

//Short but to the point. Hope you like the first chap



"Ooh, that one was pretty loud," Juda Cicero muttered calmly as he slowly chewed on the sizable chunk of apple he had ripped away from the main body of the fruit. "I wonder if they heard that."

Five seconds passed. Ten seconds. Fifteen.

After a full half minute with no visible reaction from those he was observing, the white haired youth took another bite, bright blue eyes fixated on several figures two stories below him. A soft wind flew on by, scattering the boys shaggy locks and ruffling his clothing, which consisted of a simple white shirt and cargo style pants. The sun shone down over him, illuminating the small alley beneath his dangling legs, casting some light over the situation at hand.

"So, let's see. What exactly are we looking at?" Juda murmured as he swallowed the piece of apple. "Judging from the magic, it seems we have five nobles, a royal with the flame element, and an unknown with earth magic. The data could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that that flaming red hair is Roy's. In total I see five hyenas, a lion, and a giant elephant that refuses to fight back. Such an amusing setup."

Five nobles beating up on a single figure curled up in the fetal position while the royal with bright red hair was parked in the back near the alley entrance; this was the scene Juda was watching and had been watching for the past three minutes. Having arrived from his home in the outer section of Estra, the Capitol city of Intona Kingdom, the white haired adolescent had been roaming around the inner section market for quite a while before stumbling onto the scene before him.

Initially, Juda had wanted to jump into the fray right from the beginning, aiming to help out the victim who was getting pummeled like a sack of meat. However, charging in head first without a plan had never been the boys strong point, preferring instead to collect the appropriate information needed for him to come out in one piece before moving forward. Having bravery and brawn was fine but, in his opinion, those that only relied on those qualities without at least A LITTLE intellect to achieve their ends were the ones that died first.

So, as much as he desired to offer his servitude to the elephant getting its ass torn apart, he plopped down and waited.

"Alright. So how should we play this?" Juda wondered aloud as he finished off his apple. Enough data had been gathered for him to make a detailed play so all that was left was to choose and then enact. "Let's try and go for a....direct....approach."

Narrowing his icy hues onto the royal at the back, the fiery redhead with a cocky smile on his face, Juda cocked back his arm, taking aim with the apple's core. Channeling his inner magic to momentarily strengthen his throwing ability, the young man chucked it as hard as he could whilst retaining as much accuracy as possible. With an unmoving target it was far easier to pin down where to pitch the core as the remains of the once bright red apple smacked into forehead of the unsuspecting Roy Ignis, second son to the king of Intona Kingdom.

"I'm unsurprised that it nailed you in the forehead," Juda commented aloud, making sure he was loud enough for the redhead to hear. "You DO have a billboard just above the brows, a huge empty space where your brain SHOULD have been."

From what was once a lively little space, the sounds of feet and fists repeatedly hitting a soft object along with squeals of rather high pitched laughter, to dead silence. The switch up was almost comical as the five hyenas ceased their pointless assault and turned to look up at Juda, of whom was still sitting at the roofs edge, calmly admiring the scene. Clearly none of them had expected anyone to actually arrive in the midst of their powwow session and it wasn't a stretch to say they were thrown off. Some of them even looked a little panicked as they leaned back to get a better look at just who had called out to their leader.

"Well, I'm royalty so looks don't particularly matter," Roy responded, appearing completely unfazed by the blow the apple core had dealt. Neon orange eyes shifted slightly as the brilliant hues collided with Juda's light blue ones. "That being said, I'm surprised such a filthy commoner like you is even in the inner section. As far as I'm aware, wasn't the 'great' White Rabbit banned from setting foot into the inner section?"

Juda rolled his eyes as he pushed himself off of the roof, allowing himself to fall to the floor, landing ever so lightly onto the cement below. "Such a scathing remark, but wasn't the 'great' Lion supposed to be a bit more exceptional. All I see is a little pansy whose only redeeming quality is that he can give orders to his lackeys. Afraid to get your hands dirty?"

The two of them scowled at each other, the tension so thick it could've been cut with a knife as the two made their own hostility to each other known. The magic in the area seemed to grow thicker, each individual looking to plant their status as the dominant attacker.

"Why don't we just go ahead and fight here then?" Roy said as he took a stance, fire appearing in his hands. "Might as well settle our differences with a brawl. Let's see what you got."

Juda let out a sigh, his annoyance almost tangible as he raised his hand with his palm facing upwards. His light blue eyes began to glow as his hand shone with a cyan colored light, actual ice forming above his palm. The temperature plummeted in the area surrounding the white haired youth, expanding outwards to cover the entire alleyway, causing the others to shiver.

"Are you sure you wanna fight here," Juda asked firmly, his voice filled with malice. "We can spar right now but I can guarantee you a loss. Better grit those teeth cause I'm gonna win."

"That so," Roy remarked, a smug grin spreading across his face. "Then let's get star-"

"Prince Roy!!! Knights are headed this way!!" A small figure with brown hair, came barrelling into the alley, a panicked look on his face. He didn't even bother taking in the whole situation as he ran up to the redhead, breathing heavily. "They were wearing the emblem of the Fire Knights. I think it was a General!!!"


Almost the moment the new arrivals had finished his sentence, an explosion of noise echoed around the area, causing everyone to flinch in the process.