

In the cozy confines of his room, 21-year-old Zias found himself immersed in the glow of his computer screen. The rain outside painted a rhythmic backdrop on his window, offering a subtle soundtrack to his nightly escape into a web novel. The room itself radiated warmth, a testament to the comfort he had crafted within those four walls.

Zias sighed, closing his laptop and feeling the weight of predictability in the plot he had grown tired of. The characters, once captivating, now felt like old friends with nothing new to say. A craving for something fresh lingered in the air, pushing him to step out of his haven.

Downstairs, the streetlights cast long shadows on the wet pavement, and Zias felt the chill of the night as he strolled along the quiet streets. The rain, once a soothing melody, became a companion to his contemplation. As he walked, the need for a drink nudged him, prompting a detour to the convenience store.

Earphones in, music playing softly, Zias meandered through the silent streets. Lost in thought, he weighed the mundane familiarity of his current read against the prospect of something new. The raindrops became his quiet companions, offering a gentle rhythm to his musings.The reflection in the puddles mirrored the conflict within him. Zias paused near the convenience store, contemplating his choices. A flicker of uncertainty crossed his face.

"What if I'm chasing after something that doesn't exist? What if every story, no matter how fresh, eventually becomes mundane? Is it the story or just my craving for change?"he thought with a sigh, he pushed the door open and stepped into the store, the chime announcing his arrival.The bell chimed as Zias left the store, a bag containing his favourite drink in hand. He took a swig, the familiar taste providing a fleeting comfort as he resumed his walk in the rainy night. The music in his ears continued its soft serenade, and for a moment, the world felt balanced.

Little did he know that fate had a different story in mind.

As he stepped onto the sidewalk, lost in his thoughts, a sudden screech of tires shattered the tranquil ambiance. "Oh, fuck," he muttered under his breath, his heart racing as he turned to face the oncoming car.

The headlights blinded him, a split-second of confusion before impact. The bag slipped from his grasp, the bottle shattering on the pavement as he collided with the hood of the car.

In that instant, time seemed to slow down, the raindrops suspended in mid-air as Zias found himself caught in the unforgiving embrace of fate. His thoughts ceased, replaced by a primal instinct to survive, but it was too late.

Zias blinked, his surroundings slowly coming into focus. The first thing he saw was a beautiful lady looking directly at him. "She's beautiful," he muttered, captivated by her presence. But reality soon sank in, and panic gripped him."Oh, shit. I got hit by a car. Where am I?" The realization hit him like a ton of bricks, and a wave of shock washed over him.He looked around, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. "What the heck is going on?" he mumbled to himself, bewildered by the situation.In that moment of confusion, the lady's voice reached his ears, and he strained to make sense of her words. "I... I am small. Ain't no way I am a kid. Dammit!" His inner monologue revealed the dismay and disbelief coursing through him.

His thoughts raced, trying to process the absurdity of it all. "At least a teenage boy would have been good... wait, why is she holding me like that?" Zias noticed the lady cradling him gently, her eyes filled with an affection he couldn't quite comprehend.

And then, as if the puzzle pieces were falling into place, he heard their names—Helen and Magnus.

"I am her son?" he thought, stunned by the revelation. "He is so cute," Helen said, her voice a mixture of surprise and affection. "He is my son, after all," Magnus added, his words carrying a sense of reassurance.

Helen's description filled Zias' mind—tall, very attractive, blond hair, and blue eyes. Magnus, on the other hand, was painted with white hair, dark eyes, a muscular build, and undeniable handsomeness.From his newfound vantage point, Zias observed the couple. Helen's beauty was indeed captivating, her maternal embrace offering both warmth and confusion. Magnus, with his rugged handsomeness, exuded a protective aura. In the midst of pondering his potential handsomeness, Zias' thoughts were interrupted by the conversation unfolding around him.

"Do you have a name for him, Helen?" Magnus asked anxiously.

"Yes, I would like to name him Zias Alverian," Helen said, her voice decisive.

"Oh, what luck! Same name. Wait, Zias Alverian is a good name," Zias chimed in anxiously.

"A warrior's name," Magnus declared proudly.

"He is not going to be your sword, Magnus. He will become whatever he wants," Helen asserted with an assertive tone.

"Yup, he will be a magic swordsman!" Magnus said, laughing.

"Let him rest, will you?" Helen said, gently placing Zias in a cradle.

"Magic swordsman? Oh, hell yeah. Wait, this world has magic and swords. I wanna try that. Do I have mana? Wait, I must have that, right?" Zias thought, his curiosity piqued,

"I must have that, right? Wait, how should I call it, system," Zias thought, contemplating the nature of his newfound abilities. Soon, a pop screen-like window materialized before him. "Wow, it's like a game," Zias exclaimed, his excitement growing as he began to explore the possibilities presented by this extraordinary interface

Welcome ,to the mystical realm of Eldoria, where humans, demons, elves, dragons, and vampires coexist.

Name -Zias alverian 

Talent -mythic 


Skill -conceal[hides user strength from everyone ]

"Eldoria, with vampires and dragons, huh? From reading about them to actually being in the same world, crazy, huh?" Zias exclaimed, his excitement evident. "Talent: Mythical. That sounds overpowered, and the cherry on top – I can hide it with Conceal. Just one skill, but I can't complain," Zias chuckled at his own greediness. "Hold on, I don't have any stats. Where is it?" Zias asked anxiously. "It should be there, right, System? Stats."

"Stats, eh? How will I know if I am strong?" Zias muttered, a hint of irritation in his voice. "No point in fretting; I have time to learn from this world," he added, his thoughts interrupted by Helen calling Maria.

Suddenly, a girl in her mid-twenties appeared out of nowhere, wearing a black suit. "Maria, look after Zias. We have to attend to the guest who showed up for his one-year naming ceremony. Don't leave his side," Helen commanded. "Yes, my lady."

Helen looked at Zias and, after giving a kiss on his forehead, left the room. "Doesn't feel bad after getting kissed," Zias thought.Suddenly feeling his mind getting heavy, his eyes falling, Zias succumbed to the gentle pull of slumber.



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