123 Are you sure you were working on math, not chemistry?

After sending off Sia to her dorms, when Mu Jun returned back he was greeted by Shen Yi who was leaning against the wall.

With his hands in his pocket, Mu Jun walked towards Shen Yi and asked "What are you doing standing outside?"

Turning to Mu Jun who had just appeared, Shen Yi smiled and said "Waiting for you"


Squinting his eyes at Mu Jun, Shen Yi asked with a faint smile "What were you both doing until now?"

Shrugging his shoulder, Mu Jun replied nonchalantly "Nothing, was just working on maths"

Rubbing his chin, Shen Yi looked at Mu Jun thoughtfully and asked "Are you sure you were working on maths, not chemistry?"

With a frown, Mu Jun asked "What nonsense are you talking?"

"Hehe...nothing" Shen Yi smiled sheepishly and asked "By the way why did you drag sister Sia away when she was about to Kiss John? You know how aggrieved John was for not getting a kiss?"


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