
CHAPTER 1: Mysteries

It's been 12 years since Ye shan was reborn in this world. This world is called Demoldia, apparently it was named after a demoness, for reasons unknown. It is a world of magic, with almost everyone having a unique talent. The very talented, mostly those high-born, may show aptitude for magic with powerful talents but among the low-born, though they would have talent the talent would more often than not be ordinary like changing the color of the hair, moving sand, hardening the eyes and such. Most would be happy to have a talent that could help them in their jobs.

Ye shan was on his way out of the village, carrying nothing but a little bit of money, a water pouch and a few changes of clothes; he was leaving the village for good.

'Hah, if not for that man, I wouldn't have to leave the village; so much for a peaceful life '.

While walking Ye shan saw some boys on their way to the market, he initially wanted to avoid them but one of them immediately noticed him. He immediately told the others. Ye Shan sighed. 'Looks like there's no avoiding it '.

"Hey, fatty, what are doing, moving this early, about? don't tell me you wanted to join us in working? At that remark, the other boys burst out laughing. After all, who didn't know that Ye shan was very fat and lazy, not to mention that he had no talent.

People with no talent were looked down upon by even the lowliest of the low, naturally Ye Shan was mocked and despised by the whole village.

"No, I say he was probably trying to steal something"

"But he's so fat that he walks like a duck, even pigs look nice compared to him"

Ye Shan didn't bother with them as waded pass them without even sparing them a glance, his expression unchanging. Seeing this, the leader of the boys was angry.

"Tsk, let's not bother with this trash, let's go". The rest of the boys didn't argue just throwing Ye shan faces of disdain.

Seeing them leave, Ye Shan had a helpless smile on his face. 'Don't blame me little kids, if you've lived over a thousand life times, you wouldn't even be moved by petty mockings from little kids like you'

Due to how Old Ye Shan's soul was, he 's emotions are not easily budged, leading to him having such a stoic expression. Maybe that was why the boys who mocked him earlier numbering more than 5 and all 2 or 3 older than Ye shan didn't dare to beat him up even after ignoring them. That indifferent expression of his also gave the villagers another reason to dislike him.

As Ye shan was moving towards the village gate he passed by others who were either on their way to their workplace or just waking up . As they notice Ye Shan, they start to stare and whisper to themselves.

"Looks it's the Village fatty, wonder what he's up to?"

"He's heading towards the village gate, is he leaving the village?"

"Hehe, good riddance, i say, that kid's so useless it'd better than wasting resources in this Village"

"Hey, is it true that his parents disowned him?"

"Friend, you must be new here, he's been disowned since he was five"

"Seriously, what parent could be that merciless?"

"Supposedly, they were nobles from the big city but left after disowning the kid?"

"I've heard that those nobles have something that helps detect the [Unique Talent] and Aptitude for Magic. My guess is that his parents used it on the fatty, finding out that he had no talent in either, decided to cut him off early"

"That's cruel, at least they shouldn't have cut him off so early "

"This is a cruel world, I say they did the right thing, he's weak, lazy and doesn't even know know how to sweet-talk, he'd just be wasting resources."

"But still, at least he's got two things going for him"

"Oh yeah, what are those?"

"He's handsomeness and his survivability"

"What handsomeness, that fatty, you call handsome?"

"What a green-horn, you know nothing"

While that was happening, Ye Shan was already close to the Village gate, where some guards were stationed. The guards were mostly young men who after passing a test in capital who be assigned to different Villages and Towns to guard, unless due to circumstances or as a Captain there wouldn't be older men in the Village guarding squads,

hence, only one middle aged man was in this group and the was their Captain.

'Good, Captain Shu's not here'

The guards were A bit surprised seeing the Village trash at the gate. With a glance, they discerned his motives. The oldest among spoke up.

"So it's Junior brother Ye, what brings you here today? Captain Shu is not here if you wish to speak with him"

Ye Shan cupped his hands towards them.

'They're stalling for time, so the Captain can get back; seems my intuition was right, I am being monitored'. A smile formed on Ye shan's chubby face. Most of the Villagers had never seen Ye shan smiling, much less the guards who are always patrolling.Seeing him smile instantly put them off with the smile seeming to tell them their ploys are plain before him.

" Brother song, I have not come for the Captain. I wish the gates to be opened so I can leave the Village"

Song ye was all shifty , quickly signalling one the other guards with his eyes. the guard quickly took off. Ye Shan pretended not to notice. Coughing, Song ye asked a question.

"Junior brother Ye, may I know the reason why you wish to leave the Village? Seeing as you are only 12 years of age, what might you be after, out there in the world."

'It seems he's interrogating under the guise of conversation. It seems like this ruling powers of this world is not to be underestimated. Even a common village guard is very sharp. But this just gives me more reason to leave this Village'

"Brother song, I just wish to travel the world in freedom, there's no great reason"

"I see, but I don't think you are strong enough to travel on your own, yet...". Before song ye could finish, Ye Shan interrupted, "You don't have to worry about that, I can take care of my self just fine." To the guards, those words sounded like empty talk. Of course they would not take a Fatty's word seriously, especially when that fatty is a known trash. Ye Shan could see the despise in their eyes as they glanced at him, but wasn't bothered, only smiling bitterly.

Right then, they heard some footsteps coming from behind, and Song Ye's love lighting up. Ye Shan quietly cursed, while giving off an amicable smile to the person who just arrived.

"Captain Shu, you're here". The guards saluted. The Captain nodded back at them, before glancing at Ye Shan.

"Song Ye, what is the issue?"

"Well, sir, Brother Ye Shan wishes to leave the village, so we were just asking him some questions" Captain Shu turned to the kid, seeing him smile, surprised him.

"Hmm, kid do you have any idea how dangerous the outside is?. From here to the nearest Village is a fifteen-day journey by foot, in between is a frequently robbed road and the jungle surrounding the sides for the better part of the journey. And not to mention the fact that you are a kid traveling alone, there's a seventy-five percent chance you'll die before getting to the next Village. So tell me do you still want to travel out of the village?"

The guards were shocked by the Captain's words, which sounded like he might allow the kid actually go out the Village. Most of them were trained in the military camp of the next Village and when they travelled between them they realized just how dangerous the roads were. They were clear on it 'cause some guards who'd just graduated from the camp could get killed on his way back. If the bandits didn't get you, the wild beasts would, so basically, it was a fifty percent chance for death when using the road and less chances of survival when taking other routes"

"I'm aware of the dangers of leaving the village, but I determined to make the journey?"

"And your reason?"

"I just want to experience the rest of this world". Ye Shan kept smiling while the Captain stared at him. The stare lasted for a few moments until the Captain finally sighed.

"If you're that determined to go then I won't stop you. But first things first." Captain Shu held out his hand to Ye Shan.

"Here, it's a gift from me". In his hands was a little ring. It was pale white and seemingly glowed while being inconspicuous in the man's palm. "It's a storage ring, used to store properties in; I've kept some things for you in it". While saying that, he glanced at Ye Shan, but was inwardly surprised to see his expressionless face. But he did not let it show on his face. The guards were also intrigued to see that he wasn't shocked or even curious at all towards the ring.

The Captain handed the ring over to Ye Shan.

"Keep it safe, there are some money in it, some other essentials you'd need and two very important things there. One of them is a special invitation to automatically join an Academy in other villages." At this point, the Captain suddenly paused while looking at the calm kid. Ye Shan was still expressionless. He continued.

"The other is from your dad, a gift. I'll let you deal with it later on your own." Ye Shan nodded while stuffing the ring into this pocket.

"So, Captain Shu, may I leave now?" Ye Shan said while walking towards the gate.

"Song Ye, Open the gates" The Captain turned to leave, "Try not to die, kid".

"I'll try". The kid replied, while walking out the gates.

As the gates closed, the guards all wished him good luck. He just smiled, while thinking to himself as he walked off into the distance, 'I'm way past the age of relying on luck, I command my luck just as I command my fate.'

If anyone were there, they would notice that his pupils were glowing with some sort of letters being reflected off of them.



After Ye Shan was finally far out into the distance, all the expressions of the guards suddenly became savage, with some blood thirsty aura being released. The village suddenly felt a chill run through them, but in a moment the aura was suppressed by the guards that it instantly disappeared, almost like it was an illusion.

Meanwhile, Captain Shu was in a Large hall speaking to a projection. The aura emitted by the figure was so intense that the air felt heavy. Shu knelt before the purple clothed figure.

"What is your report, little long?" the voice rumbled.

" My lord, I've done what you asked of me, and your conjecture may be correct, the boy has indeed secrets, and may not be weak and clueless as it seems"

The figure in purple laughed as his voice rumbled across the hall shaking it. Then the voice stopped turning into a cold smile. "Indeed His Majesty never fails to amaze me, he'd seen through the boy since he was born. Little Long, keep monitoring him and if he turns to be a threat, dispose of him." A flash of coldness shone through his eyes as he neared the end of his words. The Captain rose his head.

"Yes, my lord. It shall be done"

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