
Girl in Blue

'After signing this contract, I'll have to meet up with Jace. I don't know why he's trying to get me to fall in love but that's not possible, love is not real, even if it is I don't want to experience it,makes people weak and that's something I can't afford'. I sigh as I sign the document slowly, clearly knowing that no matter how slow I sign it, there's no escape from Jace 'I don't even know how I'm putting up with this idiot'. I groan, causing Mr. Yakimore to wince.

"I was just thinking about something else". I tell him as he seems like he's gonna pee in his pants. I'm human, why is he so scared?.

" Nice doing business with you". I say, shaking his extended hand.

I walk back to my office, with my secretary by my side saying some things which I'm not paying attention to right now. She continues babbling as I glare at her. She suddenly freezes understanding the look I sent her.

"I'll take my leave now Sir". She says, swallowing hard. Thank goodness.

"Very well". I voiced as she spun on her heels, fiddling with the papers in her hand.

As soon as I open the door, I see his reflection on the door knob as I twisted it shut by 'he' I mean the idiot (Jace).

" Just come out there and stop acting like a child already, you're 27 for crying out loud". I sigh as I walk to my chair.

"Why can't you just go with it and let me scare you at least for once". He mutters really low but I heard it. I responded with a sigh.

" I hope you're ready for the little party I prepared in the hopes of you meeting Mrs Basma soon". He sighs, looking up as if in a daze.

"You better wake up from your daze, we both know, I do not believe in love but yeah I've said it a million times and you never listen. Let's go to the party anyway". I say as his eyes widens, and he grabs both my arms narrowing his eyes and saying.

"Who are you and what have to done to my best friend". I sigh, releasing myself from his grip.

"Are we going or not cos I'll rather n_". He didn't let me finish as he drag me out if the office.


We got to the party and to say I am disappointed is an understatement. Three ugly plastic girls or women or whatever have been glued to my table , I would have sent them away but Jace has been pinching me under the table and mouthing for me to be calm.

"Can you stop licking you lips in my face?, its disgusting". I said to the fake blonde who looks like she'll soon cry. "And you stop trying to grope. Keep you hands to yourself". I didn't need to say anything to the third brunette as she ran away after one glare, the others following her.

I look to my side to see Jace glaring daggers at me.

"What? I tried". I groan as the music and everything made it seem like I was wasting my time which I was.

"You tried? You! Tried!... Those were the hottest girls at the party and you just went 'Lawrence' on them". He says, dramatically.

"If those were the hottest, I definitely don't wanna see the others". I sigh, standing up and walking away from Jace who's yelling my name like a mad man. I sigh again this sigh is too much for one day.

I'm about to get in my car when I saw someone, so beautiful by the side of the bar or maybe its just the blue dress. I love blue. I take my chances and walk inside the bar only to find the most beautiful woman sitting at the counter, ordering a drink.

I sit next to her ordering a drink, just to look at her but I couldn't see her face to I said something.

"Hi". I said, my voice a little shaky that I found it foreign to my own self.

" Hi". She replied back looking up at me, her eyes are so beautiful that I was lost in them.

"Excuse me". She said, sounding rather shy and I shook my head to be freed from the trance that I was in.

"Oh, um... Sorry for staring". I said, as she smiled, making me smile also, it was infectious. I want her! In my bed, now!.

"Mind if I stay with you as we enjoy the night?". I asked, a little more confident than before, when she nodded.

"yeah, I don't mind"…

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