
The preparation (2)

"You don't know who you messed with" Frain said and showed his two swords.

The warriors have prepared for combat. Swords were released from their sheath, Frain started to attack the Captain , his swords swung into the captain but was avoided. Some of the warriors attacked Frain. In a snap, Frain used his agility. He slashed them, and the captain's back.

When they are all down, Frain sits on his legs and said, "Tell your King, I will return. He better be prepared" he grins and leaves them. No one even saw the scene.

"Catherine, wake up." Hikaru was beside her

"What is it?" she asked sleepy

She sat and looked into Hikaru's eyes. Her heart beats fast. His bluish eyes stare at her. He leaned forward but Catherine lowered her face. She stood up and asked, " Where are the kids?" Hikaru, who was looking at her bed mattress  answered, "They are still sleeping. As I was talking a while ago, we should prepare for Frain. I believe Frain killed the patrol soldiers and a captain knight"

"How should we prepare?"

Hikaru stood up and looked into her,  " Let's meet Ren-Ai and Yui. We all should practice"

"Ok I will just fix myself. Can you wait for me outside?" she said.

He nodded and left the room.

Hikaru waited outside yet, he was wondering, "Why is she avoiding me?"

Few moments passed and she joined Hikaru to the place where Ren-Ai, Aiomi and Yui were.

Ren-Ai called Catherine and gave her a wooden sword.

Catherine in curiosity asked, "What am I going to do?"

"You're going to practice with us" Ren-Ai and Yui chorused.

Hikaru and Aiomi get their weapons and practiced outside, since the brothers are well practiced on their weapons; they shadow practiced.

The three (Catherine, Ren-Ai and Yui) practiced first the swords on the first one and a half day. Catherine learned easily and was able to attack and defend herself. After the practice, Catherine sat and her hands were leaned backwards, she was very perspired.

Catherine was in pain, "My hand and body aches. I'm so tired."

Few hours later, Hikaru went to the practice field. He fixed his hair and started practicing with the three. Catherine practiced the bow and arrow and the sword well.

Days passed by and they practiced bit by bit, calluses have formed. They were trained under the best warriors. Hikaru was still able to act well and govern the kingdom while in the practice field.

They rest for a moment and left. Catherine went to the nearest pond and started practicing with the wooden sword. Hikaru saw Catherine, he was carrying Destiny's sword. He don't know what he feels towards her. His heart was beating so fast and time seems slow when he was near her. He went closer to her.

"You are doing well. Destiny would be glad if you practice with this." Hikaru gave Catherine the sword Destiny has left.

Catherine was surprised seeing the sword. He holds the wooden sword and she was staring at the sword Hikaru handed.

He held her again, each day falling for her, "Promise me, you will survive. You will stay with me"

He was touching her face, and staring into her eyes. All he can hear was his heart and their breathing.

Catherine felt uncomfortable, she pushed him off and ran away. She was still not used to the situation. She ran straight to her room and locked herself in. She is holding her chest, her heart beats so fast. Why is he doing that? She thought.

She leaned herself to the door and slowly sat.

Hikaru has fallen in love to Catherine.