
Survivors Guide: To an Alien Invasion

Walking back home from another day of school. Mark and his best friend George are walking down the road, when all of a sudden a pick up truck pops out of nowhere rushing towards them! The reason? The driver wants to eat our brains! Hey! I'm _RealityEscapee_ a new and handsome author on the platform. Hope you give the story a shot. This is also my first time writing ever. So, if there are grammatical errors please tell me so I can fix them! (If cover image owner wants me to take it down please message me!) I have decided to work on another novel besides this one. This will be the first time I will do this, so expect for chapters to be delayed. New Novel: Returning to the Time Before The Apocalypse

he_who_scribbles · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 15 - Pretty Doctor

I woke up on top of something soft. Well 'softer' than usual. I saw an I.V. needle inserted in my arm, I thought maybe everything that happened in the past 24 hours was just a dream. A nightmare. I was about to sigh in relief, when

"Ah, you're awake!" A pretty doctor was sitting next to me, writing something down on her clipboard.


"Do you know what your name is?" She cut me off

"Mark...Marshall" I responded unconsciously

She started jotting down on her board.

"Do you remember anything from the past 24 hours?"

"..." I choose to stay quiet

Although she seemed to be helping me, I didn't know who she was and why I was here

"... Pretty careful person, arent'cha" She said, scrutinizing me.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you." She then said with a small smile.

"Can't exactly take your word for it..." I responded after seeing her very motherly smile.

"My name is Jasmine Mitchell, I was ordered by my superior to treat you."

"Superior? Are you military?"

"In a way, we're part of a different department. We specialize in capturing and killing alien Invaders."

"....Ok, Miss Mitchell. Who is your superior? And why would he help me?" I asked after digesting this new information.

"He doesn't. But his friend, I think his name is Jason asked him to."


"Can I ask you something?" Jasmine Mitchell asked

"Go ahead." I responded

"Your wounds...how could they heal so quickly?"

"Hm?" I hummed with my brow raised

I checked my body, and my wounds were...almost entirely healed. The scars were still there, but it looked like they had aged decades.

I was shocked looking at my body

"... Interesting" Jasmine muttered

"Well seeing as you're awake and seemingly healthy. I'll go notify my superiors before running some more tests." She then got up, ready to leave.

"Wait!..." I stopped her

She stopped and turned her body

"Thank you for treating me"

She smiled "It was my job, of course I'll treat you. With or without orders." She said before leaving.


"She was really pretty." I accidentally said aloud.

Don't know whether she'll be important or not. Haven't decided yet. Thank you for reading!

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