
Episode 1: Behold!!! Neo-Stalgiaville’s newest DinnerDasher Ichigo Birica!!!! Act One!!!!!

???: When it comes to daily routine in people's lives what do we spend most of our time doing???? I believe we spend 25% of our time sleeping, 15% working, 5% cleaning, and 55% doing something to satisfy ourselves!!! And I think a huge majority of that enjoyment comes from eating some delicious food!!! Back then people fought for every meal, and I still think they do today!!! I remember when I fought to protect other people's food!!!! I remember it way back then!!!!

Ichigo: (inner) Now I bet you're wondering who am I? Well my name is Ichigo Birica!!!!! I am 12 Years old and live in the city of Neo-Stalgiaville!!!! I live in this big house that is connected to the bakery where my uncles work!!! I bet you wondering where are my parents???? Well That's the thing!!! I don't know who my parents are!!!!

(Flashback to a crying baby Ichigo on the doorstep of the house)

Ichigo: Ever since I can remember I was left on the doorstep when I was younger and that's when one of my uncles saw me and helped raised me! Everything was pretty good ... Except that one moment!!!! What moment am I talking about??? The moment my uncles decided to name me Ichigo Birica!!! Let me explain!!! My first name Ichigo means Strawberry in Japanese!!!!! The last name they made up for me Birica is the name of a hand gesture in the city asking someone to put strawberry syrup on their cake!!!! Which lead to everyone calling me the nickname...

April: Hey Strawberry Shortcake!!!!!

Ichigo: Ahhhh!!!! That nickname is so brutal!!!! This 5 year old Apple cider hair colored little girl is my little stepsister April Deluca!!! She's a clever little girl. She's the most meta out of anyone and usually breaks the fourth wall!!! Yes I am aware that we're in a anime like series, how else would I be able to interact with you????

SugarSong: Ichigo!!!! Breakfast!!!!!

Ichigo: Ooh!!! Breakfast!!!! (Dashes down the stairs to the dining room!!!) Hey April! Expected me to arrive this quick???

April: As usual big sister!!!

BitterStep: Alrighty girls today your uncles made the usual Sunday breakfast!!!

Both : Here it comes!!!

BitterStep: Pancakes!!!!

April: Woohoo!!!!

Ichigo: Heck Yeah!!!

SugarSong: You always know how to entertain the girls Darling!!

BitterStep: I learned from you honey!!!!!

Ichigo: These two are my uncles who took me in and raised me and April!!!! The one with the jolly gut and mustache is my Uncle SugarSong!!! He's the cheery goofball of the two!!!! The skinny one with the glasses is his husband and My other uncle, Uncle BitterStep!!!! He is more dramatic and showy than Uncle SugarSong!!!!

SugarSong: So girls what do you want to do today???

Ichigo: You know uncles!!!! What I want to know is how come there hasn't been any business lately!!!!

April: (Spits out drink) Woah!!!! Woah!!! Woah!!!Ichigo!!!! Do you want to get to the plot that quickly!!!???

BitterStep: Well April. Ichigo does have a point!! You see....(Stagelight shines on BitterStep and sad violin music plays) Just a few weeks ago Delivery guys of all the food establishments in the city were being attacked by monsters and robots of all sorts!!!

April: Where did they come from???

BitterStep: No one really knows!!! They just show up, beat up the delivery guys, and then run off with the deliveries!!!!!

Ichigo: That's evil!!!! Getting free food at someone else's expense!!!

BitterStep: Yeah I know!!! Anyways thanks for the back up with the violin honey!!! But you were a little sharp on the last note!!!

SugarSong: I know!! I usually get the note right .... 50 percent of the time that is!!!!

Ichigo: Fear not my awesome Uncles!!!! I will make sure no more deliveries get stolen from this bakery or any other food establishments!!!

SugarSong: Gasp!!!

BitterStep: Gasp!!!!

April: Gasp

Black and white movie audience: Gasp!!!

BitterStep: Ichigo that's so sweet!! But how!!???

Ichigo: By becoming a delivery girl!!! One that can fight off any evil forces thrown at me!!!! A special kind of delivery girl!!! A DinnerDasher!!!!!

SugarSong: So how Will you fight off those monsters and robots???

April: Yeah Strawberry!!! How???

Ichigo: Ignoring my stupid nickname aside, I don't know yet but I will think of something!!! Come on April to my room!!!!

April: Huh!!!!!??? Wait really!!??? Ok then!!! I guess I am also gonna be a DinnerDasher as well!!! I didn't expect it but it seems fun so I will just roll with it!!!!

SugarSong: There goes our Girls dearie!!! On their stereotypical anime like adventure to start the plot of the series!!!!!

BitterStep: Yeah!! But It still got me wondering who would be heartless enough to steal deliveries!!!!

(Transition to S.O.U.R.S Headquarters)

Jemima: Dr.Purp!!! I stole another delivery!!!!!

Dr.Purp: Well done Jemima!!! My dear syrup spewing squid girl!!!! (Opens it up) A chicken teriyaki from Lo mein's!!!!

Jemima: Uh Doc??? Is there anything else I can get you????

Dr.Purp: Well Jemima, I haven't had any dessert in a while!!! So when the next delivery guy goes around town in with a delivery from a sweet shop or bakery you know what to do!!!!

Jemima: Exactly master!!!!

Dr.Purp: All these bakeries, Fast food joints and other food establishments are going to know the true snack stealing power of Dr.Purp!!!! Shirororororororo! Shirorororororororororo!!!!

(Act Two coming soon!!!)

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