

"When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch."

― Bette Davis

Chapter 35: Superiority

When we entered the guild we were greeted with taller stern muscular men, i lightly scratches the tip on my nose and turn around to leave the guild when all of them stared at us.

however, before i could leave the room a huge scary looking man blocks my way, i slowly raise my head and tiredly stared at the man .

he's so huge and he's taller that father, his hair is messy brown and reaches his shoulder, he have a huge brown beard, he remind me of a bear.

my eyes trailed on his scar located on his right right, it's long and ugly, scary too.

i took a step back and turned to the other side and tried to use it as an escape only to be stop with another man. this time he looks like he's in his 20s.

his looks differs towards the bear looking man, his hair is long and was ties into a side pony tail and listlessly rested on his shoulder, his blue yes were smiling at me i lightly look up to stare at his eyes and took a step backward and turn around only to be stop with another person again.

but this man is different from the two, his a bit more tamed and plain looking.

i scratch my nape and sigh and turn around to face my sister and saw her staring in awe. admiring the huge people surrounding her.

"it's better if we leave" xavier suggested and i immediately agreed.

i don't know why they are surrounding us, probably because of curiosity? or they don't want us here and want to beat us.

"it's fine they were just observing us to know if we are a treat" i lightly twitch and lowered my guard down, choosing to listen to my sister.

Xavier lowered is guard down too and lightly nod.

"may i know the names of the visitors?" the blonde asks while staring at me, i want to make him stop but decided to just assume that he's just observing me.

in return i observe him too, he look very attractive, and his blue eyes were cold, i shiver lightly and sigh. his eyes were very familiar i felt like i saw them before.

i lightly shook my head mentally and decided to let my sister do the talking.

"i am Lilith and this is my sister Suzue, and our friend Xavier" i notice how xavier flinch at the word friend but decided not to point it out and just nod as a confirmation.

"i see, it's nice to meet you i am Lucas, this is my friend Ajax and charles" he pointed the two, Ajax is the tough man and the plain looking man is charles.

the others who surrounded us went back to doing their business as if we aren't here.

"so may i know-"

"we want to be adventurers!" silence, i stared at lilith and sigh lightly, the years of learning etiquette seems to disappear whenever she's determine to do something.

The blonde if i remember correctly was named lucas stared at lilith and glance at me a bit and stared at Xavier.


"we want to be adventurers!" Lilith repeated, i sigh when i notice everyone's watching us again, the noisy guild went silent and i could feel the doubt and mockery in the atmosphere.

and i know lilith notice it too because she shifted on his feet and glance at the floor for a second. this is her mannerism when she didn't like the atmosphere she's in.

she act like this when feeling uncomfortable and whenever this happen everything will turn to our disadvantage. i want to stop her when i saw her beginning to speak but decided not to.

"i want to join the guild!, i will eliminate Deicide!, i swear i can do it if only i could have your help and you could lend me the information you gathered about him! you all can sit down and relax, leave the job to us!"

ah this is just like talking to a overconfident newcomer that would succeed and take all the glory to himself. and i think i am not the only one who cam to a conclusion like this.

because the next think we know everyone glared at us, they were staring at us as if we ate the most delicious dessert in a slow motion in front of them no i think this metaphor is wrong.

i mean, they stared at us as as if we killed the only newborn they have.

"are you saying that we leave it to a mere girl like you?" ajax, if i remember correctly, said and glared at my sister.

he took a step forward towards her and my body instinctively stood in front of my sister and stared back at him causing him to halt and glared at me instead.

"no no i mean, i want to eliminate deicide and help you and the town folk achieve peace"

another silence and i saw how the men stood on their seats and glared hardly at us, xavier notice it too and roll his sleeves and become alert.

"hah! are you underestimating us young lady?!" one of the men exclaimed causing lilith to shook his head as no.

"are implying that we are not doing our job properly?!, you are just a visitor in this place and you want to take our job away from us"

before anything could go wrong i swiftly raise my hand showing them my palm causing them to halt.

i closed my eyes ad sigh.

"my apologies, we weren't implying anything,we were just stating our own desire to eliminate the being who's destroying the peace in this land"

i notice xavier walks slowly towards the mission board and rip one of it and talks to the receptionist who nod timidly.

" we promise not to show our faces to you guys again, if you'll excuse us" i held my sister's wrist and pulled her to walk towards the exit, the men blocking it were glaring at us

but they decided to made a path way.

when we finally left the guild, Xavier handed me a piece of paper, i read it and nodded.

"to become an adventurer you need to accept missions first, i still need to help on the inn, i'll see you guys later"

we stared at him walking away from us and started to walk towards the opposite way.

"Did i said something wrong to make them feel angry towards us?" i stared at lilith and smiled softly.

"yes, men like them who experience the battle field everyday has a pride so high it reaches the skies, they are very cautious and defensive towards their job thinking that one day someone would take it away from them and their chance for revenge would be gone"

"but i read from the book that people like them appreciate brave men" i smiled slightly and hum and rubs her head.

"well you see, you are not a man, a man proclaiming and showing his courage is a man and a girl showing her bravery is a mockery"

i don't know how this works but we are not in the modern world,

this world is still on the timeline were men are superior than women. i wouldn't be able to become my sister's personal knight and a potential heir if my father isn't the feared duke.

being the soon to be heir of avaleon is a very huge advantage for me, no one would look down on me and no one would underestimate me.

however, i prefer them not knowing that i am already superior than them... showing my dominance and watching them cower and kneel in front will be always my favorite part.

"anyway let's go and hunt some goblins"

Next chapter