
Chapter 23 : New Government


A red brick was thrown out by someone unknown, and it hit the glass door of a supermarket, making a huge gap in the glass door and making a harsh shattering sound.

The supermarket was dark and empty. Dozens of masked people stood outside the door. One of the men stepped forward and reached into the gap to open the lock inside.

"Quick! There's food over there; go get it!"

"Haha, there's a lot to eat!"


As the glass door was opened, people outside the supermarket swarmed into the supermarket, taking what they wanted and food.

On the streets outside, similar scenes were staged one after another in cities across the country. Crowds of people were frantically looting in the streets and alleys of the city. If the owners of the shops tried to stop them, they would be knocked down on the ground and will be beaten randomly.

Since the news revealed all the truth, the entire American society has instantly fallen into panic. People denounced the ruthlessness of the bureaucratic government for not trying its best to develop a vaccine. Instead, they took up guns to massacre their compatriots and strongly demanded the release of those people. A female host who dares to tell the truth.

From that day on, in the following days, major cities across the country began to hold a new round of demonstrations under the leadership of caring people. They demanded that the bureaucracy be abolished and that truly capable people be in charge of everything.

Some people who had no food for a long time also began to take this opportunity to rob supermarkets, food products, and other places where food was stored in the city, hoarding and looking at the food to ensure that they would not worry about food in the future.

Some people specifically run towards firearms in the city. These people have very clear minds. As long as they get enough firearms, what can they not get? 

No one cares about gold and banknotes anymore. Under the shadow of Doomsday, gold and silver jewelry and dollar bills that were once loved by everyone have long lost their charm. Everyone knows that only food and firearms can survive. 

But even though there was chaos outside, the White House government did not make any response to this. They just allowed the angry crowd to destroy and loot, as if they were deliberately allowing the crowd to vent their anger.

They just dispatched troops to strictly control the security of the industrial park and its surrounding areas. They rushed there day and night to build high walls, which prohibited everyone from destroying the facilities in the factory. Otherwise, they would be shot on the spot without mercy.

Those who want to wreak havoc outside don't dare cause trouble nearby when they see this situation. Anyway, many places in the city have been destroyed, so there is no need to risk their own lives.

In Dallas, Brian stayed in the RV, looking coldly at the chaotic streets outside. After the news came out, the army began to suspend the distribution of supplies, and all food sources needed to be obtained by themselves.

This is completely encouraging those survivors who have escaped from the infected area to plunder all places where food can be stored. The chaotic city makes him dare not take risks to find Arman, for fear of causing trouble to the other party.

Finally, after the fifth day of social turmoil throughout the United States, the government responded and held a press conference at noon on September 22, 2013, to give the people of the country a satisfactory answer.


"Hello everyone, I am Robert, director of the Federal Disaster Relief Service."

The temperature in the city became lower and lower as time went by, and people put on clothes that they had prepared or grabbed to resist the cold outside.

But even if the warm sunshine shines on the earth through the gaps in the clouds at noon, it can't eliminate the chill in people's hearts.

The streets today seemed unusually calm. It was very different from the chaotic scenes of the past few days. People were either staying in front of the TV in their own homes or crowding under the big screen in the square, watching the pictures above. They were waiting for an answer.

On the screen, there was a podium with American flags on both sides. A man with blond hair walked onto the podium. He pulled up his straight suit and adjusted the microphone on the stage. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a respectful smile. He introduced himself and then started the main topic of this time.

"As for all the news content mentioned by Ms. Theresa, the news host of Channel XX, a few days ago, after a rigorous investigation by our relevant departments, I am here to give everyone a positive answer today. Yes, all of this It's all true."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar. The crowd outside unconsciously began to Shout. Although they already knew that this was true, after hearing the government's admission, people still felt resentment in their hearts. Fortunately, after a few days of venting, they were able to temporarily restrain their emotions and not take it as a curse.

After waiting for the crowd to gradually calm down, Director Robert continued to speak loudly:

"At present, we have arrested the relevant personnel who issued the order and imposed the maximum severe punishment. Now that the Cordyceps fungus has completely threatened human safety, the Federal Disaster Relief Administration believes that the slow management system of the White House government cannot survive the end of the world. The environment can help mankind get out of trouble, so after we reached a consensus with the military, we decided to formally abolish the traditional bureaucracy. The Federal Disaster Relief Agency, the military, and the rule of law will jointly form a new America to help mankind get rid of the threat of the Cordyceps fungus!"


"Great, it's about time!"


After Robert finished speaking, someone on the TV took the lead in cheering, and then there was thunderous applause. Although many people were still a little confused and didn't know what the answer was, they saw everyone around them applauding. Yes, we applauded together.

After a while, Director Robert slowly raised his hands and lowered them slightly, signaling everyone below to stop applauding.

Seeing this, Brian, who was sitting in front of the TV, immediately cheered up and leaned forward slightly, trying to hear what was being said. He knew that what the other person said next was the key to this press conference. point.

"Because the number of people infected with the Cordyceps virus in the world is close to 60% and it is no longer possible to effectively control it, the Federal Disaster Relief Agency and the military have unanimously decided to pass the quarantine bill, temporarily suspend related research on vaccines, give up rescue of infected areas, and withdraw All foreign troops to spent all their resources to build isolation zones in various cities, large and small, where complete militarized management will be implemented. We firmly believe that as long as the Cordyceps fungus can be blocked outside the high walls, sooner or later we will recapture it. This land will once again belong to us!"

After saying this, Director Robert's expression became extremely struggling, as if he had made a lot of determination to make such a decision. Then he raised his head and shouted seriously into the camera, "May God bless the United States!"

Then the signal on the TV was directly cut off again, but this time the cutoff announced the birth of a new national government and the fate of dozens of humans to survive in the quarantine zone in the future.

After the press conference, the army began to take over the order of the city and no longer concealed the construction of a high wall. Due to the sufficient preparations in the early stages, the army directly broadcast in the city that the quarantine area only needed The basic exterior wall and the construction can be completed in a week.

Then, when the curfew came into effect at night, they began to use loudspeakers to announce the basic regulations that needed to be observed after entering the quarantine area.

For example, food and firearms from all persons entering the quarantine area will be confiscated, and all supplies will be distributed uniformly. For example, idlers will not be supported in the quarantine area, and all personnel will need to work to help humans overcome difficulties as soon as possible, among a series of other relevant regulations.

After explaining the regulations, the person on the radio emphasized: "Since the planned area of the quarantine area is limited, everyone chooses to enter voluntarily. If the number of people in the quarantine area is saturated, the excess people will be sent to other quarantine areas. In the future, unless there are special reasons, no survivors will be accepted into the quarantine area."

"For citizens who do not want to enter the quarantine area, the military will open a special passage out of the city. As long as they apply within the next week, they can choose to leave the city at any time. The military will provide appropriate supplies and provide survival guarantees. It's just that all supplies obtained in the city must be left behind and cannot be taken away."

One message after another hit the hearts of everyone in the city, leaving people stunned and speechless for a long time.

"This...this..." Osborne listened to what was said on the radio and couldn't say a word for a long time.

At this moment, he always felt that the whole thing was very wrong, whether it was from the bold truth of the female host to the ransacking of survivors in the city or the content of today's press conference and the designation of relevant regulations in the quarantine area, it seems as if everything has been planned as if there are a pair of invisible hands controlling the entire direction.

Osborne turned his head and looked at Brian, who was also looking thoughtful next to him. Although the other person looked like just a child, from getting along with him in the past few days, he knew that this child was far smarter than he thought, so he hoped to get the answer from the other party to see if it was the same as what he guessed.

Feeling Osborne's gaze, Brian turned his head and looked into his doubtful eyes. Knowing the doubts in his heart, he looked around to make sure there was no one there and then said softly,

"No need to guess; this is a power-seizing plan designed long ago by the Federal Disaster Relief Agency and the military."


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