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" I made myself clear that you only listen to me first." said Emiel angrily. His voice echoed in the large bedroom where Yuki stood still looking down on her feet in dismal.

He yanked her left arm in a fit which made her discomfort and turn her head away.

The slowly built tears by him was about to sled down but he could see the vain control on her face.

He then let go of her arm streched both his arms to hold her and calm her down standing still for a moment. He felt guilty and thought to himself what he had done to her.

It all happened one day when Emiel was on an expedition send by his company to a rural site, he stumbled upon a cottage on the edge of the forest, a little walk from the main village. And he learnt that a young lady, Yuki lived there.

Emiel first met her during the village festival. It was a beautiful night, full of crowds, the laughs, foods, beers and the music. There, Yuki was dancing along with the villagers smiling here and there with her clumsy dance steps.

He was intrigued by the way she was. The simple yet clumsy dance, the random kindness she showed wherever she went that night and the sweet smile seemingly hiding sad secrets.

It made him all curious about her.

He ,the very next day visited the market place only to find her buying bread and meat. He went towards her initiating a conversation on how lovely the day is. To his surprise, Yuki looked at him as if seeing someone whom she knew long way back. He asked, " Have we perhaps met, my lady?"

To that she replied, " Maybe but my memory seems not to be resurfacing. Do you perhaps not live here, my good sir?"

" I came for some work purpose. Might be staying here for months.

My apologies. Emiel Grayson. Nice to meet you. " He said placing a kiss on her hand .

She replies, " I go by Yuki. Only Yuki, Mr Grayson. "

" Miss Yuki then it is."

She let out a small giggle and said, " Then I assume that we might me stumbling upon each other since it a small neighborhood."

" Would be more than happy to gain an opportunity to talk to you again, Miss Yuki. "

After that she went away and his eyes couldn't follow her among the crowds.

Emiel too left towards his lodging with a smile and an uncontrollable heartbeats.
