
Clarke Higilton

Clarke Higilton's gaze was fixed on the stranger standing before him, his eyes reflecting a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

The figure, a young man in his early twenties, possessed a striking yet somewhat neglected appearance. His pale complexion hinted at a life devoid of outdoor activities, and his unkempt hair cascaded over his forehead, occasionally veiling his eyes.

Dressed in simple, unadorned pajamas of white with blue stripes, the young man's slender physique was subtly outlined. The same pattern adorned his trousers, completing the image of a man who, despite his handsome features, exuded a sense of decayed elegance. This incongruity was what puzzled Clarke higilton the most.

The enigma deepened when Clarke realized that the figure was not a real person, but a projection emanating from a translucent cylindrical device nearby. Instinctively, Clarke waved his hand, and to his astonishment, the projection mimicked his movement, turning slightly to the right. This action allowed Clarke a clearer view of the young man's profile, the image behaving like a responsive mirror, changing angles at will.

"Could this be a holographic projection?" Clarke whispered to himself, his mind racing to comprehend the scene. As he examined his own hands, he noticed their slender, well-cared-for appearance, so different from his own memories of rough, calloused hands.

This startling observation fueled his growing conviction that he had undergone a bizarre transformation.

Was this a case of body possession, a journey to another world, or a rebirth into the future? These thoughts furrowed Clarke's brow, unsettling him deeply. Yet, just as he grappled with these thoughts, latent memories began to surface, merging with his current consciousness.

Suddenly, a deluge of light and shadow flooded into Clarke's mind. He groaned, collapsing to the ground, clutching his head as if to contain the explosion of information.

Keywords like [Clarke Higilton], [Jessica Akio], [Autism], [Terra Federation], and more bombarded him, each one triggering a splitting headache that made him howl in agony.

His eyes bloodshot, Clarke felt as if his brain's blood vessels were on the verge of bursting, a sensation akin to having his mind scrambled by invisible scissors. The pain was so overwhelming that it swallowed his consciousness whole.

Time lost its meaning in the throes of this torment. It might have been an hour, or just a fleeting moment, but when higilton finally emerged from this maelstrom of memories, he felt as though a dam had burst inside him, and the torrential flood of thoughts had at last settled into a calm, albeit startling, new reality.

Gasping for breath, Clarke Higilton's senses slowly sharpened, his blurry vision clearing like a landscape emerging after a fresh rain. As his consciousness fully reasserted itself, the realization of his new reality dawned upon him.

He had somehow arrived in an unfamiliar world, one that was not Earth, yet still inhabited by humans. This world, far more technologically advanced, had long surpassed the confines of their home planet and ventured into the era of interstellar colonization. The old political structures based on nations had dissolved, giving way to a unified entity known as the Federation of Terra.

Clarke Higilton, the name now belonging to him, was an ordinary citizen of this federation. However, ordinary was hardly an apt description for his identity. He was the eldest son of the higilton family, a powerful name in the Credence Province of Allumo District. A family akin that of the Walton family in his previous life, a family with a monopolistic corporate entity, wielding immense social and economic power.

"This world... it's succumbed to the oligarchic power of plutocrats," Clarke pondered aloud, realizing the societal structure was dominated by these families, including the entire Terra Federal Government. His family's corporation, "Cybernetic Network Technology Co., Ltd.", was among these influential giants.

Rubbing his temples, Clarke muttered in disbelief, "I take a nap and wake up as a so-called evil capitalist, I used to fight against?" A mix of astonishment and irony washed over him as he realized the drastic change in his life. "From struggling to survive on Earth as a hacker to this... have I become some kind of lucky emperor?"

His revelry was short-lived as another shocking revelation struck him. "Autism? How can that be?" His focus had been on grasping the broader picture of this world, and only now did he realize the personal challenges he faced.

The body he inhabited belonged to an individual with autism, a complex neurological condition that impacted communication and behavior.

Clarke higilton recalled the memories he now possessed - the higilton family had been haunted by this genetic condition for generations, mysteriously appearing in certain family members. And now, despite advanced medical technology, this condition still eluded prenatal detection, only manifesting after birth.

A sense of foreboding crept over him as he realized the implications. "Am I to spend my life pretending to have autism?" he wondered aloud, feeling the back of his head where a tender lump throbbed, a physical reminder of the surreal journey he had embarked upon.

As Clarke Higilton's newly acquired memories began to coalesce, he recalled the body's original owner had suffered a fall the previous night, hitting his head before being rushed to the hospital.

"Did the real Clarke Higilton die from that fall?" he pondered, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. It seemed that Clarke higilton's demise had somehow facilitated his own mysterious arrival in this body.

"If that's the case, maybe there's no need to feign autism. Perhaps this fall could be my chance to recover," he mused quietly to himself.

In this world where materialism reigned, Clarke doubted anyone would suspect his sudden change in behavior to be anything more than a fortunate outcome of his accident.

With his identity crisis momentarily resolved, Clarke allowed his attention to drift to his surroundings. The room he occupied was a luxurious suite, starkly different from Earth's conventional decor. It comprised a bedroom, bathroom, and living area, each space echoing a minimalist yet opulent design. The bedroom was dominated by a large wooden bed, its white bedding disheveled yet inviting. The silky, cool-to-the-touch fabric was unlike anything he'd encountered before.

Beneath his feet, black floor tiles shone with a crystalline clarity, reflecting his image. The walls, coated in a glossy material akin to the tiles, were a stark pure white. The room's furnishings, all in shades of black and white, epitomized simplicity.

Despite its luxury, the room lacked a personal touch, feeling more akin to a hospital or hotel. His suspicion was confirmed when he noticed medical equipment in the bedroom and spotted "VIP Ward No. 1" etched on the frosted glass door.

His reflections were interrupted by a commotion outside the door. A sweet, anxious voice pierced through the noise, "Don't stop me, I'm going to see Clarke Higilton's!"

Clarke recognized the voice instantly. It wasn't just familiar to his ears; it was deeply ingrained in the memories of the body's original owner. It was Jessica Akio, the fiancée of the original Clarke Higilton. Her voice not only sparked a sense of fascination but also stirred feelings of inferiority and an inexplicable fear.

His ruminations were cut short as the door burst open, revealing Jessica Akio. She was a vision of fiery red hair and striking beauty, dressed in a fashionable, slim-fitting skirt that showcased her long, jade-like legs. Intricate tattoos peeked from beneath her clothes. Yet, her stunning features were marred by a look of anger in her large, expressive eyes.

As she confronted Clarke Higilton, her voice brimmed with frustration, "Clarke, what do you want?"

Clarke, still adapting to his new reality, was momentarily speechless.

"Why won't you speak? Can't you face me?" she demanded.

Before Clarke could piece together a response, Jessica Akio continued, her words tinged with disappointment, "I've told you before, he's just a friend. Trust is crucial in a relationship, but you're always so petty and quick-tempered. It's childish!"

Her face softened into a look of sadness, "Can't you just trust me? Do you think I would betray you? Your constant suspicion is frightening. If this is how you are now, what will happen after we're married? Will you forbid me from seeing male friends?"

Clarke was stunned, a sense of foreboding enveloping him. An ominous thought crept into his mind, was she considering ending their engagement?

"I understand you're unwell, and I try to be patient, but please, can't you give me some space and trust?" Clarke Higilton's eyes held a mix of contempt and exasperation. "Remember, whatever I ask of you, I do for your own good. Because of your actions, my friend is now avoiding me. How will you make this up to me?"

Clarke's mind raced with words like 'male friend', 'understanding', 'trust', but he found himself at a loss for words.

"You don't have to say anything. I just want an acknowledgment of your mistake," Jessica Akio softened her tone, "I know you struggle to express yourself, but you do love me, right? I want a husband who can tolerate everything about me and make me happy. Isn't that what you want too?"

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