1 Demon Hunter's Duet...

Alucard a mighty Demon Hunter is tasked by the Monastery of Light to aid a village near the Moniyan Empire. The head of the Demon Hunters personally handpicked Alucard for the job because of his amazing demon hunting prowess, the third rule of the Demon Hunters is that "there is no last mission", so Alucard accepted and made his way to the village.

He travelled using a horse provided by the Monastery of Light, he gave his thanks and goobyes then travelled for the demon infested village. As he was travelling he remembers how hard his life was because of the demons, he prays that he gets there in time so no one can suffer the same fate he had. As he was nearing the village he heard a blood curdling sound, he first thought that it was the Blood Demons shrieking but in closer inspection it was a lone man surrounded by Blood Demons, the man was playing his violin in a very tone deaf way. Alucard shouted "You idiot, do you want to die?!", to his surprise the man look his way and said "Die? The only thing that's dying tonight are these vile demons." With that witty remark the man pulled out a pistol from his long black coat and put a bullet in each of the demon's heads. Alucard recalled a ballad that was sung by a bard in a tavern that he frequented in, the song goes "Beware of the tone deaf demon hunter, for the only thing worse than his violin is his revenge filled pistol". Before Alucard could ask his name the man swiftly disposed of the demons. The man shouted that it was safe to come out now, then the villagers came out of their cottages and praised the tone deaf demon hunter. Alucard asked the name of the fellow Demon Hunter, to which the hunter replied "My name is not important, only my melody is." he then proceed to take out his violin then played it in a hell raising way. The villagers with no choice applauded for they can't disrespect the hunter that saved them. Alucard thought to himself that he was a very eccentric person, nontheless he thanked the Demon Hunter for doing his job and saving the villagers from the nightmarish creatures. The Demon Hunter said "Don't thank me yet my concert is only beginning!" he then gestured the villagers to go back inside their houses. "I hope you all enjoyed the sound of my violins because after this short break I will resume my music." Another horde of Blood Demons dashed to the poor village.

"Oh the great Demon Hunter Alucard, would you offer me your skills for this deadly duet?".

"You're really a weird guy, but you slay demons better than you play your violin!"

"Behold demons! Our deadly duet! I Granger and Alucard, The Symphony of The Demon Hunters!"
