
CANON Starts

2 and a half years later

In Hage, a village on the outskirts of the Clover Kingdom, a fifteen-year-old boy was happily running towards the church. The boy was just a few days away from the ceremony where he would finally obtain his grimoire, which excited him greatly as he wanted nothing more than to become the next magic emperor. However, the reason for his happiness this time was a bit different than his dream.

'I can't believe I never thought of this before! With this gift I am sure she will say yes this time!'

He practically was skipping out of happiness until he finally reached the church, but before he could shout out what he wanted, he came face to face with someone he did not like in the slightest. He was a young man who seemed a bit older than him, with deep blue hair, a pair of glasses, a small pen on his belt, a scar under his left eye that was not huge but still impressive. He wore a white overcoat as he sat happily talking with the sister inside the chapel. The sister was like the young Madonna of the village. At 21 years old, it was around the normal time for girls her age to be thinking of marriage. Normally it would make no difference for a sister of the church since they could not marry, but in the last decade or so, a new law came down from the church headquarters allowing them to marry once if the person was also a believer.

This is normally something that made Asta very happy, but the way sister Lily was smiling happily beside the young man did not make him happy in the slightest.

"HEY! Emyia, stop pestering sister Lily this instant! I have something very important to ask her." The boy yelled as soon as he entered the church, startling the two older people inside. The boy smirked a bit when he saw that, only for him to get a kick to the back of his head by the old priest.

"Stop pestering them, Asta. He was just explaining to her some herbs that can help heal others, as well as unique treatments and ways to use them to help those in need." The old man said.

As Asta heard that he still huffed discontent. He did not like this Emyia character one bit. He started appearing in villages around the region about a month ago, claiming to be a healer and went around helping everyone not only heal their wounds, but also teaching alternative methods of healing they did not know about. He even went and explained better methods of plantation and also established entire classes to teach others how to better use the ingredients they had. This made him incredibly popular all over the region to the point that even the few nobles that lived around the region greatly respected him and used to invite him to their parties as an honored guest only for him to instead attend commoner gatherings to help them cook their food instead.

He also showed a large amount of magical energy and combined with his good looks, led many young girls wanting to be with him, and that worried Asta immensely since he wanted sister Lily to look at only himself. He loved her for years now and he would not have some upstart out of anywhere take her away from him.

"It is fine, father Orsi. I know he didn't mean anything bad and just wants to talk to Lily right now. I was already overextending my visit anyway as I still have to go to Muram village nearby to help teach them which herbs around there are good for consumption and what their effects are." Emyia said before standing up and leaving the church, but not before giving Asta a once-over to see if he was okay. It always impressed him how someone so small could have so much muscle mass. He was 1.55 meters high with short white hair and was packing a lot of muscle in his tiny frame. The healer had once tried to teach him some training methods to improve his physical abilities, but he had been rejected for a while now as Asta was not interested since he did not want to be in any form of debt with 'competition' as he would say.

After the healer left sister Lily reproached Asta for acting this way to a guest, but after a while she calmed down and decided to listen to what he had to say outside since she had been sitting inside the church for more than two hours now just talking to Emyia about healing techniques.

"Sister Lily! I'll become the Magic Emperor someday and make you happy! So please marry me!" He said that with his secret weapon in hand. A simple pink flower that he had collected in the nearby forest while training.

"I'm sorry, Asta, but I'm everybody's sister. I don't intend on getting married." She said with a small smile.

When he heard this it was like he got an arrow through his heart, but just as he was about to fall he came back.

"Not yet!" He yelled right at her face.

"Um... I'm sorry." She said sweatdropping a bit.

He was again close to falling down when he heard this, but his will did not let him as instead he bowed to her all over again and yelled, again.

"I'm not giving up yet!"

"Er, um... But..."

"Not enough." He said while going on seiza and repeatedly hitting his head against the floor.

"I.. I am sorry." She said while taking out her blue grimoire. "Water Creation Magic: Holy Fist of Love!"

And with that Asta passed out with a water fist hitting him squarely in the head.


Later that day Asta was talking with the kids, and again they were discussing something they actually enjoyed talking about.

The prince of the kingdom, Shirou Kira Clover I.

It was no mystery that he was a very well known character even way out here in Hage. There were so many stories about him that even in this village that barely got any information from the capital they still heard about him, even though a few stories were a tiny bit exaggerated.

"...and then when he touched his grimoire celestial hymns rang and a pair of angels descended to give him their blessing. It is even said that he was so handsome that most girls passed out when he looked at them." The young orphan girl named Recca told the smaller girl named Aruru.

"Yeah, and I heard he is so strong that when he was six, he defeated a giant bull with just one punch." A young boy named Nash said. He always did like talking about the prince since he was almost like a legend in these parts. "I also heard he spends all his money helping others and donating to the church to help feed and heal those in need."

"I can attest to that one." Sister Lily said while enjoying her meal. "I asked my friends from other churches and they said he donated almost as much money as several noble families in donations to help the needy."

"I heard he is super strong. He is even the magic emperor's personal disciple! I wonder if someday I too will have a disciple." Asta said, imagining himself dressed like magic emperor and having a disciple that looked up to him, strangely enough, that disciple looked just like Yuno and kept telling him how honored he is to be in his presence and telling him how handsome and tall he was and how his magic was impressive.

"Impossible, the next magic emperor will be me." A tall teen answered Asta. He had raven black hair and an air of confidence to himself as he said that, it was almost like he believed it was just the obvious result that he would be the next number 1 of the whole kingdom.

"What did you say, Yuno you bastard?" Asta said, already standing up and about to go attack the other teen that looked very much composed but had a mental image of when Asta tried to jump on him he would launch a wave of air at him and blow him away.

This and other interactions were the mark of just another day in this church. Something quite different to what is happening far away in the giant demon skull on the outskirts of the village.

There the young man named Emyia was analyzing the skull for a while now, trying to understand what sort of creature it was, and to see if it is possible to use the bones as a material for one of the weapons he imagined (he had been collecting materials for a while now), but most importantly, he wanted to know if it represented any real danger to the villages in the surrounding area.

It was a slow process since it was not possible for him to identify the whole thing at once and understanding it was easier said than done. However, even though it was a slow process he still did it in his 'rest time' as most of his time was spent helping others from the villages nearby. It was this way that time passed for both groups, until the day of the grimoire ceremony finally came.


The ceremony was quite standard, the grimoires flew around the room before landing in the waiting hands of different people. The only problem came from the fact that one boy did not get a grimoire at all. He was just standing there with his arms wide open as not a single grimoire flew his way. He could only keep looking as not a single one chose him and everyone laughed at him.

At a corner of the room, the healer looked at this and shook his head. He knew from the start that it was unlikely that Asta would get a grimoire since he, strangely enough, did not have any magic circuits. It was a bit absurd as everyone born in this dimension had them, but Asta was an exception to this rule.

A grimoire is like a mystic code, but instead of being able to transfer it to others, it would truly unite with a compatible person. Once this happened, it would unite with the magic circuits and vitalize them. It would create magic formulas for the user to quickly activate magic, even if he did not have any knowledge about it. The more the person developed themselves both mentally and spiritually, the more new spells it would have.

Just as Asta looked dejected from this and did not know what to do a blinding light appeared right behind him. As he turned to see what it was, a bright grimoire appeared with the image of a four leaf clover on it. Something that by all means is beyond rare to see, a show of great talent, and it was positioned right into Yuno's hands.

When everyone saw this they all gaped in wonder, but quickly enough some nobles could not resist to snicker and said.

"Heh, to think some nobody from this place could have four-leafed grimoire. Is he trying to copy the commoner prince?"

His words did not escape the ears of those around him, and while many felt displeased by hearing someone talk about the prince in such a way, there were others that were looking at the grimoire with great envy. Since the first magic emperor, there were rarely any other four leafed grimoires. The most recent one had been his majesty the prince and now another one appeared. This revelation made many present believe that maybe their kingdom was on the path towards never before seen glory as many people started talking about Yuno, while Asta continued to wait for the grimoire that would not come.

On the corners of the room two other people were paying attention to this whole situation, one being a man with an ugly scar covering half his face and the other a male wearing white with blue hair and that currently was scratching his chin deep in thought. Another person appeared with a four leafed grimoire, that was something he wanted to see and better understand.


Back at the church, after the whole spectacle that happened earlier, everyone came back together as they felt a heavenly smell reaching them. It was so much so that the kids ran ahead and Asta ran with them.

"Oh my, these kids are in just too much of a hurry to go and eat, right Yu... wait where did he go?" Lily wondered as she failed to see Yuno taking off to the sky as he decided to get there first to chose the best pieces of whatever was cooking right now.

Asta, seeing this and refusing to lose to Yuno again, used all his strength to run ahead of Yuno, who also did not want to lose making him advance just as fast. In the end both started dashing with all their strength and a few second later both reached the mess hall of the church only to see the traveling healer Emyia standing there and finishing putting everything in the table.

"I was starting to get worried that you all would not be able to get here before the food got cold. Come on go wash your hands and sit down." Emyia said with a peaceful smile, but when Asta tried to snatch a fried tatoe, Emyia gave him a glare that made a shiver run up and down his spine.

In the end, the two went to wash their hands just as everyone else got in the mess hall.

"Wow, sir Emyia, how did you make all that? And so fast, I thought you were at the ceremony with us earlier today?" father Osri asked.

"I was there, but I knew that everyone would want to celebrate. Also, it felt liked that had left in not that great of a mood yesterday, so I thought that I might help you guys out today as an apology if I offended anyone. I had prepared most of the ingredients earlier so all I had to do is come back and finish cooking them." Emyia said with a simple smile.

"But how could you come back so fast? We didn't see you walking with us and there was no one flying back either." Lily asked as she moved in to help him put everything together on the table.

"That is easy... it is a trade secret." He said, with a sly smile as he refused to answer the question of how he did what he did for the rest of the night.

After Asta, Yuno, and the kids came back from washing their hands, and Asta having to go wash his hands again as he decided to do some push-ups to try and train a bit more, they all sat together to eat.

"Just you wait Yuno, I will get my grimoire one of these days and will show you that I am going to become the next magic emperor!" Asta yelled, making everyone wonder if they would lose their hearing or not as they finished their meals and had goofy smiles on their faces. "To prove that I will do a thousand sit-ups!"

As he was about to begin doing the sit-ups a hand was put in his shoulder.

"Wait, Asta. Before you start exercising like this would you mind letting me analyze your body and direct your training for a bit?" Emyia asked, he wanted to try and see if, in case he truly had no hope in magic, if he could try teaching him one of the more unique martial arts he knew. Although, they might not be magical in nature, they were definitely powerful.

Asta looks at him up and down, and only saw just see a healer, someone who had probably once never trained his body, so he said.

"Sorry, but have you ever even trained your body?"

Emyia smiled before pulling the robe covering his upper body, revealing a masterpiece of muscles that looked so tight and strong that Asta did not know if a knife could even pierce it and abs so well defined that it looked like it was possible to make grated cheese with. His every muscle was extreme well defined but there was no feel of him being too bulky at all, it was like every muscle was trained in perfect balance and it grew to perfection or as close to it as possible.

"I trained my body since I was very young and had a diet that helped my body grow stronger than most. My magic demands a lot of physical prowess in order for me to use it, but I know that with the right technique a strong enough body could defeat even someone among the lower end magic knights with no problem even without augmentation of magic. You just need proper instruction, and I want to help you a bit as your determination for a dream that most think is stupid and impossible... let's just say it resonated a bit with me." Emyia said with a chuckle in the end, but everyone barely listened as they were still admiring his perfect body.

This was part of the reason as to why Emyia used a large robe, he knew that in the Clover kingdom people rarely ever see trained their bodies and when they did it was mostly self-taught so his body was quite shocking for most. Probably in the whole kingdom the only person with more muscles than him right now was the captain of the Black Bull's squad, Yami Sukehiro.

When Asta finally snapped out of it, he instantly agreed to Emiya's proposition. Already imagining getting an even more perfect body and making sister Lily fall in love with him using it as alongside his next secret weapon, TWO flowers. As he heard the instructions of training Emyia gave him he thought them weird until he explained them in more details, which made Asta excited to put the training ideas to the test.

As he was about to run off he could not resist but comment.

"I always thought you had crazy strong magic energy, but if you train your body so much were you also born without being able to use magic?"

"No, I was born with quite a bit of magic, more than most actually. However, as my magic was too strong, versatile and demanded immense physical strength to be properly used, I ended up needing to train quite a bit on both my magic and physical prowess." Emyia said, making Yuno snap a bit to attention when he heard about him training to better control his magic.

"Were you really born with that much magic power? Why is it that I barely feel anything from you?" Yuno asked with interest.

"Because I know how to not flash my powers around, but this is the energy I actually have." Emyia said as suddenly the air itself began to feel heavy for everyone. It was much more magic energy than any of them was used to as there weren't that many with this much magical energy in the area. Three seconds after the energy was released, it vanishing leaving no trace of its presence.

As Yuno saw this he felt a pressure, he was used to being the best around and he had just gotten a legendary grimoire, making him feel understandably proud of himself right now. Thus, seeing someone with such impressive control over their magic, the control he still did not have, was a bit beyond his comfort zone.

But, even as he saw Asta ask for instructions he refused to do the same. He was far too proud and he would simply put in more and more effort until he became the strongest.

He instead stood up and simply said 'I am going to go train' and left the area.

And so Asta was receiving his first actual lesson in how to grow stronger while Yuno went out to do his own training. All the while Emyia was enjoying the fact he was helping others and liking the fact he could help someone who reminded him of himself so much. A fool with an impossible dream and the will to reach it, this was something he knew all too well, as well as how tortuous the path to it would be.


Later that evening both teens were working hard in their training, Asta was trying his hand at the physical training Emyia had recommended to him. At first, he thought it was easy he quickly started to feel pain in muscles he didn't even know he had. Meanwhile Yuno was near the giant demon's skull in an ancient structure that had transformed into nothing more than rocks in barely shaped positions. He decided to come train here as the mana in the air was a bit thicker than anywhere else, and it was peaceful and quiet here.

The problem came from the fact that one of the nobles that were present during the ceremony showed up with a furious face. He kept yelling at Yuno for daring to try and appear better than him and how only nobles or royalty should have any right to be great at magic.

However, his words were all nonsense for Yuno. He never cared about any of this as he only wanted to win his competition with Asta to see who will become magic emperor first.

"I will teach you the difference between a noble and a commoner!" The noble yelled before opening his grimoire and activating his magic. "Fire Magic: Resplendent wave."

Yuno saw the wave of fire and just opened his grimoire and activated his own magic.

"Wind Magic: Upper Hurricane." And with that, he made a hurricane surround himself, protecting him from and dissipating the flames. It was clear that this did not take up much of his magic while the noble, on the other hand felt his own energy drop considerably.

The noble gnashed his teeth and was about to tell his friend to act too when suddenly chains covered his and his friend's bodies.


"Good, good indeed. To think someone with a four-leafed grimoire could control his magic so well the moment he obtained it. It makes me wonder how long it would take for you to be strong enough to beat me." A man said while walking up the stairs of the structure.

Yuno was instantly on guard, he could feel that this new person was much more dangerous than the nobles. Before he had a chance to unleash another spell, chains appeared from the ground and locked him in place.

"Tch, tch, tch. That will not do, you are still but a little chick that does not know how to properly learn magic. You should have run away the moment you saw me and realized the difference in our powers. Even though I must admit that even if you tried to do that you could never really escape me. These chains can seal away a person's magic energy with no problems, and they are quite sturdy so it is next to impossible that there is anyone out there who can break them with physical force alone. Until recently, I was a pretty well-known magic knight called Revchi of Chain Magic. Unfortunately, I was kicked out so now I am just a wretched little thief." The man said, his face covered in a terrible scar on the entire left side of his face that looked like he had been severely burned.

Yuno felt that things were not going well, especially when he saw the person use one of his chains to lock up his grimoire and pull it away.

"I will be taking this now" Revchi said.

"I don't know who you are, but stealing my grimoire is useless. Only the person chosen by the grimoire can use them so getting another person's grimoire is meaningless." Yuno said, still composed as he tried to imagine ways out of this situation.

"I know that, but I am not stealing it to use it. I am interested in selling it. Four-leafed grimoires like yours sell for a hefty penny, especially since the shitty prince got one. So don't worry, I will let you live as I want my merchandise intact and when someone dies the grimoire disappears too." Revchi said, taking no small pleasure in seeing the young talent locked down by his hand and unable to do anything.

Just as Revchi was about to leave a loud yell echoed around them. Everyone turned to the source of the cry as Asta came running up the stairs to show off to Yuno how his new training helped him to grow that much stronger and how he would catch up to him in no time.

However, when Asta reached the top of the stairs and saw the situation at hand he did not wait at all. His instincts and thoughts dictated that he would go and save his friend so he instantly dashed at the lanky man. Revchi saw this and smirked as he launched a few chains at Asta, only for the young boy to slide in the ground and pass by all the attacks, appearing in the back of Revchi with his fists clenched and aimed a powerful punch right at him.

The problem was that before the fist could even touch Revchi it ended up being stopped by chains that came from behind Asta. Those same chains then proceeded to stab him all over his body. He coughed up blood after one of them stabbed into his right lung, missing his heart by just a few centimeters.

As Asta's mind was bombarded with pain, Revchi laughed as Yuno struggled even more fiercely against the chains holding him, the blood flowing out of Asta was making him feel far more desperate than losing his grimoire.

"Hahahaha, What is this? A brat with no magic actually tried to attack me? How funny, how utterly funny! It is the most priceless joke I have ever heard. To think there would truly be someone this stupid in this world." Revchi said, and when Asta looked at him in confusion Revchi realized. "Wait, you did not know you had no magical powers? When my chains are in contact with someone I can feel exactly how much magic the person has. Your friend there has immense reserves with a lot of untapped potential, a natural born genius, but you? You don't have any. As in no potential whatsoever. You were born hated by the mana, you will forever be incapable to use magic. You natural born loser."

As Asta heard that he felt like all his hopes were being crushed, like it was the final nail in the coffin on the belief thatcould never leave his mind despite wanting to never think about it. Just as he was about to pass out, someone yelled.

"Hey! Who are you calling a loser? Asta, it is true that you will never be the magic emperor, no matter what. That is because I will be the one that will become the magic emperor. But you are no loser. Because, you are my rival, ASTA!" Yuno yelled that last part, and as the words entered Asta's ears he snapped open his eyes.

So what if he had no magic? So what if he was a natural born 'loser'? He would still be the one to become the magic emperor, he would still become the strongest! And for that-

"Not... Not yet!" He said, his mouth leaking blood as he grabbed the chains around him, using all the strength he had in his body, he began to put pressure on the chains binding him. At first nothing happened, but then the sound of steel breaking, bones snapping, and blood spilling mixed together as Asta broke free from the chains locking him in place.

It was then that a weird black energy flashed around the area, it was like Asta's body was covered in black flame-like tattoos for a second and from out of nowhere a black tattered book appeared. One with not three, not four, but with a FIVE-leafed clover on it. The mysterious grimoire opened in front of him and from it, a jet black sword covered in rust appeared. It did not look all that sharp of a blade, but the great bastard-sword still gave a threatening appearance as Asta held it in his hand. Without thinking and being barely conscious he grabbed the sword with all his strength and dashed towards the enemy in front of him.

Revchi saw this and launched several chains at his opponent, but as Asta swung his blade, all the chains that hit the edge were disintegrated.

"M-My magic was negated?!" Revchi asked out loud in a mix of doubt and terror as he saw that blade getting closer and closer to himself. In a desperate move he used his chains to pull himself back, but it was only by a few centimeters that Asta missed him. As Asta was about to attack again a new chain appeared from the ground, impaling him in his stomach and making him fall to the ground.

Revchi smiled, that was a close one as he might have just lost his life against the boy and his sword. Now not only would he escape, he had also gotten a new item to sell to those who might be interested. He knew for a fact that people from the Diamond or Spades Kingdoms would probably like this sort of weapon very much to help in their next invasion against the Clover and Hearts kingdoms.

But, he still despised the fact that someone without any magic had actually frightened him there for a second. Hence opening his grimoire, he cast a new spell causing a heavy chain with the tip looking like an anchor to manifest over him.

"I know you are going to die anyways, but you impressed me so I will give you a death you properly deserve. Now... DIE!" Revchi yelled as the anchor descended, but just as it was about to reach Asta something got in the way.

It was like a ball of light appeared around Asta, covering his entire body and when the anchor was about to reach him, something prevented it from reaching him. No, rather than simply being stopped, it was like whatever covered his body made it impossible for his spell to reach him, like he was in an ever distant place that no damage or evil could ever reach. The ultimate defense.

Not only that but it was clear to see that Asta's wounds were getting smaller and smaller, and he was alos getting stronger and stronger.

"Sorry, but I can't quite have you continue hurting others this way, Revchi." A person said from close by, as both Yuno and Rivchi turned to look they saw the healer of the village, Emyia, appear. He was quite a bit nervous inside as he almost let someone he knows die due to his lack of knowledge of the situation. Thankfully he was nearby when he sensed Yuno's magic energy vanish a while ago. Initially, he had gone to see what was going on but was not in so much of a hurry since it was always possible that Yuno was simply exhausted from training on controlling his energy better,. However, this was still no excuse in his opinion to let both teens almost die because of his carelessness.

His grimoire was in front of him, it was sparkling white but Rivchi realized a few things while looking at the grimoire. First, there was some sort of magic on the grimoire to disguise it, something he knew was possible as he saw many in his new line of work doing it. He also he noticed some signs of a disguise as he also had to deal with many that disguised themselves while working for the underworld.

"Who are you? Were you sent to capture me?" Rivchi asked.

"No, I was just passing by this land when I saw the demon skull and decided to study it for a bit, but I must admit that capturing you is now a much more pressing matter." Emyia said.

"And you think that a healer could ever capture me? Me, a user of chain magic? Don't overestimate yourself, trash!" Revchi yelled as he launched dozens of chains towards the enemy.

Emyia just shook his head as he said, "Mythical Weapon Creation Magic: Married Blades Kanshou and Bakuya." as he finished saying that two dagger-like swords appeared in his hands. One being spotless white and the other being pitch black. As both blades entered Emyia's hands he proceeded to cut down all the chains aimed at him with unparalleled speed that came from a combination of both physical strength that was beyond the norm and reinforcement magic. It was to such a point that most could barely even see him move due to the speed reached with the blades.

As the chains were all cut down Revchi was shocked, but before he could go and create more chains Emyia was already upon him, his swords cutting him from shoulder to hip and defeating him instantly.

As he saw what he did Emyia could only shake his head.

"I guess I went a bit too far, let's just hope I can still save his life."

As he said that he turned to Yuno, thanks to Revchi being defeated and unconscious, the chains had disappeared so now Yuno was free again. Only instead of being thankful, he was on guard against Emyia. It was a fact that Emyia had only ever be seen using healing magic, albeit a rather strange one. However, now he clearly used a different type of magic. One revolving around speed and power using weapons. Not only that but he had Asta as a 'hostage' so Yuno was ready to fight to the death if needed to protect his best friend/rival.

Emyia looked at it and scratched the back of his head before taking out a small orb from a pocket in his pants. It was a magic item given to him from his master a while ago, after he left to go back to the capital to take care of some important matters.

Activating it was simple enough, it only sent a signal from one point to another, nothing more than that. After about 6 or 7 seconds a white energy transmission appeared and from it a guy with blue hair that looked like a mushroom appeared.

"My majesty, is there a problem that you need help with? I will send you an entire squad if need be, simply give the world."

"Calm down, Marx. I just wanted to ask you to send someone to come over here to take in a criminal I captured. He was trying to steal someone else's grimoire and wounded a civilian. I also think he might have been one of those magic knights that were kicked out so maybe he has a reward under his name too." Emiya said.

"Sigh, how can you get into this sort of mess every few weeks? If it is going to be like this every single time, maybe we really should send scouts to make sure of your safety instead of trusting it to just the Black Bulls." Marx said tiredly. This was something that happened almost every few weeks. Sometimes even more than several times a week. Emyia would go to take a walk, only to end up witnessing a corrupt noble, or maybe a petty thief, sometimes he even ended up facing criminals that could give trouble to most magic knights too. All that because he HAD to help others.

If it was not because of his trick with one of his magic weapons and the possibility to call for help at any time the Black Bulls squad, the one with the highest mobility amongst all squads, then Marx was of the opinion of locking him inside the palace and not letting him leave the sight of someone like his overprotective cousins, Fuegoleon and Nozel.

"Calm down, it is not my fault that I end up in this sort of scenario more often than not." Emyia said.

"And for how long do you intend on keeping up that lousy disguise? For crying out loud, you are only fifteen and when talking to me or other knights you should try to keep your original appearance instead. I will ask someone from the Black Bulls to go and fetch the criminal. The reward money will be sent to your account, which I am sure will be given away as donations anyway." Marx said, making Emyia act embarrassed. It was a well-known fact, that he forgot he was even in disguise in the first place and his conjecture of where his money would go was not wrong in the slightest. He could live with less and for him as long as he was fed, the rest could be given to those who needed the money more than him. He gave a quick glance to Yuno before removing the pen he had in his belt the whole time.

"Weapon Creation Magic: Mightiest Pen Rill." As he said that he clicked the pen twice before a cloud of paint covered his entire body. When the paint vanished Emyia had changed drastically. His body was still as bulky as before, only instead of the white robes he was previously wearing, he was now wearing red and black leather, his hair was a mismatch of red and white, his eyes were now golden and was no longer wearing glasses. He also no longer had a scar, and looked quite much younger than he did before. Now he appeared to be around the same age as Yuno and Asta.

Not long after he did that a grey portal appeared behind him and from it, emerged a young man of about 18 years. He had dirty blond, almost chestnut, hair, 'droopy' eyes, was of average height and build. He had a black cloak over his shoulders and when Yuno saw this he realized instantly that this person was a magic knight, one from the Black Bulls squad.

"Hey, Finral. Sorry for troubling you again." Emyia said.

"What? I was waiting to see you. Charmy has been growing crazy and she threatened to bite my head off if I couldn't get some of the food you usually make for her. If anything this is a life saving grace for me." Finral said before giving a small laugh as he said, "But damn, you get in trouble every time someone takes their eyes off you. I guess you will be entering my squad after all."

Emiya just shrugged his shoulders and when he was about to talk Yuno opened his mouth first.

"Who are you, Emyia? Give Asta back! He is my precious rival!"

"Wow, he really doesn't know who you are?" Finral asked while turning his eyes to "Emyia" who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Never really told him and I was disguised whenever I met him and the others around here." he said.

"Oh, that makes sense. It must be hard on you, having to hide your identity all the time and all that with spartan teachers like those you had and with old man Julius leaving you all the time to go search for new magics while giving you impossible tasks, sheesh. I guess it makes sense as to why so many say that amongst the new generation, you are the most likely to become magic emperor Shirou." Finral said, shocking Yuno. It was enough to shake him to his core as the words he heard could only relate to one person.

"Yeah, anyways. Yuno, I have finished healing Asta now. It would be best if you leave him to me until tomorrow since he sustained so much damage to his body and all that, but if you want you can take him after I finish applying first aid." Emyia said... No... that is not his name.

"And about who I am, my name is Shirou Kira Clover I, the royal prince and future king of the Clover Kingdom, but you can just call me Shirou. I too want to become a magic knight and a magic emperor so I guess this makes us rivals, Yuno." As he said that his grimoire changed to its original appearance and Yuno saw a four leafed clover that was even bigger and more resplendent than his own.

Yuno never really put anyone else but Asta in his eyes as a rival for the position of magic emperor. Mostly because he never met anyone else that could match his talent or Asta's determination, but also because he felt deep in his bones that he was destined for greatness. It was a type of confidence that allowed him to focus on his objective above all else, but looking at Shirou and his grimoire he felt something new. He was a threat to his dreams, but instead of being nervous he felt exhilarated. He always wondered what sort of point he would have to pass to deserve the name of magic emperor, and he now saw a glimpse of what he had to suppress.

How could he not be excited by this prospect?


Writer's Note:

Then, I guess this is canon now. I hope you guys enjoyed it and if there is any doubt just ask. Also, next chapter will be a detour from canon where Shirou will go somewhere else to avoid being taken back to the capital. It will be my try in expanding the world and putting forth two other kingdoms that until now there was no explanation about, the Heart kingdom and the Spades kingdom, with the first being allied with Clover and the other an enemy.

I hope you guys will like and from next chapter andd the ones following some F/GO characters will begin showing up, so I hope you guys look forward to it.

Here are some stats and abilities of the weapons Shirou has from his Weapon Creation Magic:

Weapon Creation Magic: Mercurian Claw Nozel:

B++ Rank

It is a pair of claws in the wrists, they can expand, shrink, and change weight depending on the amount of energy used, the speed of expansion and retraction when mastered is close to the speed of sound or even higher. It is also very economical in magic energy and demanding more control than energy amount while also being hard to detect when not in use but equiped.

It also has a function where it is possible to separate one or more of the claws to create a mercurian dome around a person as means of protection to others. The reason for it being B++ Rank is the sheer versatility and the fact that if given enough power could potentially grown to equal the size of Ig-Alima and have equivalent destructive power.

Weapon Creation Magic: Great Rose Whip Mimosa

C+ Rank

It is a whip made of a vine covered in spikes, it can grow and regenerate when given energy and can also be controlled without movement of the user and just his thoughts, but if the user moves the whip in accordance its speed and power increase drastically.

An ideal weapon for disturbing large amounts of enemies and for sneak attacks by burring the whip in the ground it is very practical for the user. Also, it has a protective function where the user can use it as a protective cocoon that guards those inside against all harm being a protective area that does not allow anyone or any energy to enter, with the price of Shirou not being able to use the whip when he does this.

If it isn't clear by now most, if not all, of the weapons Shirou will make have a protective, supportive, or healing property that comes from sacrificing the weapon for a period of time. It represents his suicidal behavior and how he always wants to protect others and save everyone, and he now has plenty of ways to do it.

If any of you readers have an idea for weapons that can be used I am all ears, I need a few for Magna, Luck, Vanessa, Yami, and other such characters, with a reminder that captains or people of this class must have weapons of B+ or higher level and it is possible for Shirou to lent a weapon to the person involved, for instance he could lend Mercurian Claws Nozel to Nozel.

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