
chapter no :1 THE MURDER.

Early morning in Kabukicho's notorious red light district brought a wild cacophony of sound, with people chattering and cameras flashing, all in marked contrast to the incredible stillness that lay before them. No one wanted to look at the body lying inert on the ground, yet no one could tear their eyes away. The man had been tied to an electric chair with a noose around his neck. His throat had been cut and broken, and a nail had been driven through his skull, destroying any chance of revival. His body was punctured with 1000 needles measuring 10 cm by 2 cm; bullets were lodged in his chest; and acid had severely disfigured his face. A woman in her twenties, wearing a black dress and coat, exclaimed in distress, "This is horrible!". "YES IT IS, YUME...." A man in his thirties walked up to the woman wearing a navy blue coat and announced himself as Haru, Tokyo's most renowned detective. He was known for his charismatic image, but for criminals and killers, he had a reputation for being firm and relentless. He came to the scene with his partner, who is a veteran detective, and he was the only one who dared to come near the corpse. He looked at the face of the corpse and said in a serious voice, "This is a crime of passion and revenge; it's not a random killing." He checked the whole scene, slowly moved away from it, and started looking around for clues. Oh, Haru! Yume exclaims, a wide smile spreading across her face. It's been so long since we've seen each other! She wraps her arms around him, and he smiles back at her pleasantly. Yume, when did you come from Malaysia? Haru: Just an hour ago... Yume: WHAT? They sent you here just after your arrival. Haru : Yes, and I am here. As Haru approached the seemingly lifeless body on the electric chair, he shouted a warning. "Be careful—it's still connected! Cut off the power first!" His partner, Kenzo, quickly flicked the switch to disconnect the current from the chair as everyone took a step back from the corpse. Kenzo gave Haru a look, signifying he had discovered something. Haru and Yume strode towards him as Kenzo revealed the insignia of the murderer. Yume: What is this? A crown? Haru: Yes, it is a crown. Kenzo: He is saying that he is a king, or maybe a king of killers. Yume: If we can work out this case, it's sure to be successful. What do you think? Is this task going to require a white envelope or a green one? Haru stayed quiet for a moment before he suggested, "Maybe a red envelope?" Yume and Kenzo both gave him a bewildered look, questioning in unison, "What? Why that?". Haru: I don't know. It's just Yume: "Come on, Haru, it's got to be either a white or green envelope. If the red envelope is involved, it could spell danger for the whole of Japan Haru: "Alright, I'm out of here. Please send the corpse to the forensic lab and contact me once the results are in. Maybe my somewhat incoherent speech is due to a lack of sleep. Haru quickly finished his instructions, and his partner Kenzo understood that he was serious. Yume said goodbye as Haru hurriedly left the scene. Yume stared at Kenzo, her heart heavy with sorrow for Haru. She felt an immense sense of guilt that she was unable to help him in the way he needed. Despite his tired eyes and drooping shoulders, she could still feel strength and determination deep within him. She reached out and lightly touched Kenzo's shoulder, feeling as though they were both in this battle together. "Let's do this," she said determinedly. "We have to see this through until the end." The body was later transferred to the coroner's office, where Kenzo and his forensic team conducted tests on it. Yume left as her best friend Akihiko came to pick her up. The road was smeared with blood and scrapes of flesh, like a butcher shop floor.

At the end of the night in the Public Security Intelligence Agency, all of the officers gathered to discuss the death and the three different teams. The white envelope team handles normal cases, while the green envelope team is for serial killers. For cases deemed too critical for those two teams, the red envelope team takes over with their leader, renowned for using simple yet dangerous strategies to apprehend criminals. 'MEI NAKASHIMA' THE HEAD OF WHITE ENVELOPE known for her work. 'KAITO KIMURA' THE HEAD OF GREEN ENVEOPE known for his way of interrogation. 'ALEX JANVIER,' THE HEAD OF RED ENVELOP, is his name. He was renowned for his shrewd tactics in hunting down fugitives across borders, with no mercy towards anyone who opposed him, and he had a combined Russian-Japanese heritage. Having grown up in Russia until his parents passed away when he was eighteen, he studied criminology and forensic science there before returning to Japan at the age of twenty-three and joining the Public Security Intelligence Agency. His knowledge of criminal investigative techniques quickly propelled him to become the head of Red Envelope. The office was silent as the detectives flipped through the pictures of the dead man and put them up on a screen in order to examine him. Every person in the office stared at each photo with their mouths open. A man in a suit came forward with a test report in his hand and gave it to YUKIO SHIMIZU the head of PSIA. The man at the door came forward and took the report to make it flash on the screen so that everyone could see it. Everyone widened their eyes as the details of the deceased's life flashed on the screen and rubbed their foreheads as they realized this case would not end well.

1. Who do you think the victim was? 2. Why did everyone think that this case would not end well? 3. What do you understand about Alex Janvier? The main character has not been included in this chapter; wait for the next time you will see him and the next chapter is going to be published on Friday, 23rd June 2023. until then bye bye...