
Swords and Magic The Myth

For the last few weeks there have been lots of unnatural weather forecast that cannot be explained throughout the world one of these storms hit over Yue Fei’s school when he woke up he finds himself and the school in an unfamiliar ground this situation is just like in many stories that he has read is this a dream? Come true or is it the road to Hell itself? Disclaimer all artworks you see here such as the cover are not mine but in time, soon I will hopefully get my own artworks up but what ever artworks i will put up for my works are all forms of inspiration art works for my stories if you want to support the original artists check out their works at artstation.com

SilverMoonlight96 · Action
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19 Chs

Chapter 9.5: Hou An’s Log

Chapter 9.5: Hou An's Log

Entry Log date XXXX Hou An's Log # 15

It has been about four weeks since we have arrived in this new fantasy world one could always imagine what it would be like to travel to such a world but sadly life is not as easy as one would picture it to be.

Truly the light novels we all read back home truly simplifies the nature of what would happen if we were to find ourselves in a completely different world that we're not custom to. Like a running toilet for one or running water, we have them I mean structurally anyway but too bad they don't work~! No electricity either to power anything in our dorm building and I mean no power to run anything, not even simple lighting just so we can see yeah simply lighting my ass.

I mean we can see just fine in the mornings with the sunlight shining in through the windows but once come night time though the stars outside were bright but were not bright enough to allow us to see properly. Thankfully though our school was a tech school so we have a few spare generators in storage to power up whatever we could.

At least this allowed us to power our machines so we can start working to some capacity, like making better weapons for ourselves to fend off the native attacks and have some form of comfort at least like heaters for one. God it gets pretty darn cold out here at night.

Entry Log Date XXXXX Hou An's log # 17

It has been officially about two maybe three weeks now since Yue Fei and the nineteen others no - wait make that twenty other selected few who were chosen to venture outside the school walls. Ha~, just thinking back on it I should've convinced him not undertake the task it was just a death wish the big boss just sent all those guys out there to die, I just know it I can't prove it I just know.

Yeah, I'll say it because I don't trust them not that guy or the big dog at the top, they are seriously giving off some bad mojo. I mean they always did to me but now it's just something else entirely now since we came to this world, I mean it seems to feel more open than before. In the past they would always give off this deceptive aura and smile that could fool anyone that they mean no harm. However, the moment you let your guard done they will strike you when you least expected.

Thankfully I wasn't the only one to have felt this way several others share this mutual feeling with me, of course we were smart enough to keep it to ourselves. Most of the remaining campus staff are of no help either to stuck up in their high horses to even bother to pretend to care. So much for relying on the adults here huh. Whatever it is they in on it with that old man there has even been some talk among the guys, that some of the female students have been doing them "favors" some of us have decided to look into that but we have yet to uncover anything major.

Entry Log Date XXXXX Hou An's log # 19

Today is just a short log nothing much of not worthy but I just had to jot down this funny () that I noticed when I was working on my latest project. I was testing the Damascus steel sword that I just recently forged to which I installed a make-shift electro-vibro engine just like I did for Yue Fei's Han and Song Daos. A little treat I stored for myself I really shouldn't bring it out too often since everyone was begging me for a vibro weapon as well after I publicly gave him those blades. Best keep it to myself anyway back to the point I notice almost immediately after testing my prize that it wasn't as 'effective' should be the word if I could describe it.

But it certainly wasn't like how the two swords that I forged for Yue Fei worked maybe it was because of the metal I added in to make the Damascus steel for the two swords. Now that I recalled back on that metal, I do remember that it did seem strange at first but didn't give it to much attention back thing since I was too focused on completing the swords.

Note to self I should probably look into those two blades again for further analysis to test my theory when Yue Fei gets back.... he will come back I know he will.

Entry Log Date XXXXX Hou An's log # 32

It has been about thirty days now about a month's worth of time since we have come to this world, and the last few days was a total shit show I don't even know whether to feel happy or pissed off honestly. We finally made radio contact with another school around the area, Principle Xie Tu and his grandson our glories student council president Xie Nu decided to send out a large exploration team to investigate. It was a shit show since we didn't have a GPS or even a map of the area to know where to go to find them lucky, we didn't have to look far.

Apparently, it wasn't just one school there were a total of three different schools mixed together into one don't ask me how I don't know. We lost a few brothers in the assault to liberating their school apparently there was some sort of large beast prowling around their school grounds, they failed to fend it off and it's been tormenting them ever since. When we got there, it was more than what we could have ever have imagined it to be no wonder they had such trouble with it.

It was a bloody dragon for crying out loud a damn flying lizard. It looked like the typical imagined dragon too being a large, bipedal lizard that possess a flame sac which is used to produce deadly flaming projectiles from the mouth we discovered this after we dissected it. Its whole body covered with a spiny, armored hide covering their body primarily bright red, with black markings throughout its wing membranes featured ornate patterns. We also found out the hard way that the damn thing's talons were highly poisonous this was one of the causes as to how we lost a brother, in addition, their long, thick tail features a heavy spiked club at the end.

Another cause for the loss of a brother, the first fight we were only able to drive it off but then of course it came back. Thankfully we once again were able to fight it off we were able as me and Yue Fei discovered during the first day of coming to this world, we are now super human apparently. Us being able to jump high enough to fight it mildly in the sky but that's about it.

Sure, we can jump very high and are stronger now than any average human back home but, that wasn't going to be enough to win a fight.

Even with our electric spears which had enough power to honestly incapacitate a fully grown elephant was nothing to it well at least for a while. Still took nearly a full squads worth of spears jamming up the things ass to bring it down to the ground long enough for us to finish it off.

We cremated our death and we had a great feast that night in celebration that night with our new companions and I got my self so decent materials to craft so better equipment so I guess that's a positive maybe.

Entry Log Date XXXXX Hou An's log # 34

Apparently that dragon wasn't the only sucker that we had to deal with I guess the smell of gore and the enticing scent of the barbeque that we had that night attracted some uninvited locals. Two beasts that I can only describe being a chimera like creature. Having a body of a lion three different heads mixed in one, wings and a stinger like tail the tail different between the two one being a pincer but aside the point it was a tough fight the boys of these schools we liberated helped however they could but we all lost someone dear to us. It was a hard fight dealing with them but we pulled through.

So, the last week or so we have kept regular contact with these newly found comrades of ours. The first being the student body of Eagle Mountain College I can't really say much about these guys just some regular average regular joe of a school. With about the same ration of men and women alike more than us being we are a tech school so we don't have a lot of female students in our school.

The second being the all-male student body staff of the Wu Li One World Academy like us a technical school that had a handful of vehicles that we can use to travel back and forward. But of course, like any solution we have come up with there was a problem the vehicles we are using the trunks and vans all use gas which is a scarce resource in our current predicament. Its not like we can find any around here so we have to be resourceful with them they did have electrical power vehicles like us but, weirdly enough when I guess when we were teleported to this world the energy most have short- circuited it, I guess. Why I say this if you can't already guess they don't work and yes, we have tried to restart them but to no anvil and its not like we have any spare generators powerful enough to give them a full charge. Without sacrificing power to other necessity that we need so pros and cons aside yeah it doesn't seem to be a very good decision.

The third and finale new bodies were the all-female students of Saint Maiden Scholars Institute yeah~ more useless females perfect just what we needed yeah, I said it they're useless seriously useless not even helpful at all being all nitpicky like little princess I swear. Ha~, man the future looks ever increasingly bleak for us.


Creek~, the sound of rang out loudly as the door gave out its monotone whine, a sigh of the hinges badly in need of oiling coming from the other side behind a door to a workshop room. Illuminating the darkness covered room within the room was filthy littered with machinery sets, parts and paper spread out all along the surface floor. On the far corner of the room was a stack pile of massive scales and large talons in a separate pile from the dragon that was killed days ago, not too far from it in a large circular tank filled with aminol fluids floating within the fluids was the sack also harvested from the beast. The windows were shut but the curtains were pushed to the side revealing the dazzling bright night sky glittering with bright stars sparking like diamonds in the dark.

The opened pathway to that mess revealed the haggled figure of Hou An dressed in a make shift attire that somewhat resembles an incomplete set of armor. A spear held in his right hand with a one and half meter long spear head lactide with complicated circuitry cords and wires latticed its blade running along the haft of the spear and extending via a long cable to the backpack on his back. A sword sheathed in its scabbard hung at his waist

He removed the backpack and placed the items by the entrance keeping only his sword on him, only removing it to side of the large desk that he came up upon plopping down heavily on his chair. Ha~ so tired I plopped down at my desk in the workshop I just feel so exhausted after today's work.

Creaking heavily in the air around him ringing out loudly due to the emptiness in the room, its spring becoming compressed under his weight on the desk surface was not different to the floor around it. Its surface littered various mechanicals tools, along with massive bundles of blueprints of various designs projects that he planned on working on.

The blueprints varied between each paper one contained imagery of varying sword designs, another a sort of polearm with a massive blade on top with certain mechanism plans details to the side of the blueprint. A pc monitor on opposite to the chair across from him Hou An he pushed aside some of the paper works revealing a clear glass surface plate he tapped at it and it lit up. The light surface then changed and rearranged itself into a familiar setting of a computer keyboard awhile the monitor's screen flickered and came to life.

Ha~ another day another night and another somewhat similar routine that I've gotten use to over the last few weeks since. Hou An thought to himself mindlessly as once the computer loaded up he opened the file he wanted and his fingers began dancing on the upon the holo-keyboard.

Entry Log Date XXXXX Hou An's log # 41 no 42...….

Ha~, I can't think of anything to write. Hou An pushed against his desk the wheels underneath his chair shifted slightly away from the desk as he lead back against it. His hand held together on the back on his head unfocused eyes fixated on the dark unlit ceiling his mind unfocused, his eyelids feeling heavier by the second he just wanted to sleep right then and there.

Then suddenly a rumble could be heard from the window despite it being closes sealing the room form the outside world Hou An heard it clearly. He also didn't believe what he was hearing perking his ears up he listens, his drowsiness cleared away like a fading sickness his body now on alert. This was not the rumble of some massive beast that he had become so accustomed to over the last few weeks this was something else, something more familiar. He got off his chair walking a steady pace to the window releasing the lock on the glass sliding it to the side immediately the rush of fresh air swept over Hou An. Breathing in the air that he grew rather fond of being cleaner and purer than the air back on earth, he then turned his gaze past the school borders for the slight glance he gave the wall down below it seems the students on guard duty seemed to be riled up where more pouring forth from the dorm building to the wall.

Further down the distance past the sea of trees...there he saw it all made sense to him now the rumble the mechanical roaring the final pieces clicked together in his head seeing the headlights of a massive industrial trailer trunk. Not just one but seemly a convoy of them the only other school that had vehicles was only Wu Li One World Academy but they didn't have industrial trailer trunk. Then the thought cam into his mind more like a thoughtful hope than a theory Hou An rushed out of his office room grabbing only his sword by the desk, every step he took across the dorm hallway felt extremely long for some reason he wished he was outside in the courtyard already. Tap-tap-tap his footsteps echoed through the walls around him till he reached the front door and like the events of the first day others male students in the building too were rushing out the building.

Hou An raced through the crowd of bodies around him sliding in an out between the gaps in the wave of bodies till he was at the front only stopping once he was before the entrance point in the border wall. All sorts of thoughts were running in his head his heart pumped so loud in his chest he could hear it in his head. All around him the guys showed the oncoming trucks their spears, the spear's head sparked through the overlay wiring on the head trailing to the battery packs in their backpacks all were tense and all alert but Hou An.

Who alone stood not moving as if entranced, not drawing the sword on his hip eyes fixated on the leading trunk waiting - waiting still waiting as it drove closer it was now three hundred meters away from them...now two hundred and fifty...…then two hundred. Once the trunk came about hundred meters from the entrance point the lead trailer stop the air turned still as if the forest had silent no one made a sound.

No one looked away from the truck they stood at the ready waiting – waiting for something to happen first. Then the sound of the side door of the truck opening broke that silence the group tensed gripping their spears ready to strike a figure came out from the driver's side of the truck. It was without another word to describe it properly bulky who just came out was wear some sort of armor his or her head was cover with what looked like a biker's helm so we couldn't see their face.

I walked forward of our little formation and Just as I was about to proclaim my challenge to the figure, I noticed it the Gladius Han Dao Jian Sword that I forged for him. As if on cue the figure then removed his helm revealing just who was behind the mask and I'll tell it to you straight right now. I'm not ashamed of myself for admitting but I fought hard from letting out a rush of tears at the sight of a face whom I honesty didn't imagine to see right then and there.

"Hey buddy we're back." Yue Fei said out loud to me over the thrumming engines of his trunk as he walked towards taking heavy footsteps in that bulky armor suit of his.

"Yeah.... welcome back took you long enough."