
syn sindares: whispers of the inside

in the desolate ruins of an abandoned village under the shadow of the empire, a married couple welcomed their son, Syn Syndares, into the world. At the very moment of his birth, a bolt of mysterious red lightning struck him, transforming his eyes to a haunting crimson hue. By the time he reached the age of ten, fear gripped the villagers, leading them to banish him from their midst. Left to fend for himself, Syn forged his own path in the unforgiving wilderness, haunted by the enigma of his crimson gaze and the power it symbolized he roamed the "Blue Moon Mountain" for eight years, mastering his power. Upon return, he found his kin slain, vowing vengeance on the culprit. Finding himself aimless after achieving his revenge he began roaming the world, searching for a reason to live.

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elves ?: Seven Steps to Create Light

Morning came, the team woke up to resume the journey before leaving they turned to the villagers and showed their gratitude for their hospitality before leaving Syn casted a spell on the whole village and explained to them that it's a long-term protection spell that will probably last 1000 years.The villagers watched in awe as a gentle green aura enveloped their homes, providing an invisible shield of protection.

while they are in the forest luna asked again about the long-term spell that Syn used. he replied: "Combining the four basic elements 'fire', 'water', 'wind', and 'earth' to create a unique element called 'nature,' which has inherent protective properties. Then, I use space magic to manipulate the reproduction of mana, similar to how red blood cells and bacteria reproduce. This way, the spell regenerates and lasts much longer than it would otherwise."

Luna nodded, absorbing the information. "So, it's like the spell keeps renewing itself?"

"Exactly," Syn replied.

walking through the forest and crossing a suspecious mark drawn in the ground the wind shifted abruptly, and their vision began to blur. They struggled to regain their senses, but one by one, they all fell unconscious.

Rhys was the first to wake, finding himself tied in an unknown place alongside his comrades. Waking them, he realized they couldn't use magic to free themselves.

"No need to try; you can't use magic because of the shackles," a female voice echoed from the dark.

Suddenly, a beam of light appeared, connecting to twenty spheres, illuminating the dark room.

"An elf?" Syn questioned, astonished.

The female elf was equally surprised first, at his ability to use magic despite the shackles, and second, at the pure light beam illuminating the room. She questioned Syn about the light beam, but he demanded to be released without conflict first.The female elf summoned what appeared to be the village chief and requested the release of Syn and his comrades. As the chief glanced at the pure light beam created by Syn, he agreed to release them and invited them to his bureau. Without beating around the bush, the chief questioned Syn about his spell. Syn, however, first asked about the reason for their kidnapping, stating that he would reveal his spell if the reason was justifiable.

The chief started telling them a story about human bandits who came every month to kidnap some of the females and sell them as slaves in the city. He explained how a good-willed man once helped them by using a spell that put the intruders to sleep, keeping the village safe.Syn agreed with the reason but questioned the chief's request for the spell. The chief explained that on cloudy nights, the village became so dark they couldn't see, and they couldn't use fire for fear of burning down the village.

Accepting both reasons, Syn began his explanation: "It's a little complex, but you can write down the method. The formation of light needs seven steps to be completed.

First, 'Absorption of Energy by the Nature Element': The other four elements can't gather energy, so you must combine them to form the nature element.

Second, 'Elemental Photolysis': As nature can't transport energy, it must break down into the four elements.

Third, 'First Energy Transport System': These base elements are channeled through an energy transport system.

Fourth, 'Formation of Light Energy': The energy from the base elements is used to create light energy, similar to 'Adenosine Triphosphate' (ATP).

Fifth, 'Absorption of Additional Energy by the Nature Element': The nature element absorbs more energy to strengthen the light.

Sixth, 'Second Energy Transport System': This step refines and stabilizes the light energy.

Last, 'Formation of Pure Light': The stabilized light energy is converted into pure light, akin to 'Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate' (NADPH). Understood?"

Everyone present was astonished, including the village chief, though he was the only one who understood most of Syn's explanation.

"We know that humans call us nature friends, but I've never heard of 'Adenosine Triphosphate' and 'Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate,'" the chief said.

"They were just examples to make it easier to understand, but it seems I made it harder. Well, 'Adenosine Triphosphate' stores and provides energy, powering the light-independent reactions to form the initial light. 'Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate' is produced in the light-dependent reactions and provides the reducing power needed. It represents the refined, stable form of light energy that sustains and powers advanced magical processes," Syn replied.

That night, the elves gathered in the center of the village to perform the necessary steps to create the light. The chief chose six elite elves from the village who had proven their powers as mages. Two of them used different elemental spells to create the nature element by absorbing the mana of the forest. They then broke it down into the four basic elements to channel the energy, forming light energy.

This energy was then moved to the fifth elf, who protected it from dissipating. The nature element was formed again, absorbing enough mana for the second transport system. The energy was refined and stabilized through this system before being returned to the four others. Finally, the fifth elf converted the energy to pure light using the space element.

A light beam was created, and the whole village started cheering in happiness, knowing they would now be able to see at night even without stars. To enhance this effect, Syn created 50 spheres and directed the light from the beam through all of them, illuminating the entire village.

After being thanked by the village's people, the team left the village and continued their journey. As they walked, Luna couldn't help but question Syn about his vast knowledge, especially since they weren't that far apart in age. He stated that living alone for 8 years acompanied by a book containing alot of securets helps alot.