1 Chapter One "Oh No"

Star pov.

On Tuesday August 19th 2019 three a clock in the morning i woke up to here that my phone went off with a high pitched text message alert and it was from my current boyfriend Tom and i picked up my phone and replied.

Tom: Are U Awake We Need To Talk About Your Best Friend Marco ASP. at 3:00 Am

Star: Um Tom Why Do U Want To Talk About Marco For. 3:01 Am

Tom: Ugg U Need To Choose Between Me And Marco. 3:02 Am

Star: Um One He Is My Bestie And Two Mind Ur Own Beewax Tom. 3:03 Am

Tom: Fine Then I Have No Choose But To Break Up With U Star. 3:04 Am

Star: Fine Go Right Ahead I Actually Went Behind Your Back And Started To Date Marco. 3:05 Am

Tom. WTF Are You Joking Me Star This Must Be Some Sick Joke . 3:06 Am

Star: 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 at 3:07 Am

Tom: 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠 at 3:08 Am

Star: Um Bye. 3:09 Am

Tom:Um Bye.3:10 Am

So with that said i put down my phone only for Pony Head to sneak up behind me and said," So Star whatcha doing," and i said,"Ummmmmmmmm notttttttttttthing,"i say poping the m and the t in my sentence and Pony Head said," are you sure" and i say," yeah i'm sure okay," and Pony Head said," okay," and i said,"Goodnight," and Pony Head said,"Goodnight," and so later in the morning i got a phone call from mom on my phone and you should've seen mad she got that when she called me and she said,"STAR YOU ARE SO IN BIG TROUBLE," and i thought yikes Tom must of told her and so i said ," MOM CALM DOWN," and she said, " SO IT IS TRUE THAT TOM TOLD ME THAT YOU AND HIM BROKE UP REALLY EARLY IN THE MORNING," and i said,"YES IT IS TRUE," and she said,"I WAS ONLY JOKING ABOUT YOU BEING IN BIG TROUBLE,"and i said,"REALLY," and she said,"REALLY," and i said,"GOODBYE," and she said,"GOODBYE."

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