
Sword God: The Rise of Lancelot

When a sudden Occurrence happened... Planet Earth, In which was still on it's medieval era happened to collide and fuse with another strange world. A world which Different kinds of Species Existed. A massive Earthquake Occured after both worlds joint in one. Humans who ruled Earth, Became the bottom of the Food Chain. For there, The New Stronger species Ruled... The Strong prey on the Weak... That is how the New World works now... But amidst on all the humans who were hiding in the shadows, One human stood at the Top. A human which was titled as the Strongest Man, And was their Liberator. The Human who ended their Suffering, The human who achieved alot of things through any difficulties. His name, Arthur Lionhart. After Arthur made an alliance with the Elves and dwarves, They fought countless battles against the Stronger species. In the End, They finally achieved victory. ... After the Humans finally gained peace, Arthur LionHart, Who emerged as Humanity's New King, Got betrayed and Killed by his Former comrade. ... Then after his sudden death, He eventually got transported in the future and became a ten year old boy who was named Lancelot Valentine. But it wasn't just any ordinary boy, The Former King has now become a Slave. .... Now, Arthur Lionhart as Lancelot Valentine Starts his New Journey on the New World.

AsylumAinz · Fantasy
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8 Chs

5. To Get Stronger.

After the Gathering infront of the Bastard Governor, All of the slaves went back to work and I as well.

"Everyone, Get back to the field and work." As the Chief announced.

My father, Danny stayed along with the Chief who felt pity towards the Crying slave.

My father and the Chief went towards the Slave, The slave cried and mourn out of regret that he let her wife get purchased by a bastard prince.

"Why!? Why did it have to be my wife!? Why does she need to die!?" As the Slave cried out loud.

"Danny, I can't take this anymore." As the Chief said while covering his eyes.

The Chief of Blue House, Dominique Alvas, He had blonde hair and average looks, he had a muscular body which he gained from working hard on this slave settlement.

He once had a sister who was also with him in this Slave settlement. But After her sister reached adulthood at the age of sixteen, The Third Prince took notice of her and purchased her in exchange for the brother to gain the Chief position of the Blue House Village.

Her sister had good looks and also good figure that attracted the Third prince.

But Dominique was still immature and got blinded by the Chief Position, So he insisted on persuading his sister to go work for the Prince as a Maid in the Royal Castle. Since he was sure that his Sister's life will be guaranteed after leaving this shit hole.


But after three days...

The Third Prince returned, Along with her sister's corpse.

That's when rumors escalated that the Third Prince are purchasing beautiful women for his own pleasure and throw them away after using them.

Then after several months, Women who were good looking and attracted the Third Prince, Started getting purchased year by year.

And after several days, The prince would return with the women's corpses, All had brutally been wounded.

That time, The people of the Blue House started hiding every woman when the Governors visit the place.

To prevent more casualties....


Danny, held the Crying slave's shoulder who he called Jack.

"Jack, Let me help you bury your wife, I hope she can rest in peace."

Jack who had been crying nodded, Then they buried his wife and prayed for her soul to rest in peace.



"Bro, Why are you dozing off? What's been on your mind this time?" Lionel asked.

"Nothing lionel. It's nothing." I replied.

"I've been meaning to ask you this, Why are you calling me by name? You usually call me bro. And the way you act is totally different now. You were always cheerful before, Now you look emotionless." He asked.

"I'm sorry, B-bro. I guess it's due to my memory loss, I can't quite remember anything before, As I've said before." I replied with a smile.

I guess Lancelot Valentine was a Kind and Cheerful guy.

But it isn't my taste, I'm sorry Lance but I'll be acting as to what I've been comfortable with.

"Bro, Let's go and check out the Training grounds. Father's teaching the slaves today." Lionel said with excitement.

I guess they still do some training even within this shit hole.

"Okay, let's go bro." I replied.

So we ran and headed towards the Training ground which Lionel spoke of.

After we reached the Training ground, I saw the slaves holding wooden swords, Slashing and Stabbing, Doing some basic swordsmanship.

My father, Danny was standing infront of them giving them orders on how to execute their moves properly.

Seeing them, I remembered my days when I was still teaching my people how to properly use a sword...

"Father!" As Lionel yelled with excitement.

"Oh, you two. What brings you here?" He asked.

"We just wanted to see you and the slaves train." Lionel replied.

The Slaves were properly focused on their training, They swung their wooden swords with proper usage of strength.

That's when....

"Hey, You aren't swinging your sword properly!" As I subconsciously yelled at one of the slaves.

The Slaves who were doing some sword training turned around and was shocked upon hearing me yell out loud.

"Hey kid, This isn't something you understand. Go and play with your brother over there." As the Slave replied.

My father and Lionel were also shocked.

"Lionel, You should go and tell your brother to not bother them, Hehe." As father spoke quietly to Lionel.

I wanted to stay quiet, But seeing them wasting their energy in unrefined training is just useless.

"You're swinging your sword with too much strength, This Swing stab Training routine isn't based on how strong you swing or stab with your wooden sword. It's how you could prolong and use your strength properly without getting exhausted for several hours." As I said in a professional manner.

They were shocked, Father also didn't think about that. They only followed the Manual they found on the woods and didn't knew what were the purposes of those trainings.

"Hey, how do you know such things kid?" As they asked me out of curiosity.

"I have my reasons not to tell you, But if you want to learn proper swordsmanship, I may be able to train you guys. If you trust a ten year old kid like me." I said with such confidence.

The slaves were dumbfounded and doubted my words, Since A ten year old kid wouldn't even know how to properly hold a sword. Especially when it's a slave.

My father also doubted my words, Since I explained to him about the incident that I just used dirty tactics to win against the three that I killed.

But I'm sure he somehow doubted my story to be fabricated, Since no kid can send heads flying with a Knife.

"We can't trust this kid's words. He's just a Kid."

"Yeah, he's just acting like that, I bet he can't even hold a sword properly."

"Yeah, We ain't believing you brat. Haha!"

As they laughed and doubted my words, They mocked me and told me that I can't use a sword.

Me? Can't use a sword properly?

Me? Who was the Strongest Man?

Me? Who was at the Pinnacle of Swordsmanship?

This mere slaves dare to insult me!?


Well I guess it can't be helped since I'm in a body of a ten year old pale thin boy.

As they laughed, I went and grabbed a Wooden sword that was displayed at the bench near where my father and brother was standing at.

"Watch closely everyone, You! Come here and spar with me." As I called out the one who told me that I couldn't use a sword properly.

"Me? Are you sure about that kid? Don't let your arrogance consume you." He replied.

I just smiled and went in the middle of the training ground, As the other slaves widen the area for us to spar.

"If you can even hit me once kid, You win. Keke!" As my opponent said.

The slaves laughed and looked down on me.

I guess I'll need to teach this guy a lesson.

"Brat, You can attack me first. Keke!" As he said.

So without any hesitation, I gladly accepted his offer.

I went head on, By using Ki unto my lower body, I was able to boost my speed.

And before I swung my sword, I diverted the Ki energy from my lower body unto my arms which could emphasize my strength upon swinging my wooden sword.

The slave who was shocked upon me rushing towards him, immediately reacted with his instincts and tried to block my attack.

As I swung my sword, He managed to block it.

But the difference in power were quite obvious, After receiving a blow from me.

He was surprised that a ten year old could deal a heavy blow towards him.

He pushed me back and countered with an attack, He swung his sword vertically towards me.

A vertical slash of a human who hasn't been empowered by Ki is like a sloth trying to grab his food.

An attack so slow that even the younger knights at my generation would be able to dodge it swiftly without an ounce of effort.

As his sword was swung, I twisted my foot to the right, swiftly moved at that direction, Completely dodging his attack perfectly.

He swung his sword forcefully due to not able to completely control his strength was the thing that made him lose.

Before he could raise his sword upward and return to his stance, The tip of my sword was already pointed on his neck.


The Slaves who were watching were completely shocked, Seeing a ten year old boy defeat an adult without any much effort.

My father, was completely stunned along with my brother Lionel.

"I guess it's my win." I said.

My opponent couldn't move after witnessing such swift moves.

"I accept my defeat." He replied.

Then the slaves started cheering out of nowhere, Others were in awe, Others were shocked.

"Is he a Sword Genius!?"

"A Prodigy! We have a Prodigy in the Blue house!"

"Kid! How did you do that!?"

"That move was insane, I didn't even see it properly!"

"Brat you're good huh!"

As they praised me and wanted me to explain on how I did it.

"Did you know why you lost mister?" As I said to my opponent.

My opponent was embarrassed and didn't answer but just looked at me, Waiting for me to tell him his mistake.

"It was part of your training earlier." I said.

The slaves stood silently after I spoke.

"What do you mean by that son?" My father asked.

So I told them to sit and I'll be telling them some advices about their training which they just did but didn't knew the purposes.

I explained to them about the Training they did earlier, It was the "One hour Stab Swing Training".

A training for Knights which was to control their strength and stamina.

In prolong fights, Especially at war, Knights must know how to control their strengths and not exhaust themselves easily.

Since I was the one that made that Training routine.

An hour of Stabbing and swinging the sword non stop.

A purpose where one should learn to swing and stab their sword with a certain amount of strength so that incase of any miscalculations they'd be able to quickly pull their swords up in any situation.

Unlike other swordsman who purely lacks foundations and just swings their sword with pure strength aren't able to quickly guard themselves in dangerous situations.

As I explained, My opponent earlier realized that what I said was true, Since he was also on the same state as on how I explained. He swung his sword forcefully and wasn't able to raise his sword up in time due to the strength he used on his swing.

Even a millisecond can cause your life if you just swing your sword forcefully.

Then I explained why does one need to Control their strength when swinging and stabbing, Unlike controlling one's strength. If you stab and swing forcefully for alot of time, Your way of breathing is also interrupted.

Your breathing is also controlled when you can control the strength that you release.

That's why most of the Trained knights are able to last long for days in battles.

As the slaves listened to what I've explained, They were astonished. They didn't knew that such a Kid like me was Capable of knowing such things about swordsmanship.

"Son, Please accept this and teach us." As My father said and gave me the booklet where they got their training routines from.

"Yes, Teach us kid, No Master!"

"If you knew all of this before why haven't you told us!"

"Yeah, You've been seeing us here since you were young!"

"Please teach us to get stronger."

As their determination grew, I saw their eyes filled with thoughts of wanting to grow more stronger.

"If it's with you.... I think we might be able to." As Chief Dominique said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Nothing, Please teach us, We want to learn more about swordsmanship." As he replied.

I smiled and agreed to their request.

"I'll be frank, What I'm about to teach you isn't your everyday swordsmanship. You better prepare yourselves." I said.

They nodded and were totally excited, Their determination was praiseworthy.


This is the Very first step on proceeding my Plans..

Chapter End.