
The Future Looks Grand

It took them some time for them to grasp the situation. They were no longer in 16th century japan but in the future by 1000 years. Times have changed immensely since then. Kenshin spoke up after mulling their situation over. "How do we get back? Kasugayama will fall if I am not there. I demand to go back."

"I don't even know how you got here." Yoshimoto was a but frightened at how commanding Kenshin's voice became. He was only a history scholar but to have the man who half of historians to believe was a woman in front of him made him ecstatic. "Maybe we should start with what was going on around you before you time traveled."

"Excuse him. For he doesn't think often and just lashes out. That's why my little poppinjay is my all time favorite rival." Shingen clasped Kenshin on the back heavy handedly. "You would think he is just a war obsessed demon but he is a valued friend."

Kenshin pushed his hand away and glared. "Must you be so touchy? I am a man you know."

Shingen leaned over and whispered in his ear. "Yes, I am aware of that. Love knows no gender." He moved away and turned back to Yoshimoto. "You asked us for details in how we got here is that right?"

Yoshimoto was enthralled by how the two of them acted. Shingen stood there exuding sexual prowess. He was beginning to wonder if it would be a good idea for a man of his stature to he around his wife. His question seemed to bring him out of his revelry. Thoughts of the enigmatic Kenshin were pushed aside. "Ah yes. I mean if I knew details of how you got here maybe I can ask around to see if there's a way to get you back."

"Why didn't you say so impudent brat. Let's get on with it." Kenshin seemed as if he was ready to leave this boring future. Shingen on the other hand pretended to yawn. "I would love to chat with you both but I need some rest. How about we pick this up later." Shingen had already went into the kitchen to grab the woman in there. He started to head towards a door.

"Um, Sh-shingen? That's my wife. Would you kindly put her down?"

"Ah she's already married. I thought she was just a kitchen maid to be had. Forgive me." He set the woman down and whispered in her ear causing her to giggle and blush.

Yoshimoto retraced his thought about the two of them being here would be in fact a bad idea. "Dear? Hello. Um you do realize I am standing here in front of you right?"

The woman went back to her duties but not before she lightly caressed Shingen's chest. She could feel it was firm. Yoshimoto was beginning to get angry watching the two of them blatantly flirt in front of him. Once his wife was out of sight he started to speak only Kenshin spoke faster. "You are a disgrace. This man has opened his palace to us and you thank him by seducing his wife? A tiger you are indeed."

Yoshimoto didn't know what to think. How could he think when Kenshin so gallantly spoke up for him. There were hearts in his eyes. Shingen only cocked his head and smirked. "Are we feeling jealous poppinjay? All you have to do is concede and I will bed you."

His sword was out in the open with a quick draw. It was aimed at Shingen's neck. "Concede to you? Never. I would rather die than ever lose to you. I was only stating you are a bastard nothing more."

Yoshimoto didn't want any fighting to occur in his home so he spoke up quickly to make sure it was resolved. "H-how about I show you around?" The two men looked to him as if his timing was completely off. That didn't stop him from trying to deescalate the tense situation. "You must be curious about how different things are. How about I show you around?"

The two men agreed. How much different could japan be from their time. If the evidence of the buildings and technological advancement were any indication. So far the future looks amazing. Kenshin slowly put away his sword. He began to ignore the presence of Shingen altogether. "If you're going to go that far then I want to see something we don't have in our time."

"Yes of course but first you two need to change. You uh stand out."

They both looked down at their attire and then at each others. Finally they looked back to him. "What's wrong with what were wearing?"

"You will draw attention. Come with me. You can borrow my clothing until we go buy some for you."

"Fine. We wouldn't want to cause you any distress. I wouldn't at the very least. But him?" He pointed to Shingen. "His very existence is stressful."

"Oh dear! Kenshin are you saying I'm always on your mind? Had you told me I was such a huge portion in your life I would've given you exactly what you want."

"Oh! Does that mean you'll give me your head?"

"Certainly not. It's where it's supposed to be but I can give you my heart."

"You heart wont do. I cant mount it on a stake."

"Kenshin you may have a beauty that surpasses the goddesses, celestial even, but you're mouth can shatter that illusion. I offer you my love and you just want to kill me. How will this relationship work sweet poppinjay?" He reached his hand out to stroke the pale cheek of Kenshin.

For a fleeting moment Kenshin didn't move. It was as if he was caught in the allure that Shingen exuded. It was understandable now how men and women flocked to him. But he knew that he wouldn't be another conquest. "Touch me again you walking hazard and I will disembowel you."

Yoshimoto was about to step in when Shingen started to laugh. His laugh was a deep, blissful rumble. You will never change."

"Well, uh, if the yeo of you will follow me. I think my clothes with fit you well Lord Kenshin. We are nearly the same size." He opened the door to their bedroom, going in the closet he grabbed a few items. Handing Kenshin a pale blue polo shirt and a pair of black slacks. "This should suit you." He searched a little longer looking for something that would fit Shingen. He couldn't imagine this man would tower over him as he did. There in the back of his closet he found a pair of jean shorts that would be good on him. He handed him a white button up shirt. "Here. This is the only thing I have so please stay here and change."

Kenshin had started to disrobe himself. The clothing were soft and easy to put on. "What material is this? It feels lightweight."

Shingen also put on his clothing. "Mines does not feel lightweight. The shirt feels snug and the bottoms feel as if my body will burst out of it."

Yoshimoto had turned his back so that he didn't look at them. He may have been feeling excited to see the contours of their bodies but he was no pervert. He did glance over his shoulders to see what Shingen meant. "Wow! You're bigger than I thought."

"Heh, would you like to see just how big I am?"

"You really can't go one moment with out your incessant flirting can you?"

"Why would I deny the world the grandiose truth of my love. It would be too cruel."

"Cruel is listening to you spout nonsense. Yoshimoto where will we be going?"

"I thought we could just go out. There is a place I can show you." With Shingen all bit forgotten the men started to head out. "I'll return before nightfall." His wife didn't answer him. She was busy. The three men left the apartment and started to go out into the city.

They didn't have a chance to gawk at the place before but seeing the tall buildings, many people, and different stalls. It was amazing to them to see. They were passing by a shop when Kenshin happened to look over and see little animals in a window. There were a mixture of faces. Some looked playful. Others looked sad. But each animal tugged at his heartstrings. "Yoshimoto I want to set them free." He had pulled out his short sword and was about to break the glass when Yoshimoto stopped him. "Wait! We can go inside right here. Don't do that. It would be harmful for the animals." Yoshimoto stood near him with an open door. Kenshin put back his sword and walked inside.

He turned around in a circle as he looked at the different animals placed in cages. Shingen followed them inside and walked straight to a brown puppy that was happily jumping and wagging his tail. Kenshin started to gravitate towards a white rabbit. As he stood in front of it he spoke. "Why are the locked away instead of free? These animals should live their lives in the forest. Nature is not to be disturbed. What have you done?"

"Kenshin. How can you say something like that when this little guy looks handsome."

Kenshin was becoming irritated at the sight. Having picked up on how quickly his mood can sour. Yoshimoto took that time to speak up. "There's a bar not far from here. How about a drink?"

Kenshin ears perked up at the sound. "Then why didn't you take us there in the first place. Let's go to this bar. Is it different from a teahouse?"

Yoshimoto didn't want to answer that. He knew that teahouse then had multiple uses. Instead he showed the men the way. Once they were inside he ordered a bottle of sake and three beers. Finding a table they sat down and started to drink. The beer was amber in color and tasted different nut smooth going down. "This is delicious. It taste better than sake."

"Its beer. Do you want more?"

"If poppinjay is getting more I want more too."

The men continued to drink until the bells began to ring. It was nearly time for the curfew to go in affect. Yoshimoto knew he needed to explain what the bells meant but they were all having fun.

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