
The preparation (1)

Aiomi knew something was wrong, he didn't inform the king yet. He took safety precautions, so that the kingdom will be prepared for any attack. He was hoping he's hunch was wrong.

He looked at Yui, who looks like his childhood friend Yuki. He took a deep breath as Yui look at him confused. He placed his hands behind him and spoke, "Thank you for the information, Yui. Can you go to the armory? Please do check the supplies." Yui bows her head and leave him.

He went to Hikaru's place, Catherine was still unconscious. Aiomi saw his brother and told him about Queen Euphamea and a suspicious man. Alike to Aiomi's reaction, he was surprised about the late queen's name. Hikaru looked stressed out, bags under his eyes, pale skin and messy hair.

Aiomi looked at his brother's wasted look.

"Catherine won't be happy if she woke up and sees you like that" Aiomi said as he stare at his brother.

It seems that depression is consuming his brother. Hikaru didn't respond, he just looked at Aiomi. He came closer to the king and took him to his room. He placed Hikaru at a chair and sat him there. Aiomi looked at his younger brother, " Be strong. We will get this over." Hikaru was silent and just nod, Aiomi started fixing his brother's hair. He stopped Aiomi, he pulled out a sharp pair of scissors and lend it to him, "Cut it"

"What?!" Aiomi was surprised to his brother's order

"Cut it short, please." Hikaru's voice seems to beg.

He just followed Hikaru and cut it clean and short. This is the first time they bonded after a long time. "Thank you" he said to his big brother.

King Hikaru called for a meeting, inside the hall, he ordered the soldiers and warriors to protect the kingdom and the village, as well as the people living in it.

Ren-Ai and Yui protected the queen and her children, while Aiomi and Hikaru protected each other.

Three quiet days passed, Yui went to Hikaru she reported, with one leg knelt, a hand at her chest and she was bowing  "Your highness, your orders were already placed to action."

Hikaru, who was sitting on his throne leaned forward and replied, "Thank you. Is the queen awake?"

"Yes, your highness. She's with her children."

"You may go now, Yui." He said.

He stood up and walked to his children's room, Ren-Ai who was beside him followed. Aiomi who was outside the room was very anxious, he posed to be quiet.

Hikaru whispered with an eyebrow raised, "Why?"

"Catherine has disappeared and Destiny was inside."

"How do you know that it is Destiny?"

"Catherine's wrist has some thing on and her index finger has a ring"

Hikaru smiled, "Good observation, big bro."

They entered the room.

They saw them playing. Hikaru saw something suspicious. He held her hand, "Catherine, where is Destiny?"

"She told me to take good care of you. All of you."

They all went outside, except Ren-Ai, Yui was also there, who were ordered to guard the children.

They, Aiomi, Catherine and Hikaru went to the library. They sat facing each other.

"How? A while ago I saw Destiny and then… you" Aiomi said

"I can explain, she told me to warn you. She can communicate with me through my dreams. I know it is unbelievable. She told me this:

"My mother, Queen Euphamea is alive. She's with Frain, my half brother. Frain and Queen Euphamea is planning to attack the kingdom. You must protect the kingdom and our children. Catherine will be me from now on, I cannot handle my existence…" she was cut by Hikaru who was furious. Aiomi clenched his fist.

"How can you make stories like this!" Aiomi was able to stop Hikaru who will attack her.

Catherine suddenly disappeared. Destiny's voice echoed in the library.

"Gladly I was able to feel your love, my husband. My existence here is limited and will serve as a warning. My mother and half brother is planning a war. Please protect our children.

If you try to attack or hurt Catherine, you are hurting me too. Any wounds or bruise that Catherine receives will reflect on me. If she dies, I die too.. We are connected.

Please help each other."

A slight tremble occurred, Catherine returned back to her seat. Hikaru and Aiomi apologized. Catherine smiled at them and said, "I know how it feels. I hope we can trust each other. I will protect myself."

Days have passed and they feel Frain's small attacks. He started with the livestock, bit by bit almost every animals die. The veterinarians told them the animals were poisoned. The king sent aid to avoid further attack on the farners' livestock.

One day, the knights have cornered Frain near the village, "You are now surrounded, surrender now" a Captain Knight said but Frain just smiled.

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