
The Beginning of the End

At 6 PM, while sitting down on a plain bed that had no bedsheet or blanket but only a pillow, Sung Gi was watching a video on MyTube before his phone's notification caught his attention.

Sung: "If it's manager Shun I'm just gonna ignore it and tell him I fell asleep tomorrow".

Upon checking, Sung was confused as to who sent him a message.

[From: ****** - "Would you like to part-take in the first wave?"]

Sung: "What? First wave? Is this an advertisement for a new game? Who's going to interact with an unknown sender with a strange question? ... Yes"

[From: ****** - "Thank you for participation, wait for the app to finish downloading."]

Looking around his phone Sung quickly found the new install app, Info_Me.

The app has a plain design with a white background and a black star in the center.

Sung tried to open the app but tapping on it resulted in nothing opening.

This disappointed Sung so he tried to delete the app but trying to do so was fruitless as holding the app down resulted in nothing.

Sung: "Did I just install a virus?"

[From: ****** - "In 3 minutes, you will be able to access Info_Me. Please choose a class upon entering."]

Sung: "Class? Is this an RPG game? GACHA? The name needs some work, thought its purpose was utility wise."

Interested in the app again, Sung quickly opened it up to see what kinda game it was.

[Info_Me | Welcome, Sung Gi]

[Info_Me | Please select 1 from 3 available classes]

Three cards appeared on the screen before flipping over to show their content.

[Rarity - Rare: Bone Craftsman]

[Rarity - Uncommon: Scavenger]

[Rarity - Trash: Brick Thrower]

Sung: "These classes are weird. At least the rare one sounds cool."

Not too long after the cards showed their content the card flip-backed over and started to scramble at a reasonable pace.

Sung: "Lol, I remember which card is rare, there is no way I can meet this up, and even if I did the probability is on my side where I have a 66 % chance of getting something mid to good."

As Sung follows the rare card with his eyes, a sudden whiff of air causes his nose to become irritated before Sung sneezes loud enough to cause his neighbors to bang on the walls to quiet him.

Rubbing the tears away, Sung was now given an option to choose one of the cards.

Sung: "Fuck, which one was it again?"

Confident in his luck, Sung did not hesitate and chose the card in the middle.

Sung: "Alright, give me either Bone Craftsman or Scavenger, and what I got is ... god dam it, Brick thrower."

Before Sung could throw his phone down onto the bed frustrated and indignant he received another text.

[From: ****** - "All users have selected their class, the new age has descended upon you ."]

[From: ****** - "Thank you all for your willing participation, we once again welcome you and hope you will enjoy your time :)."]

[Info_Me | "Grand Opening will start in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Good Luck :)]

[From: ****** - "Mission: Survive for 1 week."]

Sung: "Survive for 1 week? Survive from what?"

As Sung sits up confused as to how he could play he notices that the time is 6:30 PM and he has a morning shift tomorrow so he calls it a day.

Sung: 'What a weird ass message, like, what are they trying to achieve by forcing an app without the user confirmation, and to top that off they made it so the user cannot uninstall it. Pain in the ass'.

While sleeping soundly the Morning shine descended onto Sung waking him up from the light and heat.

Still drowsy and slumbrous, Sung, still hugging his only pillow, ignored the Morning sun's greeting.

He was about to drift back to sleep but before he could feel the everlasting grip of good sleep he was awoken abruptly by the alarm clock from his phone that was vibrating next to his head.

Sloppily getting up before dragging himself to the restroom, Sung turned on the morning news before washing up.

Returning back out into the kitchen, Sung was about to prepare himself a bowl of cereal and some leftover dinner but the morning news caught his attention.

[Breaking News Alert: Global Attack

In a strange turn of events, reports are flooding in from across the globe as citizens are being attacked by unknown monstrous animals, whose origins are unknown until as recent as last night at 6: 55 PM.

Panic and tragedy are increasing by the second as reports are still flooding in from the city, rural, and countryside.

Emergency services are desperately working to lessen the madness until more support from the military personnel is mobilized to contain the threat.

Authorities have issued a public safety warning, urging everyone to remain indoors, avoid public spaces, and remain vigilant until further announcements and support. Evacuation efforts are underway in areas as authorities ensure the resident's safety.

Stay tuned for further updates as this developing situation unfolds.]

Sung remains dumbfounded as he stands in shock and bewilderment with his focus purely on the TV screen.

Sung: "What the fuck is going on?! This can't be real, it just doesn't make sense. Am I being pranked right now?"

In disbelief, Sung rushes to his bed to retrieve his phone before calling everyone he has on his contact list.

After dialing and waiting for all 50 contacts, Sung was now panicking as every one of his contacts was not picking up his call.

Shaking, Sung took a look outside to see if his area was experiencing danger, and to his shock, the once clean and quiet street of his boring neighborhood was now in ruin.

Refusing to accept the sudden change in reality, Sung looked around desperately to see if there was anyone else besides him experiencing this and he noticed a small group of injured individuals adults, and children.

Upon seeing them Sung was elated to know he was not alone but that feeling did not last long as he then noticed the group encountering a lanky figure.

Looking closer the figure had the head of a rooster with the scraggy body of a human but still maintained the physical characteristics of a chicken carrying something.

Sung: "The fuck is that?"

The being noticed the group stares at them before suddenly letting out a deafening shrill that causes the group to become paralyzed in a mixture of surprise and fear.

Once the scream finishes more feathered beings appear all of whom wielding different tools as they walk casually toward the group before surrounding them.

The group is now panicking as fear consumes them, suddenly, a young man charges toward one of the feathered beings but before he can reach it he is swiftly knocked backward on his back by an arrow.

Seeing this, the group's trepidation intensified and they were now screaming and crying while begging for anyone to help them but no one answered.

Sung seeing what unfolded tried to dial the police out of impulse but no one picked up.

Powerless, Sung could not think of anything else he could do to aid the group but watch on as the group desperately fought back but eventually, they were killed off one by one.

Horrified and disgusted, Sung looked away and crouched in the corner of his room while tears rolled down his face.

Sung: "This can't be real, this can't be real, this can't be real, wake me up, wake me up, wake me up, oh god, someone please wake me up..."

Sung stayed crouched for some time until 4 hours after calming down he started up his PC and visited the forum he frequently visits.

Looking through the site, there was nothing but discussions about the monsters that appeared but one of the discussions caught Sung's attention.

[Fight Back! Players Please Use Your Ability to Fight the Monsters!]

[Last night I received a message from an unknown source asking if I would like to partake in 'The First Wave' before an app, Info_Me, was installed onto my phone. I tried deleting it but the option was never given despite many attempts, even resetting my phone didn't work, anyway, I was given the option to choose one of three skills that were shuffled around. After choosing my skills I was confused as to how to use them believing the Info_Me was a game. Unfortunately, the app only shows me numbers and info like an RPG game. Anyway, that's not important, at 6:30 PM I felt a strange sensation, it was almost like something I had never learned was forced into me. What I'm getting at with this rant is that the skill I chose from the app is REAL, I managed to use it when I was testing it out from the rooftop. Not only that, you can level up just like in the RPG games by killing those Monsters that appear. I'm begging everyone who has chosen their skill to please FIGHT BACK!]


[xXBig_TimeXx: "Are you fcking retarded? The world is having a crisis and you have the time to make up stories at this time like it's some kind of manhwa or manga?! Get help"]

[IAmTheHornyOne: "I also got the message and chose my skill but I'm struggling to activate it. HELP"]

[2BOr2C: "Same. Did the whole thing and got my skill. I managed to activate my skills by focusing, it took 5 minutes. You'll get used to it after repeating the process multiple times."]

[MommyMilkySupporter: "YES! I managed to activate my ability, seeing as how nobody is sharing their abilities I won't tell you what's mine but be warned if your my enemy your going to get fck up. ;)"]

[McDrizzle: "Unlike you fckers I have been studying the blade, me and me alone will end this nightmare."]

[BigD_Dynasty: "I saw some monsters that were female and I have the Tame skill, fellas, I have a plan!"]

After reading the post, Sung follows the steps to activate his skill.

Sitting on the floor with his legs crossed, Sung focuses internally and after some time he manages to grasp an unknown feeling that despite being new still felt familiar at the same time.

Taking hold of this feeling, Sung instinctively opened up his hand and felt an object with weight now occupy his emptied hand.

Upon looking, Sung was dumbfounded to find a piece of brick manifest in his hand.

Looking closely, the Brick was rectangular and a bit bigger than his hand, the edges were sharp as if it was made with a focus on quality.

Feeling excited Sung once again focused on summoning one after another.

With each summoning, he grows more accustomed to the process, gradually reducing the time required to summon the brick. Initially taking 8, then 5, and 2 minutes, he now summons it in just 30 seconds.

While smiling as a child who got what he wanted for Christmas, Sung failed to notice the massive stack of bricks that was filling up in his small studio.

Feeling overwhelmed by the stack of bricks, Sung quickly turned his attention to the window and started tossing the bricks out from the 6th floor.

Once the last brick was thrown out curiosity impelled Sung to look out and about to see if anyone noticed his generous outpour of bricks.

Looking downward, Sung was astounded to see two feathered bodies lying on the ground lifeless as blood poured out from their head.

While watching over the bodies, Sung took notice of another feathered being crossing the street to examine its fallen friends.

An idea sprang to mind which caused Sung to smile as it overtook his sense of fear, as he summons a brick and aimed for the being's head Sung leaned back before hurling the brick downward with intensity.

As he watches the brick come into contact with the being's head a disgusting meaty sound of splatters as the being collapses while convulsing violently before promptly becoming lifeless.

Killing the feather freaks filled Sung with galvanized and stimulation prompting him to yell out.

Sung: "Yea! Woo Hoo!"

Once Sung had regained his composure, he was confronted with a harsh reality: his sudden outburst had drawn unwanted attention. Glancing around, he noticed numerous eyes fixed upon him like a predator returning the fear he had experienced return back twofold.