
Chapter 1: Prologue

A large stone and steel castle floated in the endless sky.

That is the whole of this world.

Various groups of creators need a month to examine the castle; the ground floor diameter ranges from 10 kilometers - large enough for my Setagaya [1] to enter into it. On it, there were 100 neatly arranged towers, the size of which was unreliable. Guessing how much data supports the castle is impossible.

In it, there are a number of big cities, small towns and villages that are no longer counted in numbers, forests, grasslands and even lakes. There is only one staircase that connects between the floors, and the stairs are in a dungeon, where a large group of monsters roam, so finding and passing it is not easy. Even so, once someone penetrates and arrives on the next floor, the «Teleport Gates» from upstairs and downstairs will be connected, allowing for everyone to move freely on those floors.

Under these conditions, the giant castle was continuously conquered two years ago. The front line is now on the 74th Floor.

A floating world full of sword battles covering around six thousand lives. With another name ...

«Sword Art Online»

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