
Ch. 2 - Quirk and Responsibility

July 15, that's Izuku Midoriya's birthday. But that was 2 months ago.

It's already September.

In Japan, classes start in April and end on December 25, which means it's around 200 to 250 days per year.

His life still hasn't changed from day one. Well, except for the day of his birthday. Every birthday, he showed emotions, not like how he interacts with people and Kacchan.

Because of those bullies, he isolated himself, showing an emotionless expression.

Despite being Quirkless, he became one of the students that have high honors, and one of those students includes Katsuki Bakugo.

Now, their teacher announced to them that they'll be having a field trip next 3 weeks, which makes everyone surprised and happy except two students. Izuku and Katsuki, who was showing his normal yet angry look. Only nodding for going to a field trip.

They'll have to wait for 3 weeks because their exam is next week. During this time, Izuku still trains his body, but mostly those hours he focused on the subjects that are involved in the examinations.

With no problems during his exam, Izuku finally paid the field trip fee from his auntie, Mitsuki Bakugo and they're going to visit one of the buildings that holds the experimentation about quirks. Known as the Quirk Research Lab.

==Time Skip==

"Welcome to the Quirk Research Lab. My name is Akita Asakura and I'll be your guide for your whole field trip." A woman in her mid-twenties said as every classmate of Izuku, except himself and Bakugo, fist-pumped and yelled 'Yay' as she leads them inside the lab.

Everything went fine except for one experimental being, that disappeared while they're on the tour to take a look around.

Izuku, holding his cell phone, took a picture from some different animals that were experimenting on, especially mice.

After that, he took out his Quirk Analysis notebook and wrote down about what he's seeing. Unknown to him...

A certain arthropod is slowly going down from the ceiling with her web. He didn't know that something bit him in the back of his neck. So focus on what he's doing that he didn't pay attention to something that touches him until it bit him.

"Ah!" Shouting in pain, he grabbed something on the back of his neck and throws it on the ground. He now knows that something that bites him in the back of his neck is a spider.

This causes him to make a pale look, because he knows that most spiders are almost venomous enough to kill a human in a few minutes.

He touches the spot where the spider bites him and for some reason it didn't sting. This causes him to get confused. He knows that every bite of a venomous spider stings. But in this case, it's not.

"(I guess it's not a dangerous one.)" He thought to himself. In a moment there, his head feels dizzy, but not at a critical state where he feels dizzy.

At a corner of his eyes, he can see a small door of a cage is opened as he consults one of the scientists and told him that one of the cages is opened as the scientist warned his co-workers and told them to find the Tokubetsu Spider, which is what it called.

After being thanked by the scientist, Izuku went back with his classmates. Somehow, the headache is taking effect of his head slowly.

==Time Skip==

The field trip ended at 5:00 PM but didn't move after he exits the bus. He stayed at the school and sat on the bench that is near the gate until curfew time, which is 7:30 PM. He stood up, but causes pain on his head... and soon, his body is receiving pain

He had trouble balancing himself when he was walking towards his home. There are times where he fell on one knee and struggled to get up, gritting his teeth and the drive to go home was bigger as he was determined to go home, which is better than getting knocked out in the middle of the street because of the spider's bite.

==Time Skip==

He finally entered his house, but... felt dizzier. As he entered the room, he checked the clock and it's 8:00 p.m. After checking, his stomach begins to hurt. Not only that, but every muscle inside his body also begins to clench and his body is starting to become numb, so much pain than before.

He didn't change his clothes since he knows it's Friday, but the headache started to get worse than before. He fell on his bed, clenching his head and chest as he can't take the pain anymore.

He opened his eyes and saw multiple figures coming towards him with antagonistic eyes. He closed his eyes again and grabbed the large cloth to cover himself, except his head.

He hears voices, but cannot understand them since they're talking at the same time as he wishes to stop the nightmare.

He doesn't know that some of his genetic DNA is getting infected by the Quirk of a genetically modified spider that bit him a few hours ago.

==Next Day==

His eyes shot open as he hears beeping. He turns around and saw his All Might clock is beeping. It showed 7:00 AM and it's Saturday.

He turns off his alarm and decided to sleep for a while since it's Saturday.

After waking up again, he checks the clock again and it showed 9:00 a.m. Good enough for him to have the energy for training later afternoon.

When he's about to take a bath, he removed his clothes and it surprised him. What did he see? His body, but more ripped. It's like a bodybuilder of a person who is focused on training his body.

A teenager who had an adult's body. Izuku is in a trance. Of how his body got a big change.

"(Did this happen because of the bite?!)" He thought to himself as he turns around to see every part of his body transformation.

He doesn't know what he's feeling. He's confused, yet excited to see if he got a Quirk from a spider's bite.

==Time Skip==

After a few hours, he decided to buy some ingredients for his daily needs at a nearby shopping mall. He changed from house clothes to casual ones as he checks his wallet first before leaving the house with the doors locked from the key he's carrying with.

Walking for a few minutes, he is now in front of the mall, where he always buy foods or ingredients. Wasting no time, he went inside and started to pick the ingredients he needs for his daily life of eating and surviving a day and tomorrow.

When he's in the line, where the sales clerk scans the ingredients that were chosen by multiple customers, a bang came from the entrance and saw 5 people wearing masks. Indicating that they're robbers, they knock out 2 security guards and pointed their gun towards the nearby citizens, including Izuku himself.

"Nobody move!"

"Don't you dare call the police, you Quirkless people!"

"Raise your hands!"

That's all they heard while one of them is pointing their guns at the woman who is at the counter.

"Come on. Put all the money here, you bitch!" One of the robbers ordered the woman to open the cashier and putting the cash on the bag, whom one of the burglars are carrying.


Another gun fired as it came from the man, whose mask is a different color than the others. Its mask is drenched in red paint.

"I told you to never move!" He shouted with anger on his tone. On cue, someone screamed as they all turn their head to the source of the scream. It came from a little girl, who had a terrifying face.

A robber slowly walked towards her as she walks back, wanting to get away and broaden the distance, but fell backward. She soon started to crawl backward as the burglar is getting closer to her.

Izuku witnessed the man pulled the little girl's hair to stand up. The robber said with a proud tone, "Looks like we had another prize, man."

One of them laughed and the red masked man walks towards their direction and said, "Little girl, do you want to live... or let the bullet be inside your head?" With a glare, he made the girl's eyes widened in fear.

Izuku, on the other hand, wanted to help the girl and prevent this robbery. He unconsciously stands up and knocked one of them out, which causes the members to look at Izuku. A burglar laughed before he said, "What is this? Does a boy want to be a hero? Ha! Foolish kid!"

Then they all laugh as they all walk towards his place with the girl being held by the red masked man. The red masked man asked with a mocking tone and a glare, "What seems to be the reason to punch my man, boy?"

With a glare still on his face, he wanted to make Izuku scared, but the boy wasn't scared of his glare. Only showing emotionless look on his face.

In his head, Izuku wanted to sacrifice his life for everyone's safeties, including the little girl. She's so young to die that he doesn't want her life to be wasted at such a young age.

Still, no reply came out from Izuku's mouth as the members of the burglars cocked their guns and pointed at Izuku's head so close.

"You've made a terrible mistake, boy. Now meet your terrible fate." He said with a venomous tone in his sentence. Inside Izuku's body, he can feel his body getting buffed or something that makes him stronger. He clenched his fist quickly and swing his right arm to disarm one of the burglar's guns.

Instead, he didn't disarm only one but destroyed the guns they're holding, which makes him surprised internally. This cause all the members' eyes widened at his move.

The red masked man held the girl with a knife on his other arm, ready to slice her whenever Izuku's near them.

Instead, Izuku knocked out the red masked man's head, disarming the knife and hurt his wrist and somehow broke the man's wrist, making him scream in agony.

Izuku felt his body getting stronger, but his right hand, which he used it for disarm and break the red masked man's hand, felt a little pain, which means he still hasn't got the hang of punching a more solid thing rather than a punching bag even though all those years of training.

He's still 15 years old and he's so young that he can't even feel the pain whom the heroes like All Might are feeling when going against a strong villain like a certain Symbol of Evil.

A little pain and that is the advantage of his whole training. If he's in a situation like this and never trained, he'll die from their firearms or feel more pain than he's feeling right now.

Izuku quickly grabbed the little girl and ran to a safe place that can block their bullets. Somehow he had a tingling sensation from his head as he quickly moves his body to dodge the bullets.

This surprised everyone, including the burglars by Izuku's tremendous speed and agility. After finding large protection, something burst out of Izuku's mind and heart. Huge confidence that he'll defeat the burglars after seeing his speed and the tingling sensation from his head.

"Stay here. I promise I'll defeat them." With a soft tone and a smile, he reassures the little girl that he's going to be okay.

She nodded from his response as he went out of the large protection and charge towards the burglars.

"Kill that boy!" The red masked man ordered as they all fired their guns towards Izuku.

Again, the tingling sensation came and from Izuku's vision everything is in slow motion and can see the projectile of where the bullets are heading at. He was slightly freaking out. "(Is this the Quirk that the spider gave me? I can see where the bullets are heading. This must be the Spider-Sense, where a spider can predict danger coming towards them.)"

With a little amount of time to think about the Quirk, he dodges the bullets while some made a scratch from his clothes, not his skin though.

When they're reloading their guns, Izuku grabbed the opportunity to use his body to defeat and knock 'em all out.

Some tried to punch or hit Izuku with their gun, but thanks to the Spider-Sense, Izuku effortlessly dodge their attacks and punch/kick the hell out of those burglars, making them unconscious.

After knocking them out, the remaining person is the red masked man, who revealed his face. His appearance is a man in his mid-thirties.

Izuku saw his hands are in a stance to scratch Izuku, but what surprise Izuku internally is that... the man's nails are getting longer and sharper. While showing his long, sharp nails, he said "This is my Quirk. With one scratch, you're dead. Prepare to die."

They're both in a battle stance as Izuku study his position and where he's attacking.

The man charged at Izuku and the boy dodged his attacks. Izuku wanted to knock him out in one move.

When he thought that, something in his veins makes him stronger and stronger. It is not because of the enhanced strength of a spider, but... something else he didn't know about.

Clenching his fist, Izuku swings his right arm with all his might... to hit the man in the face. It did collide with the man's face, but because of his superpower-like strength, the man sent flying until he collides with a wall.

The pain came from Izuku's right hand like a knife stabbing his arm. When he takes a look at it, his right arm is tainted in sore red.

Shivering from the pain, Izuku gritted his teeth, but somehow the pain slowly faded away, as if... he thinks that he had a Regeneration Quirk.

A false mind came to Izuku as he shook his head, not believing about having a Regeneration Quirk.

A roar of clapping hands came from the citizens as they all stand up and thanking Izuku that he is their savior.

The little girl, whom Izuku rescued, ran up to him with tears as she embraces her hero.

Izuku comforts the girl by hugging her back.

"Thank you, mister...?" She asked after calming down and began to remove the tears that remained on her face while tilting her head to the side.

"Izuku. Izuku Midoriya."

"Thank you, Izuku-nii-chan! You're my hero!" After she shouting his name with an honorific, this causes everyone to yell 'Hero' many times next.

This cause Izuku, for the first time of his life, teared up because of how he became another hero to a young generation.

After a few minutes, the police came and saw the burglars are knocked out and chained them. One of the police asked everyone who did it.

"I did." He said, stepping forward to have a conversation with the policeman, who said next, "Son, you should leave it to the police. It's no playground for kids like you."

The insult cause Izuku's blood boiling. He was about to-

"Sir!" One of the citizens said, interrupting Izuku about what he's going to say.

"He just risks his life to save the little girl and almost sacrifice himself to protect that girl. We didn't stand up, because we were worried about our safety." After that, another voice said, "But that boy is a hero, no matter what the cost. A true hero is a noble hero because nothing is nobler than self-sacrifice!"

Those words... struck Izuku's heart by the man's wise words. He teared up more, because they accept him of who he is. They accept him that he's a hero to them all.

"(These people... they're... cheering me.)"

He thought to himself as tears of happiness flowing out of his eyes. While sobbing, he said, "I'm... v-very glad... to s-see... everyone is... o-okay." With full of emotions on his face, everyone saw him crying and they started to smile at the emotional boy- no, the emotional young hero.

He remembered every bully act he received, every bruise, every punch, and explosions, they're meaningless right now. They meant nothing to the boy.

He was feeling fulfilled after the people in the shopping mall thanked him one-by-one. With that, he thought, (They accept me that I'm a hero to their eyes, but I'm gonna make sure that I'll take responsibility for whatever happens around me. I'm going to train well and hard so that I'll be accepted as a hero to everyone even the Quirkless people. I know this is a lot to take since I'm still a kid, but with a powerful Quirk comes a large responsibility.)" After thinking his goals, he wiped the tears that are on his face and eyes.

After two hours in the shopping mall, he went home with a big smile on his face while carrying the ingredients he needed to cook for his hunger.

After a few minutes of rest, he changes his clothes and went to Dagobah Municipality Beach, to continue training with a Quirk he obtained from a genetically modified spider.

Unknown to him, something arrived at his house that will change his mindset about the school he wanted to attend.


Characters with Quirk:

Name : Red Masked Man


Sharp Claw - With one or 2 scratches, he can make a person shiver from fear after taking a scratch from his long, durable, sharp nails.

Name : Izuku Midoriya


Spider Sense - He can predict and detect any danger that is within one kilometer away from him.

??? - A mysterious Quirk that makes him something else than himself. An unknown, complicated Quirk that... somehow is alive... yet Izuku can't feel it.

Next chapter