[Oh, now I remember, thanks. And seeing the other me experience for the past month, while I look annoying, I am pretty good as a leader so far.]

"Yeah." Artemis responded with a smile.

'Though, the only thing I did that is because I don't want another annoying girl all the time.'

[Excuse me?] Caitlyn asked in a darkening tone.

Artemis immediately cuts her off while keeping his blank look, "Aside from that topic, let's get down to business, so how long will the invasion begin?"

"Hm, you dodged that bullet right there, dear. Well, as for your question, just tomorrow. Oh, and another info you'll like, Michael and Johnathan met some Sea Elves in the ocean and what those sea elves or Tavais offer them a crystal, its energy, we might be able to harness it power to keep the wormhole active without losing too much mages, we able to save Aurora right on time before her life or stated by Valentine, her soul to be save.]

"What do you mean by her soul? Are you saying Demigods can't be killed by any means?"

[Unfortunately, yes. It is stated anyone who reaches the Demigod realm can't be killed from anything unless they are killed at a soul level. And how did we kill them? Take Joan for example, we manage to kill her with one of our Railguns, powered by a few dozen A-rank Dungeon cores. I theorized we managed to kill her with the help of this.]

"If it's true, then defeating Demigods would be no problem. Wait, what about the Pope that Omega-13 assassinated?"

[That is a tricky question. In the reports, Alpha from Omega-13 killed the pope brutally while using Argent Energy to make the pain worsen. With this, the other Caitlyn theorized something interesting, as the answer might be on us all along... Argent Energy.]

Artemis couldn't help but feel very interested about it. Element-876, or Argent Energy was one of the things that Artemis couldn't fully understand its properties, it is extremely hard to understand that even the smartest scientist in the Federation and someone beyond 200 IQ has a hard time to understand it.

Thinking about this fact, Artemis never thought there is something more about this world that could rival the powers of a Type 3 Civilization. Thankfully, he has resources to eliminate these threats.

However, there are more dangerous abilities this world possesses, such as space, time, and even more haxes that could threaten the entire Machine Empire.

And so, he will do everything in his power to find and get resources back on Earth and many other colonized planets his machines had colonized for the past hundreds of years to build technologies enough to counter these god level powers.

"Hm, interesting. Alright, you should go back to base now and mobilize our military immediately."

"What are you gonna do next, dear?"

"It's time that I'll reveal to them, I doubt that some people in this city will deny our new rule."

"For a month of recreating a new city, I know you're not gonna destroy it for everything you just built."

"Yeah, why would I?"

"I better go, our army of humans and machines are ready."

"That quick? Probably Michael did a great job on making them killing machines." Artemis said.

And so, Caitlyn controlled all of the MTF androids, all waving at him in sync before leaving.

As they left, Artemis jumped onto the highest building, zooming his view with his cybernetic eyesight, he watched the androids leave the city, a hovercraft that activates its cloaking system  flies by taking the troops and returning to base, disappearing without anyone noticing it.

"You've finally decided to attack, right?" Another voice spoke to Artemis, he didn't need to turn around as he knew it was Silvanna behind him.

"You eavesdropped on our conversation?"

"Not all of it, I could wake up immediately when I felt their presence the time they entered the city but I was a heavy sleeper, so I only heard half of your conversation. And killing a Demigod without any Demigod level weapons? Wow, you guys have a way to impress me, maybe even fearing you."

"Are you gonna stand there and disturb my peaceful moment?" Artemis asked coldly.

"Maybe. I should say that you have the balls to take on the two other superpowers, ey?"

"I biologically have no balls but to think you didn't say any threats about me invading the Veldarun Empire, your home? I didn't even activate the micro bugs when you arrived and still didn't care if your very home was about to get invaded by my forces, it seems you have something to hide."

"Hm, as expected of you. Well recently I got a message from my employers, when you ask that question, it seems I have no reason to hide."

"Hm, I see. Whoever your employers were, I just now lost interest in your background already."

"Goddamn it, you ruin the atmosphere! I was about to tell you a great revelation!" Silvanna pouted. "Whatever, about the upcoming invasion, what's the first city, nation you'll begin to attack?" She asks.

"I'm not the type of person to be impatient but also not the type of person to deal with the smaller and lesser cities first, so I have to skip towards the end."

"You mean..."

"Yes, I am ordering a Blitzkrieg in the Capital cities right away...

First up... the Republic of Aetlrus."

Next chapter