
Chapter 1: Why… just why?

No one truly knows what the future of our world may be like. There's an uncertainty that hovers in the air, filling the minds of the dreamers and thinkers. For instance, imagine a day when the Earth of various dimensions suddenly overlaps.

On that fateful day, barriers that have always kept separate the many planes of existence crumble, and the races living in each dimension find themselves making eye contact for the first time. Fear, confusion, and awe mingle in their eyes as they try to comprehend their new reality.

At first, chaos reigns, as each dimension's laws and rules clash in a cacophony of disorder. There are those who thrive in the confusion and those who are lost, unable to adapt to the changes.

Somehow, through hardship, struggle, and unforeseen alliances, they emerge from the initial turbulence.

Over time, the inhabitants of these various worlds come to a dramatic harmony. A new equilibrium is found, and the world continues without collapsing, showing the resilience and adaptability of life.

Yet, as in any great shift, there are those who are weeded out, left behind by the pace of change.

"Fuck... fuck... fuck... really. Damn it... why now...""

I was one of them. The universe's cosmic joke was on me.

Luck had never been a friend of mine. I've always felt like a misfit, searching for a place where I belong. I had strived to see even a glimmer of light by working hard, but in an instant, it all came crashing down, plunging me into an abyss.

I studied until my nose bled, all the while being berated by the director who constantly complained about the electricity bills.

I earned good grades and joined a promising company, hoping to become a functioning part of society, a cog in the machine that drives our world. But that machine was flawed, and I was one of the many who became cogs that didn't quite fit the standard.

Because that was me. The victim of a world that had suddenly shifted on its axis.

One moment I was striving, clawing my way up the ladder in the traditional world of power generation. Electrical engineering had always been a stable field, with the wise often saying that if you work in this industry, you'll never go hungry. But then the unexpected happened, and my entire livelihood was ripped away from me.

"Really fuck," I muttered to myself, staring at a dwindling pantry and an empty fridge.

It wasn't unheard of for jobs to vanish overnight due to technological advances. History had seen its fair share of occupations rendered obsolete. But this? This was something altogether different, something out of a fantasy novel.

Magic. Yes the Magic.

Who could have thought or maybe envisioned a future that magic would become a reality, and not only that, but it would also revolutionize the way we generate power and many other things?

I had spent years studying Electrical Engineering, thinking I will live a very successful life in this field. Now, I was faced with magic power generation, something so foreign and absurd that it left me reeling.

What even was "horsepower power generation?" It made no sense to my logical, engineering mind.

In this insane new world, there was even talk of demonic beast development, another leap in technology that seemed to defy reason.

They had started breeding rat-like creatures that could generate electricity, enough to power an entire household from just one creature.

The efficiency was astonishing, with each animal quickly reproducing and supplying electricity at a fraction of the conventional cost. All it took was feeding these magical rats, and the energy needs of a home were met.

This development was so beyond my comprehension that I couldn't even begin to wrap my head around it.

Making electricity with rats? It sounded like some twisted fusion of science and magic, a direction I never anticipated the world would take.

But the world had moved on, and there was no turning back. The axis of medicine and other fields had shifted as well, aligning with this fantastical new reality. My old world was gone, and I was left stranded, hungry, and irrelevant.

The most vital truth was that there was no more going back. The world had changed, and I had to change with it. My old skills were obsolete, my old dreams shattered.

It's been some years since the world went crazy like that, since the dimensions overlapped and sent everything spiraling into chaos.

In the meantime, I've been hit and run, battered by the changes, shifting from place to place, seeking a foothold in this new world.

My savings, carefully accumulated over the years, dwindled away, a cruel reflection of my inability to adapt. I watched the balance of my bank account shrink, each withdrawal a stark reminder of my failure to find my place in this new reality.

I tried, oh, how I tried. But in the midst of the chaos, jobs were scarce, and war loomed on the horizon. By the time the initial shock had subsided and the dust settled, I found myself faced with an entirely new set of obstacles.

Where once I was just a common man among many, now there were races far stronger, more capable, and better adapted to the new world than ordinary humans. It was like trying to pluck stars from the sky for someone like me, without any special talents or abilities, to find a decent job.

I couldn't blame employers for choosing these otherworldly beings. To be honest, if I had the option to employ someone who could do three or four times the work that normal humans could, for the same price, I would have made the same choice.

Reality is a harsh master, and in the cold, unfeeling world of economics, human compassion often takes a backseat to practicality.

But still, this felt like too much. The world had turned so frigid, so indifferent that I felt like I was freezing to death, both literally and metaphorically.

Of course, I knew why this had happened. I wasn't the only one struggling; countless others were in the same desperate situation.

The overlap of dimensions had created an upheaval that no one could have foreseen, a tectonic shift that left many lost and floundering.

'What the fuck, who could have known that the world would turn out like this?'

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