

10 years ago

seol runs to the kitchen and looks up to her mother "Mommy, I drew something"

"really can I see the drawing you made?" she took the paper from seol's hands

a woman whom she assumed is her was holding a young woman's hand

" who is this young woman?"

"that's me when I grow up," seol says excitedly

"really? her mother says putting her attention back to the drawing her little child made

an old man was holding the mother's hand

"is this papa?" she says and the little girl nods

there was also a young man holding the young woman's hand

"who is he?"

"he is my boyfriend" seol smiles

" who taught you that," her mother says making a fake angry face

"my dreams, in my dream I saw the handsome man and he said that he was gonna marry me when I grow up," seol says excitedly

her mother says making a sad face " did you forget our first rule?"

seol holds her mother's hand and smiles " don't worry mommy, I won't have a boyfriend until I turn 18"

10 years later

her dream

'"HAN SEO MI YOU BETTER COME BACK" " NO I WON'T," she says mockingly while running and laughing at the same time "SEO MI AT LEAST GIVE ME BACK MY BOOK" she stops running and looks at the man breathing heavily "but you always read this book and never pay attention to me" she pouts "oh dear, I'm sorry little one" he pouts with her " but the book is more important" "YAH" she looks at him offended " guess I won't give you this book than," she says as she plays with the book "what's so good about this book anyway?" "you're so stupid" "YAAHHH" she yells angrily while he chuckles "it's your book" " oh really?" she says surprisingly and reads few lines of the book " oh it is my book" "stupid doesn't even know it's her own book" " yah I have many books written by me so it's normal I think" " yeah yeah whatever you say" " oh seo un mom wanted to see you today," she says as she continues to read her book " you should've told me earlier" "quick goo before mom gets impatient" "mhm bye," seo un says and runs to their house "I must've betrayed my family to have such a brother" she sighs'


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