
New Life

My name is John allen i am an programmer my main job is to debug the game that my company has made the game is currently the most played game in the europe and many other continent as well.

The game name is New world online. the game revolve around sword and magic in the sword you can integrate the magic with sword to become stronger and in magic you can you many types of spells.

but there is a catch in it as well the person who chose the sword can only use a single element of magic like fire, water, wind ,earth , lightning, dark, light and many more are there but swordsman can only use one but mage can use any four elements from all and become stronger than others

currently i am on my way to my office and start the process of debugging the game as many players are complaining to the company about the glitch when they spawn to designated place they all lag for some time so i am give the task to see into this matter and solve it.

after few minutes i finally got to my office and started my work as soon as possible so that i could finish it as soon as possible and go home but it is easier said than done. the programming the whole process and debugging will take about days without any sleep so in order to fasten the process i brought a sleeping bag in the office so that i can sleep in the office after the work and eat in the canteen.

after few days of constant debugging and working my ass of but as i was happy of finishing the debugging my boss soon called me in his office and said that there was another bug in the game and i was selected to handel it and he didn't even gave a chance to speak and sent me in my way and then with no choice i again started to debugging.

after few days just as i was debugging the game i couldn't control and fell a sleep in my desk. just as i woke up i was in an open area where there was nothing but just an open field as much as my eyes could see after some time i calmed down and recognized the fact that i was reincarnated in another world so as every isekai is reincarnated with a cheat i also wanted to see if i had it as well and in my heat i started to call different names status , system, window and just as i said window a blue interface came infront of me.

inside the blue interface following things were written.


name---- John allen

age---- 26

str--- 15



skills--- black fire, absolute zero, death strom etc.


following thing were written in the system and after seeing this much i could guess in where i was. i was in the world of the sword and magic game that i was debugging. after knowing about it i panicked a little but after thinking about it i was happy that i will be able to live to the fullest without any tension like in previous life.