
A Day in the Life of Vincent II

The moment we walked into the room, the aroma of aftershave and freshly brewed coffee greeted us. My eyes were glued to the man behind the desk -- standing proud and tall in spite of age.

His crew-cut hair and beard were like the almond tree that has flourished in its season. His countenance was something that one cannot simply ignore. His jet black eyes were penetrating, his pursed lips exude confidence and authority.

The mere sight of him, made me shiver. I felt my knees shaking -- I could no longer take another step forward. Not another inch closer to him. My heart pounding insanely, my breathing heavy. I put my cold hands inside my pocket. My suit didn't seem to help much in keeping me warm in this man's cold presence.

If I thought of Vincent as a cold and distant guy, now it changed my mind. His father was below negative degrees colder, and a million miles away further -- way out of someone's reach. I wouldn't be surprised if these two have so much distance between each other. Maybe simply put it -- like father, like son.

"My Lord, may I take my leave?" I heard Jean as she bowed her head low.

"Yes, please. You may leave us. Come back fifteen minutes before the board meeting starts."

Having heard that, I felt the tension has intensified. How ironic that the airconditioned room made me sweat profusely. I don't want Jean to leave, but I could not say a thing, not even move an inch from where I stood. I felt like I literally froze, and my throat had gone dry.

"Come here son, I had a breakfast prepared for us. Eugene told me that you haven't had anything before leaving."

I was surprised when I saw him smile and heard the exuberance in his voice. I felt relieved and took a deep breath in and letting out a sigh of relief releasing all the tension.

I silently followed him to the balcony. I started to relaxed when I saw the breathtaking view. I felt the warm breeze blowing, the cotton-like clouds gracing the blue skies felt a lot nearer. I enjoyed the fresh breath of air, that carried the sweet scent of fragrant flowers.

The sight of the parks from afar is hypnotizing. The petals from the blooming cherry trees have paved the busy streets and turned it pink. I can hear the horns honking, the faint sound of clattering. Chattering, and giggling of those people coming to and fro.

I closed my eyes and took everything in with joy. I don't know how long will I be staying in this body, but I might as well enjoy every perk that I get in this crazy joyride.

If Vincent had been living grand, then what on earth is he being so cold for? The fancy things he doesn't like -- but why? What is there to be despised in this enviable life? If I am an heir to this empire, I'd be the happiest and warmest kid in town!

"It's probably jet lag. You better get some shut-eye after the board meeting. It will be a long day for you."

I opened my eyes as I remembered that I was not alone. It's only now that I saw the table spread. The sight of the sumptuous meal made my stomach growl, reminding me of how hungry I was. I took my seat without waiting for my father's queue.

Wait, did I just say "my" father? Oh, well, I better be used to it now than later.

I was happy that my father has spared me from all the talking. He let me eat my breakfast in peace. I didn't even notice that I almost finished everything that was served -- all by myself. I didn't know how much helpings I made, but I am sure its a lot.

I never felt this hungry in my entire life. Add to that the fact, that I never ate anything like this in my entire life. Wait, let me correct that. I am not sure if I ate something like this before I fell into a coma, but I'm sure I haven't since I woke up.

As previously agreed, Jean came back fifteen minutes before the board meeting started. My father left me to her care as he made his way there. Jean and I followed just a few minutes after.

As we went inside the conference room, I can't help but grow weary. The sight of the strangers made me feel like I am going to pass out any time soon. I am just relieved that Jean was there to accompany me.

"You better go ahead and greet Lady Marinette."

Jean whispered to me, as she fixed the collars of my suit. She smiled and gave me a light tap in my face.

"Be nice to the Lady."

She then pointed out to the girl sitting a few feet away from us. The girl has shoulder-length, golden-brown hair that was curled at the ends. My heart sank, as the girl looked my way. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed remembering what I did. It was the same girl I met at the lobby earlier -- the one who tried to fix my tie.

I looked away and then to my feet. I gathered all the guts to walk to her and cleared my throat. She stood up when she saw me approaching. To my surprise, she gave me a light peck in my cheeks.

Out of instinct, I gave her a peck in the forehead. As we parted, I noticed her flushed cheeks. I could tell that she got conscious, but she could not hide her excitement as I saw her eyes widened and noticed the change in her demeanor.

She pulled me close and made me sit at the empty chair next to her. Before I knew it, the board meeting has started. I could not understand anything about it. It made me feel like I am sitting in class and listening to a boring lesson in history.

The only thing that kept me awake the whole time was Lady Marinette. She holds my hand at times, or gives me light touches on my shoulder, in my arm, or in my leg, then whispers random things. I am now curious about who is Lady Marinette in Vincent's life.

And who was the unknown girl? I am sure it wasn't her. I can still remember the voice I heard on the other line. It wasn't anything similar to Marinette's voice. I was left thinking about it the whole time, that it unconsciously help me, pass the time.

Before I knew it, the meeting was over. As I stood up, Lady Marinette kissed me again. I am starting to get weirded out with this girl's behavior. Does she like Vincent that much, that she could hardly contain herself? What a turn-off.

I am the one who was feeling embarrassed knowing that there's a lot of people seeing us. She held my hand and pulled me -- no, in fact, I felt like I was being dragged. Out of curiosity of where she is taking me, I followed her lead.

We got into the elevator and like a silly joke from the universe, no one hopped in with us until the door closed.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Vincent." She said letting go of my hand.

"Do you remember when we first saw each other when we were in second grade?" She continued. I kept staring at the marble floor. I didn't make a sound.

"You used to be full of life back then. We used to be best friends. You were the reason why I learned to ride the bike. You were the reason why I sneak out late at night and go over the rooftop to watch the stars, and wait for shooting stars."

Her previously enthusiastic voice was replaced with a saddened tone.

"In fifth grade, we played happily in the rain. You knew how much I get so scared with thunders, but you always hug me tight and tell me there's nothing to be afraid of."

I looked her way and she seemed to be staring at her feet. I noticed how her frail hands shake with every word.

"When we were in sixth grade you told me you're leaving. I cried so much that day, coz I was so scared to lose the only friend I knew. The only friend that my family thinks is good enough for me. How silly of you, because you jokingly told me, that one day you will come back and marry me."

I felt like cold water was poured on me. Everything that shes saying was playing like a flashback in my head. I vividly remember each of them, like they were my own memory. Before I knew it, I felt warm fluid escaping from my eyes. My heart is being pinched, that I could not hold back my tears.

"That was the last time, I saw you. But all those times, I longed for you. When I was a kid, I couldn't define those feelings. I kept it all to myself. I buried it, but it still haunts me 'til this day. I still think of you. I always long for this day that I will finally get to see you -- again."

"For five years, I kept going up the rooftop, waiting for shooting stars. For five years, I kept on wishing that you will remember."

"That you will remember me and your silly promise -- because I held on to that." She continued in a cracking voice. I heard how she took a deep breath in, then a sigh.

For a moment, silence has devoured us. There's only the sound of our breathing, and the loud thumping of my heart. I heard the elevator door open. She went out without looking back at me. She walked away just like that. I stood there all alone and watched her disappeared from my sight -- again.

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