

Opening my eyes, I awoke from my nap. What was suppose to be my bed turned into something worse. A cold hard floor. This was jail, it was something I hadn't expected, but, unfortunately that story is too long a tale to tell.

Lifting my head I stretched to try and get rid of any soreness within my body, it was to no avail, my outstretched arms responded back to me with clinks and clanks. Looking down I saw chains lining my arms, holding me in place so as to prevent me from escaping. Chuckling to myself I laughed at the absurdity of the situtation.

It wasn't like I was a dangerous criminal trying to escape twenty-four seven. Sighing I examined my surroundings, besides the concrete floors and walls there was merely one window. With bars of iron obstructing what was to be a clear view, I began sitting up, trying to maneuver what little mobility I had left within my cell to peek out the window.

Just before my hard sought after success was given to me I was interrupted. Banging on the iron behind me awoke me from my trance and with a surprised look on my face I greeted the cause of such a sharp noise.


The visitor didn't reply back to me, but instead he waved what looked to be a baton. looking towards the direction he waved I saw that my chains were beginning to glow. there was nothing to it after that. I had felt no burning of my flesh nor the heat radiating my cell. It was simply glowing.

Lowering my chains a little I saw that the glow dimmed. Curiosity welling within me I raised it once again, only this time above my head and at a faster speed. Quickly I cancelled my action and brought them back down. It was then I understood. these chains were only glowing because of my movement, nothing less and nothing more. I looked towards my visitor, however, there was only a brick wall to greet me. Dragging my chains across the floor as they came along with me I tried to look out of my cell for more information. Being greeted by total darkness I felt no hope.

I had seen many movies describing this type of situation yet I had merely thought it was simple government propaganda. Rubbing the side of my head I let out a breath. Though I was still confused about my situation there was nothing I could solve. Sitting back down I noticed something. It wasn't apparent at first, but opening my mouth I once again tried to speak...

There was nothing, what should have been another hello was instead air. Thoughts running through my brain I then realised that perhaps my captor simply didn't hear, hence the lack luster reply. Yet by thinking more deeply into it I seem to realize that maybe he was trying to warn me about the chains. The chains... there should be nothing special about them yet they seemed to appear within my thoughts at a constant rate, shaking what I thought to be my head, I realized I couldn't move. Whats happened to me?

Opening my eyes again... wait again? moving my newly opened eyes I saw nothing or rather I saw myself. In a mirror. I was chained just as before only this time I had a brace for my whole body keeping it in place. A noise arose. it was speaking to me. no it is speaking to me. we should listen. we?

You should listen.

I heard the voices speak around me.

"Test subject twenty-four shows no signs of abnormalities."

"Brain activity seems to have lit up. Perhaps due to the dream."

"Perhaps. Lets continue the experiment."


I woke up to the sound of muffled sounds. What's happening?

The biggest question appeared in my mind. Examining my surroundings I noticed that the room I was in felt warm. My room felt warm. interrupted by the talking of my stomach I moved to the side of my bed and got up. walking towards the black door it opened. Stairs appeared. they wanted to lead you to your death. No me, to my death. I backed away. the door creaked open even more, seemingly calling to me, I took a step forward or maybe back?

The creaking grew louder. It reminded me of screaming, the limbs of humans being torn to shreds and eaten. Smiling to myself I snapped out of it. Raising my hand towards the door it began to shake. Immediately I grabbed the door and before it could react I shut it violently. I no longer felt hungry.

Tired I walked again to my bed and yawned. Let's sleep. I'm tired. darkness surrounding me yet again I slumbered for ages. Opening my eyes I saw it.

Opening my eyes I awoke to silence. bringing my callused hands to my face I rubbed it. The hands awoke me. bringing my face up I saw white. The walls and the floor appeared to be black. You mean white?

They appeared to be white and before I could harbor any more thoughts the voices spoke to me once more.

"Patient has officially awoken, dreams will begin in two days. ensure he is fed well."

"Understood doctor, anymore commands?"


They left me. I stretched open my palm and saw hands that were soft. You are back. I was back. smiling I looked towards the wall and saw the writing appear.

-You're back.

My friend was texting me, laughing to myself I grinned even wider than before. it was only a dream.

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